About the Author

Robin is the author of For All Who Wander, her relatable memoir about wrestling with doubt that reads much like a conversation with a friend. She's as Southern as sugar-shocked tea, married to her college sweetheart, and has three children. An empty nester with a full life, she's determined to...

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  1. As a high schooler in a Young Life Bible study our leader challenged us to always have a Paul (more mature Christian) and a Timothy (younger believer) in our lives. 20 some odd years ago when asked to teach the 3-4th grade Sunday school class I knew how inept & inexperienced I was I laughed that they had even dialed my number to ask. But because I would absolutely have to be fully reliant on God to do it I said yes. I have resources of experienced teachers to call on for help (still need it even after 20+ years) and I get to pour truth into the lives of 8-10 year olds! I learn so much from them! God truly wants us pouring our lives into others. Thanks for the encouragement from your own journey. Blessings to you & yours.

    • Ruth…I LOVE THAT YL CHALLENGE, put the way you phrased it: We all need a Paul and Timothy in our lives. That’s gonna stick with me. Thank you :). And, that you’ve poured into that age group for all these years, teaching and learning and giving and sometimes taking? Well done, sister…well done.

  2. Thank you for sharing this timely message. Robin. Our youngest son is getting married next Saturday and I have been, and continue to feel the waves of emotions swooshing in and out. We too are so thankful for his lovely fiancee…and yet, my heart aches as this chapter comes to a close. (In retrospect, the ache is similar to when I stopped nursing him as a baby.) I guess it’s the severing of the apron strings… as it should be, but a bit painful, nonetheless. Good to know it’s normal.
    Blessings on your day and ministry.

    • Cathy,

      Congratulations! It really is a beautiful thing to hear your kids express their love for each other at the altar before God and friends and family. My heart swelled with hope for them, mankind, the world <3.

      I hadn't thought about similarities between him getting married and other chapter endings in his life, but you make a great point. I felt mama-angst several times throughout his life (so far); meaning we really DO need to be in community throughout our lives to walk our journeys together.

  3. Here’s what I know for sure – sometimes it’s helpful sometimes it’s not even when we have good friends who have poured into our lives and we’ve done the same for others. Because the reality is you just never know how you’ll feel going into a new stage. It’s not that folks didn’t pour into us or we didn’t pour into others, it’s that we weren’t ready to receive what they heard. They didn’t know how to use the information they received. But we pour anyway. That’s when I’ve learned is good to have a deep relationship with God that I can pour out all my weird feelings to.

    • Nylse,

      You make a really good point that sometimes we aren’t in a position to receive what’s been poured out. I’ve seen that on both sides (me not being ready/others not being ready). And yes!! Leaning into the Lord and strengthening our relationship with him is the BEST thing we can do for ourselves and others! 🙂

  4. Robin,

    Such a good topic. I actually think that there’s a big failure in the medical community related to menopause. From my own reading, I’ve discovered that menopause is actually a point in time (when one’s period skips for a year). Perimenopause is what doctors actually call menopause and happens before that when our hormones get whacky. And then there’s post-menopause. What truly got me was that I’ve been in what doctors call menopause in my late 40s and felt so blown off, like I was too young to have this happen (wrong!).

    Another thing. Many younger women (myself included when I was younger) blow off the older women, instead thinking they can handle things on their own just fine, thank you. Why we do that, I have to chalk up to self-reliance and pride rather than reliance on God.

    Thank you for sharing. Yes, mentors are so valuable. Hence the value of a multi-generational church.

    • Jennifer,

      Your points about the medical community explain why I switched to a female doctor in my 40s; THEY KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT FROM EXPERIENCE!

      Your point about not understanding the value of older women is valid; I’ve observed this happening right before my eyes (to me and others). The older I get, however, the more I realize the richness of having younger AND older friends. I am thankful for the women my age who can relate to where I am in the moment, but I need the others, too.

  5. Robin,

    The many years I traversed this soil I have experienced many trials. Most dealt with aging parents health/dementia/psych issues. At the time I didn’t like nor understand it. God is allowing me to use that background in my current job as ICU Step Down Clerical. I truly get what the patients & families are going through. Sharing the light & love of God by caring & being empathetic. You will find me cheering patients as they walk down the hall or talking with some of them. Letting them know someone cares & will do whatever to brighten their day.

    Blessings 🙂