My nine-year-old loves to play the game Two Truths and a Lie. He ranges from, “I can turn invisible” to “I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch,” so it’s not always a stretch to figure out which is truth and which is a lie. However, we always have fun inventing the lie and racking our brains for the truths.
Maybe you too have had to dig deep for truth, for reminders of who you really are. Often the lies are louder in our ears and hearts and can be easily confused for truth:
I’m alone. Unwanted. Forgotten. Unforgiven.
Sometimes we need a friend to point out the lies and help us embrace the truth. The brand new DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible is one such friend. In addition to the full NLT text, it includes twelve indisputable truths of who we are as God’s children. And this, friends, is how we combat the lies.
When you feel lost in the mundane, God says you have a purpose.
When fear creeps in, God says you are held.
When you wonder if anyone notices, God says you are important.
When you feel isolated, God says you are not alone.
Friends, today we want to give you a reminder of who you are with two devotions by Jennifer Gerelds from the Hope & Encouragement Bible. Read on for two truths (no lies here!) about who you are in Christ.
You are forgiven.
Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink — even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk — it’s all free!
Isaiah 55:1 (NLT)
You’re finally rounding the last stretch of sidewalk before you reach home, your daily exercise nearly complete. Accelerated heart rate, beads of sweat, and panting breath all confirm that you got a good workout. But you’re parched. Before you head for the shower, you grab a glass from the kitchen and fill it with clean, cool water. As you drink, you instantly feel life and energy returning to your fatigued body. Always hits the spot, you think.
Did you know that more than half of your body is made up of water? It’s no wonder you need it, even crave it, throughout your day. But God tells us our souls are no different. He explains the idea in the Bible. Jesus meets a woman at the well where she has gone to draw water. He strikes up a conversation that went like this, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring inside them, giving them eternal life” (John 4:13-14). Jesus explains to her that the water he gives is “living water” (John 4:10); it’s not of this world. It comes from God’s own Spirit, filling every child of God.
When God floods our lives with his forgiveness and grace, our thirst for redemption is filled forever. And the invitation to drink from his refreshing and replenishing store of love and hope repeats daily. Have a satisfying drink of water today. As it fills you, let your heart also be filled with the truth of God’s everlasting power, forgiveness, and love.
Lord, thank you for refreshing my soul with your love and hope. Fill my heart with the truth of your everlasting power, forgiveness, and love every day of my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
You are held.
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1 (NLT)
You can remember the moments like they were just yesterday — those chilling childhood memories when the terror of a night’s dream or a clapping crash of a thunderstorm outside your window woke and worried you. Crouching low under the covers simply wouldn’t cut it. Fear moved you out of your bedroom in search of a safer, more substantial place of shelter. Slipping silently between your parents even as they slept, your pounding heart quieted. Your panic stilled as your breathing fell in sync with theirs. Nestled next to them, you felt safe, surrounded by such powerful love.
As you grew up, though, so did your knowledge of the world. You learned: earthly parents — and people in general — aren’t fail-proof. Real-life problems don’t always disappear with the dawn. Fearful unknowns like insufficient finances, broken relationships, and failing health can leave you feeling like you did as a child, powerless to calm the mounting pressures all around you. Only this time, our problems are greater than any parent can solve . . . except our heavenly Father.
Child of God, you don’t need to stay stuck in your fears, afraid of what is to come, wondering who can help. Leave the isolation of self-reliance and turn to God Almighty. He is a shield and source of comfort like no other. Not only is he right beside us, he is above us, below us, before us, and behind us!
God, help me to sleep, wake, and walk in total confidence as I rest in your constant care.
Both devotions were written by Jennifer Gerelds as printed in the DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible.
You are forgiven. You are held. These are just two of the twelve truths expanded upon inside the DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible, which amplifies twelve indisputable truths about who you are in Christ. These truths will equip you to recognize and embrace your treasured place in God’s heart.
This beautiful new Bible also includes 52 full-page devotions from bestselling DaySpring books, and 250+ reflective inspirations. Armed with this knowledge and extra inspiration, you will be able to face any challenge, step into your toughest callings, and live the adventure God has for you.
When you pre-order the Hope & Encouragement Bible, you’ll receive a 100 Days of Hope & Encouragement Devotional Journal for FREE! Yeah! That’s two ways your heart can be encouraged by the truth of who you are.
Get a FREE sampler from the Hope & Encouragement Bible and start reading today! We know that embracing the truth of who God says you are will lead you to experience hope and encouragement like never before. May the truth of who you are in Christ be louder in your heart than any lie whispered.
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I start each day reading these wonderful words from (in)courage. Today, like most days, the words are so encouraging and calming. It is reassuring to be reminded of the positive- that we are God’s children; we are held; we are not alone, etc. This is the only form of social media I subscribe to!
I would love offer in today incourage devotion today 9/14, I just can’t get because I am senior citizen on fixed income. If can’t do this, I still enjoy the daily encouragement y’all give. But if you can here’s my info: Gail Mattox, 2200 Kerwin Rd. #411, University Heights, OH 44118
Dear Gail, I would love to order one for you and have it sent. One will arrive in the mail for you at some point. You’ll have forgotten about it and it will be a surprise. Love and blessings to you, Irene B.
In Courage,
This world’s version of who you are is full of lies & misnomers. They spread these rumors feverishly. Finding, hearing & believing the truth can be hard. We must infuse our brains & hearts with the truths from God’s word. For that is the only one that matters. Only God’s word can give us the hope & encouragement we desperately need. Stop listening to the world’s lies & start digging into the Bible & truths of who God says you are. We are masterpieces, beloved children of Almighty God. He loves us so much He died a horrible death. Dwell on that & let it sink into your weary souls.
Blessings 🙂