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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. As I listen today’s Pod cast. To do with Joy and Joy to do with rasic people. We still can joy no matter what people say to us because of our skin colour. Back to a song I learnt at Sunday School when small. It applys to us as Adults today. It is “Jesus Love the Children Of The World Red and Yellow Black and White” you get it on YouTube. We are to do the same no matter what skin colour we are. Especially if saved. As some people who are not saved. Don’t care about the words they use especially. Nor who they hurt. They see no harm in it. They don’t see the God of this world see they are being horrible to people. Especially to people with another colour of skin to what they have. They don’t see our care that their words hurt. I say would they like it if was them being called names because of they are white and the person who they are being horrible to has brown or black or sallo skin. But some people like this if not we’ll. Have to stay in Hospital. They don’t care what colour the Doctor or Nurse is. As long as they make them well. But when we’ll again. They go back to their horrible habbits. Being nasty to people with different skin colour to them. God see all. We have God who made us white brown salo or black skin. That God who made us all with different skin colours. Love us for who we are not for our skin colour. God see beyond that. We are to not get cross or angry with people who are rasic. We are to love them and pray for them. Keep our joy by looking on to God in these times. Not get angry or bitter with those who especially if not saved and are rasic. But love them the way God does. Because they are blinded. Don’t know the they are doing wrong and being hurtful with their words because of someone’s skin colour being different to their skin colour. If we read our Bible people were horrible to Jesus. They spat on him. Especially when going to the cross for all man kind. Jesus still showed them love and forgiveness. By saying Father Forgive them for they know not what they do. Like the people who are rasic. With people of different skin colours to them. They know not what they are doing. So we the saved have to do here what Jesus did when going to the cross for all man kind. Forgive them and pray for them. That they will see their wrong. How they need Jesus in their lives. We have to then if still down and hurt over this. Get into God word and put on praise music if saved. To help us get through this hurt. Plus get our joy back. We can sings along to those songs. I like to sing Jesus Love me this I know for the Bible tell me so. Plus he’s got the whole world in his hands. In his hands he got me and your brother and sister. How true songs like this are. To help us get our joy back. To know. Jesus love us for the Bible tells us so. Plus t know he got me and you in his hands like he got the whole world in his hands. You get both songs on YouTube. They apply to us as Adults today especially us saved. Even though they might be kids songs. I have not kids. But it good to teach if have kids. Like I did when I was Childminder. Plus my sister kids. To love kids and adults of all skins colours. The way Jesus does for them not to be rasic. Remember they are all God Children. Like we are. We are to be kind to the person who is different skin colour to us and show them the joy and love of Jesus. If we do that God will bless us for doing that. Then kids like this grow up to love people and kids of all skin colours. There is another kids song that comes to mind you also get it on YouTube. Be careful little eyes what you see and it go on to say hands what you do and mouth what you say. There is a father up above who is watching. That song is so true for us saved today as Adults. Thank you both of you for sharing what you did on today’s Pod cast. Love it so much and learnt so much from it. God bless. God bless to you all incourage. In my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermamagh N.Ireland. Xx