Welcome to Bible Study Monday! We are thrilled to be walking through our newest Bible study, Courageous Influence, right here with you. Each week, we provide the reading assignment, a fabulous discussion video featuring three (in)courage writers, a quote of the week, reflection questions, and a prayer. All you need is your copy of Courageous Influence and an open heart, and we’ll take care of the rest!
We’ll turn the world’s idea of influence on its head and become the courageous women of influence God calls us to be. Let’s start Week Two: Not Position, but Place and a Willing Yes.
Reading Assignment
This week, read Week Two: Not Position, but Place and a Willing Yes on pages 43-74 in Courageous Influence. Grab your copy and start reading and working through the study!
Discussion Video
Three of our (in)courage writers invite us into their conversations about Courageous Influence! Join study author Grace P. Cho along with Becky Keife and Kathi Lipp each week as they discuss the readings. Listen in on their conversation about Week Two (and find all the weekly videos here):
Quote of the Week
Keep this quote in mind as you begin reading Week Two:
May we be willing to say yes to Him even when we’re afraid.
– Grace P. Cho in Courageous Influence. Feel free to download this quote to share with a friend!
Reflection Questions
Together in the comments, answer and discuss the following reflection questions:
- When was the last time you did something even though you were afraid because you knew it was God’s invitation to you?
- You are a favored, chosen woman. How does believing this give you courage to do what God is asking of you today? (p. 74)
Let’s Pray Together
Lord, thank You for the words You spoke over Mary. You called her “favored woman,” and I thank You for choosing me as well. When You ask me to do something, I want to be ready and willing to say yes. I trust that You have planted my feet where I am now, and I want to know You and make You known in this place. Amen.
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Answer the reflection questions in the comments so we can discuss Week Two together! Blessings as you work your way through Week Two, and we’ll see you back here next Monday to begin Week Three: Be a Person of Integrity.
Obedience. Yes I thank you guys for sharing your heart. It bring me back to proverbs 3 verses 5&6. It says “Trust the Lord with all your heart And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him And He shall direct your paths.” How true that is. When God asks us to do something in obedience for him. We have to know to do as those two verses say. Especially in the first verse. Verse 5. Trust the Lord with all your heart. If we do that we can’t go far wrong. Then the second verse. Verse 6 He shall direct your path. God will. That if we are willing to trust him let him direct our path. Especially when God has ask to do what ever it is in obedience to him. No matter how afraid we are. Look at Moses. He must have been very afraid when God ask him to go Pharaoh that he will would take the Children of Israel out of Egyptv in Exodus 3 verse 10 we read this. Then in verse 11 of Chapter 3. Moses said to God “who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Children out of Egypt.”. We can see Moses was scared. He didn’t think he equipped to do the tast. But we have to remember here it God say we are to be the person to do the task he has ask us today. God will equipt us to do it. Someone once said to me. If God is asking you to do. God will be with and give you the strength to do it. So do it afraid. Because God will be with you. You will be ok. We look at verse 12 of chapter 3 God said to Moses “I will certainly be with you.” God didn’t say that he wouldn’t be with Moses in the task. So is God tell us like Moses he wants us to something for him. We have to be willing to be obtained. Say yes here is servant. I will do what you ask me God. Even it I am afraid. I don’t think I am equipment to do it. You must think I am or you wouldn’t have ask me to do this thing you want me to do for you. I have to be like Moses in Verse 13 of chapter 3. Moses said to God “Indeed” the word of Obedience is there from Moses. God reply was in verse 14 this is Moses knowing God is with him. When God tells Moses to say “I AM WHO I AM” I AM has sent you” so that goes to show you God was with Moses. God never left Moses side. So Moses was able to do the task God ask him. God will do the same for us. When he trust him. Do in Obedience. What God has asked us to do. We even if scared when we have God behind us. He will not let anything go wrong. God wouldn’t ask us to do it for him if he didn’t think we were the right person. So we have to be willing to obey. That is so true of our God. It reminds me of the time God said to me. I want you to tell your Dad you have forgiven him for his past. Plus every time you visit him. Tell him when leaving you Love him. Which I do. I found that hard to do. As my Dad is a at times a very stubborn person. At times doesn’t want to listen to you. As he feels he is always right. I knew God wanted to tell my Dad that. So one evening. My Dad was in good form. I told him. I can’t remember the whole chat that we had that evening. Or how I started. But I do remember saying. Dad what happened in the past. I still love you. I pray for you. If I didn’t forgive you I wouldn’t be here now. Able to help you the way I do. As I never get over it. My Dad looked at me. I can’t remember what my Dad said after that. But I said I forgive you. What done is done. I love you. I felt so much better for doing that and being obedient to God. As it let my Dad know. I did hold anything anymore again him. It over. But I said Dad I will never forget. God said Dawn I am proud of you for doing that and being obedient. As it lets you Dad know. You Forgiven him for his mistakes and that you love him. Plus are Praying for him. My Dad is not saved. I pray for his Salvation. I did feel so much better for doing that. Knowing my Dad knows how I feel. I not going to let ger to me and that I love him no matter what. Thank you again for sharing all you guys shared. I loved it and learnt so much. Keep you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Xx
In Courage,
A few years ago our song leader caught me doing simple sign language to music. She asked me if I would be willing to do it for special music. Immediately said yes. It was scary at first now I’ve gotten better at sign language & don’t fret as much any more.
Knowing what Jesus did for me on Calvary makes me want to do His will. I am overwhelmed by His grace, mercy & unwavering love for me.
Loved this: discomfort is a small price to pay for obedience. Plus with obedience we will hear the words “Well done thou good & faithful servant”.