Today is the day, friends! We are so excited to bring you a brand new podcast!
In this first episode, our very own Becky Keife and Mary Carver introduce you to the podcast and this season’s topic: Courageous Joy. Becky is the (in)courage community manager, and Mary is a long-time (in)courage contributor, as well as the author of the Courageous Joy Bible Study. These two friends are here to discuss what it means to delight in God through every season of our lives.
In each episode, they discuss the good, the ugly, the beautiful, and the broken — and how we can see God in all of it. Nothing is off limits in these intimate, authentic conversations because nothing in our lives is out of God’s reach.
Whether you’ve already studied Courageous Joy or haven’t started it yet, we invite to listen in on this series of conversations. Today, we’re starting with the basics:
- Who needs joy?
- What are some of our misconceptions about joy?
- How does choosing joy require courage?
Throughout this season, listeners can expect to hear real women talking about real life and how the real living God meets us there. We’ll share our hard and honest stories that don’t always wrap up neatly but do always point to the hope of Christ. We’ll always end each episode with a Bible verse for the week. This week, let’s meditate on Philippians 4:4:
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Scroll down to play the episode, and subscribe today so you don’t miss a minute! You can find the (in)courage podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts. Then tune in next week as Becky and Mary are joined by Aliza Latta to talk about What is Joy? See you then!
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Fantastic – Well done team!
I hope to listen when I go out on my walk this morning 🙂
Have a beautiful day.
Thank you, Bomi!
What a wonderful needed topic! Thank you!
I, too, remember the corporal punishment administered by my father, especially when he couldn’t really pinpoint whose infraction he was addressing; mine, or my two brothers.
What a lovely, personal example of the total grace of our Heavenly Father!!