Welcome to Bible Study Monday! We are walking through our newest Bible study, Courageous Influence, right here with you. Each week we provide the reading assignment, a really great discussion video featuring three (in)courage writers, a quote of the week, reflection questions, and a prayer. All you need is your copy of Courageous Influence and an open heart, and we’ll take care of the rest!
So far we’ve discussed:
- Week 1, which began with a foundational statement: You are a woman of influence,
- Week 2, which revealed that influence is about where God has placed you and your willingness to say yes to Him,
- And Week 3, which explored what it means to be a person of integrity in using our influence.
Now we turn to Week 4, which teaches us to be generous with our influence.
Reading Assignment
This week, read Week Four: Be Generous With Your Influence, on pages 111-144 in the Courageous Influence Bible Study. Grab your copy and start reading!
Quote of the Week
Keep this quote in mind as you read Week Four:
We never know when a word spoken or a kindness shared may have a lasting impact on someone.
– Grace P. Cho in Courageous Influence. Feel free to download this quote to share with a friend!
Discussion Video
Three of our (in)courage writers invite us into their conversations about Courageous Influence! Join study author Grace P. Cho along with Becky Keife and Kathi Lipp as they discuss each week of the Bible study. Listen in on their conversation about Week Four (and find all the weekly videos here):
Reflection Questions
In the comments below, answer and discuss the following reflection questions:
- How can we be cheerful givers of our influence (finances, skills, energy, investment, or your presence) without feeling resentful or entitled to something in return?
- What are some of the ways God has provided generously for you? (p. 136)
Let’s Pray Together
Lord, You are a God who sees, a God who notices and has compassion. Thank You. I pray that I would be able to hold the influence You’ve given me loosely — not hoarding it for a special few but offering it generously to many. As Jesus has done, so help me to do the same. Amen.
Get a FREE week from each of our Courageous Bible Studies (including Courageous Influence) and find free leader resources here!
Remember, answer the reflection questions in the comments so we can discuss Week Four together! We’ll see you back here next Monday to begin Week Five: Be Intentional with Your Influence.
I learnt so much from you guys today. One thing I learnt is. I do what I do not for man but on too God. Man might not especially if not saved appreciate it. Might not say thank you that often. I have Dad who is not saved. I do pray for his Salvation. He can’t be told he needs Jesus. As he will not listen. He tell you to keep your thoughts to yourself. I go to my Dad’s to help him out do things for him. He is 80 years old my Dad. I love him to pieces. But at times he annoys me. When I go to help him in home. Do bits and pieces. He doesn’t seem to in my eyes at times care. As he wouldn’t care what bin things go into for recycling etc. Plus other little things. I do so much for him in love on to Jesus and for my Dad because I love him and I Love Jesus. I only have so much time in the day to get the things I do for my Dad done. As I have to too also think of my Husband. As he only gets so much time of for his brakes at work. Like lunch and afternoon brake. So when I do all I do for my Dad and then he can look at me. Says Dawn will you do this as well for me. My Dad know I only during the day have so much time to do what I do for him. You have to bite your tongue to say nothing. As you could sayDad do you not think I do enough for you. Then my Dad would say don’t bother. You know then you upset him. If you did that. He my Dad could end up saying. I not ask you again.So you just end up saying no problem. Then doing what he asked you do for him. But deep down I am mad he asked me to do this extra we job for him. Then I am end up saying to myself I do the essential things for my him that need done. To make his life easier. Why has he asked me to do this extra we bit for him. When them it something that is not that important. You say to yourself but without him hearing you. I have not the time. Then you just find the time to do it for him. Along with all the other things you do for him in love because he your Dad. Plus on to Jesus. God showed me in what you guys said. Dawn don’t grumble. He your Dad. Just be generous and do it in Love for him. What the extra is he ask you to do. You never know your Dad could see your kindness all you do for him and on to Jesus but not show it by saying thank you all the time. As God said to me your Dad one day you will not have him on earth to do things for. But you will look back Dawn and say yes I was glad even though those times were very testing not to say anything to your Dad. Especially when he wants you to extra for him. You really didn’t have the time to do it. But you did. When that day comes he your Dad is not here. You will look back and say. Yes I am glad I did all I did for my Dad even the extra he asked me to do for him in love for him and on to Jesus. Even the extra he asked you to do. You will smile say glad was able to it for my Dad. To show you loved him. God also said at times you might not get the reward of thank you for doing it. But at times you might get it. But you be glad and rejoice. You can do it for your Dad. You never know what a you do for him when alive. He could your Dad really appreciate it. But at times not say it. But I God see all you do for your Dad. If your Dad don’t reward you with saying thank you as often as you like. Smile and be glad you did it for your Dad. So that makes me thank full. That I am doing all I do for my Dad even at times the extra he asked me to do. I say Amen. It now make me not get annoyed. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
I think it comes back to remembering where what I have comes from. No matter what I have, it all comes from Him. I can’t claim it as mine or that I caused it to a blessing of my own accord. My husband reminds me that we are blessed to bless others. So keeping that in mind, I want to have that heart to bless others in whatever way God wants me to. I pray He guides me and my heart is open and ready to be generous with my influence.
Friendship is way more than favors, it’s life together. Wow. That is such a powerful statement. I wrote it down so I won’t forget it.