This summer I was hanging out with a new friend while our girls swam together at the pool. She shared about her job and how she keeps googling these ideas she has and wondering why the methods she uses don’t already exist. She was looking for confirmation she wasn’t crazy, and because the beauty she creates isn’t already out there, my friend assumed it was weird or that she was weird.
Instead of seeing the opportunity to be the one to bring her idea to the table, flesh it out, and improve life through it, she assumed she was wrong because it hadn’t been done before.
I found myself saying to my friend, “You are equipped because you’re called by our Father. And we need your kind of special, no matter how ordinary or different you think it is.”
Being an outside observer, I could see the opportunity for my friend. I guess you could call that my “weird.” I love helping others see what God is doing in their lives and explore how they can use the gifts they had overlooked in themselves. I get to use this skill in my podcast, my business coaching, and with my marketing clients.
To me, it was obvious that my friend had gifts no one else had and how her special kind of different could make a big impact in the kingdom of God in a way no one else was doing. But it was hard for my friend to see and accept that something she did every day without thinking was part of her calling. We talked about how sometimes it’s hard not to think we’re strange or crazy, maybe even arrogant, to think we can be the change we really want to experience. However, this very real struggle is a sign post to remind each of us how God created us with unique insights and gifts for a specific purpose.
I can so relate to my friend’s feelings. Throughout my career and ministry, I’ve known I’m not like many others. For the longest time I didn’t know how I fit in in the spaces that were already created, and I thought maybe something was wrong with me.
Being set apart has not always been an enjoyable experience. And what I’ve thought was common sense because it came naturally to me was actually revolutionary to others. It took a long time and a lot of good friends and peers speaking into my life for me to finally embrace my differences and to see my “weird” as good.
God helped me change the way I view myself by teaching me not to compare myself to others. Instead, I need to look for the thing that sets me apart or makes me special in how He made me and then go do that with Him. In business, we call it our specialty. In writing, we call it our niche. In family, we call it our role. In life, we call it our calling.
What we long for in situations is validation for how we are wired, our passions, and our work. We can quickly talk ourselves out of the very thing that God designed us to do because we don’t see it around us. But God made you special. He wants you to use the talents and gifts He gave you that you think are common but are really what’s missing in the world.
You might still be thinking to yourself, “But I don’t know what I’m doing! No one I know has ever done this before!”
I realize some of that statement could probably be true. But that doesn’t mean God isn’t asking you to do it anyway. With Him leading and instructing you as you go, you are equipped because you are called by our Father.
God has called plenty of women just like you to do things that have never been done before by a woman. They were each the first. No one had ever been a(n):
- Mother like Eve
- Worship leader like Miriam
- Judge and prophet like Deborah
- Queen-to-the-rescue like Esther
- Evangelist like Mary Magdalene
- Business leader funding missions like Lydia
- Teacher of the gospel like Priscilla
None of these women were weird. Each of them were simply called and empowered by God to do what He had already planned for them to accomplish with Him.
You’re not weird. You’re the one who’s called to do the thing you’re passionate about — those desires planted on purpose by your Creator. And the rest of us desperately need you not to be embarrassed or feel less than or compare your calling to anyone else’s. Just like I told my friend, we need your kind of special, and many will be blessed by it.
Friend, you’re not weird. You’re the one to do the very thing you think you can’t. God made you just for it!
What an encourager you are! May we all echo your thoughts to those we encounter that we will be rising up to fill His purpose for us & bring Him glory! Blessings.
What a great message and I think it needs to said over and over. Whatever you are called to do God is there. Thank you Stephanie.
Stephanie – you have no idea how meaningful your essay is to me. I’m in the autumn of my life, still functioning with various ministries, one of which is writing weekly Devotions for our parish women’s guild. With that I still have not been able to see what my niche, role, call is. Reading your thoughts, I’m beginning to recognize that maybe, just maybe, I am responding to His call.
Thank you for the hope! Blessings!
This brought me to tears! I was in full time ministry with my husband nearly 30 years, was his sole caretaker through four years of a rare dementia and Parkinson’s Disease, and widowed just over a year ago. Those four years of caregiving, I sought what God wanted for me “after” those two terminal illnesses. All He kept saying to me is that I would be a modern-day Anna the Prophetess. And he planted me in a local assembly where I can very much do that. Family doesn’t understand my passion, in fact my only sibling has cut me off, considered me as dead. THIS BLOG IS SO VERY ENCOURAGING TO ME. I wish it didn’t take nearly 64 years to figure this out! Thank you for writing this.
You have been through a lot in your years. God wants to use those experiences to help others. Guide them through the very trials you went through & help them know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Both parents had dementia/psych issues. Dad was hospitalized twice geropsych). Now God has placed me in an ICU Step down clerical position at large local hospital. I use my experiences to help the RNs, CNAs, patients & their families. I understand what the family is going through & what the patient needs-loving care. You are using those gifts/talents God has gifted you with. Keep up the great work!
Blessings 🙂
So spot on for my ears today …..Thankyou it can be so tempting to allow this conversation to prevent me moving forward into that calling God has place in my heart ❤️
So encouraging
This is so true and so timely. For years I thought something was wrong with me because I didn’t “fit in”(whatever that means) But now I embrace me as God designed me. So happy to hear of others going thru the same thing. Thank you for your beautiful thoughts and encouragement. I always wonder if I’m fulfilling my calling. But in the meantime I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Blessings to you.
Thank you for this today. I have received a job offer for being a preschool teacher (my passion) and I am making a job change that was much needed. Thank you for helping to confirm I am doing His will. I knew it was right because the Holy Spirit was putting “change” on my heart with my old job so I knew it was time to move on. Thank you God!
Thank you Kellie!!
I had a weird idea, again of course, last night. I texted it to a Christian friend and called her this morning with other things to talk about as well.
It just might get started at our
church! The idea was to restart or start a prayer group.
Lots of ideas of what to pray about,too.
God has wired each of us differently. I sure don’t fit into any mold. Mostly introverted with a quirky personality. Love helping people any way I can. God’s plans for us are far better than we could imagine. Didn’t realize that care giving for my aging parents w/dementia & psych issues would lead to an ICU step down clerical position. We get all kinds of patients in my units. My passion is towards the elderly. Enjoy being able to assist RNs, CNAs, families & patients any way possible. Some might call me weird that I gravitate towards older people all the time. I enjoy being around them & hearing their stories.
Thanks Stephanie for telling us we aren’t weird, but wired differently. Uniquely made in the image of Almighty God & gifted with various talents.
Blessings 🙂
I didn’t get to read this when it came out on the 7th and was just able to get to it. It was just what I needed today. I just read another one that talked about age and feeling to old to do what God called us to and then this one which are the very things I have been wrestling with these past couple of weeks, well honestly longer than that. God is definitely talking to me.