About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Amen! God is the master of turning ashes into beauty & He provides beauty in the midst of the ashes to encourage us thru the ash heap. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Making space for grief, indeed. I have been a member of the widow’s club for 3 years. I am 67. I struggle with PTSD because of how my husband died. But I know I got through the worst of it because of God’s loving presence. And as much as I cherish time with friends and family, I still have times when I do not want to be around others. I believe the death has brought me closer to God.

    Thank you for your comforting thoughts.

    • Madeline, my heart is with you as you navigate this grief. I know my husband’s death has brought me closer to God too!

  3. Dorina,

    I didn’t want to be a part of the dementia/geriatric psych club. When your dad goes “nuts” & tries to put a fist to your face. It was a hard time. Life was like that merry-go-round whizzing by me as I took care of & checked on him daily. God & a good friend, who had her own aging parent troubles at same time, got me through that rough time. God even spoke to me during that time. I was visiting dad at the assisted living during lunch. Two men were at the ends of the table-dad sat in middle trying to eat. He shook so bad that food never hit his mouth. I offered to feed him & he allowed. One fellow said “You will get stars in your crown for this”. WOW!! It felt like a sacred time for me. God telling me that I was doing His bidding-leaving a good job & caring for dad.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, thank you for sharing your experience. Caregiving is a hard and sacred privilege. I remember caring for my Grandpa in his days of dementia.

  4. My mom went to be with Jesus March of this year. Loss & grief are so hard. Thank you for sharing this & reminding me that Jesus is with me as I navigate through this loss & helping my Dad who would be celebrating their 49th anniversary this month.

    • Krista, I’m so sorry for your loss. I pray you and your dad will discover glimpses of His glory in this anniversary.

  5. This is where He meets us.

    Yes. Amen. Grief and glory mingling together—Jesus never once forsaking us in our sorrow. Thank you for these beautiful reminders. Love you, friend.

  6. Thank you for this poignant post. Clubs I wouldn’t choose or wish on anyone else but have become a part of: “heartbroken mothers of a prodigal” club and also “family members left their earthly life through suicide” club. With the Lord’s strength & comfort and the prayers & support of Christian friends, we’ll make it through.

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. May God meet you in the circle of grief and glory. He is so tender toward us.

  7. Oh Dorina you are such a beautiful writer. I feel your heart in every word I read.
    Thank you for being such a humble blessing to women you will encounter in a club they don’t want to be a member of!

  8. Dorina, your story offers dazzling hope for those in the midst of dark gloom. Thank you for reminding us–from your own personal experience–that God does indeed offer glimpses of his glory no matter where we find ourselves. SO impactful to our well-being when we remember!

  9. So beautiful and true, Dorina! I’ve found myself a member of many clubs I’d rather have avoided, but I’m cheering alongside you that the bumpy roads of grief and glory pave the way to Christ! Hugs and prayers from a multi-club-carrying sister who digs deep each morning to find the silver linings courtesy of His unwavering grace.

  10. I am a member of the “survivor of suicide” club, losing my brother was a grief unimaginable -Only God could provide me strength to get through each day. Praying for those who experience pain, grief and sorrow. God catches each tear in a bottle and never, ever leaves us. Thank you Father for your love and faithfulness to your children.

  11. Dorina, so beautiful. We get through these hard times the best we can and struggle to survive. We don’t ask to be in so many clubs, and neither did the other people in the club. But when we can see the beauty despite the club we are put in, when it can grow our empathy and love for others in the same and different situations, when we can trust God and his word, when we can learn and become better people despite the unchosen circumstance, then it is beautiful and it blesses us and others. there will be grief to wade through. Questions unanswered. But God can weave it into beauty.