About the Author

Lucretia is a wife, mom of three, and a TEDx and Q Ideas speaker (Charlotte, NC, 2017). As a former college professor, she designed the popular ‘beginners’ course and study guide, What LIES Between Us: Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing. She is the creator and director of the Brownicity.com...

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  1. “Peace is not a stagnant state of euphoria nor is it obligated to keep me feeling carefree, safe & stress free. In Christ Jesus, peace simply must keep me, hold me.” SO thankful for this everlasting truth! Blessings!

  2. Lucretia,

    The devil wants to steal our peace & joy. He puts distractions & stumbling blocks in our way to get us frustrated, irritated & upset. But God can use all that for His good. He is working in us during those times building our Christian character. We must try our best to let peace hold us & trust that God has our best in mind. Usually in the end we get more than we expected. Sure there was the stress of construction but ultimately you got a nice boardwalk. Thanks to God.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Hi Beth!
      Yes! Peace perfectly holds us even when we can’t perfectly hold peace.
      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace.


  3. I am in the middle of a kitchen redo that should have been complete by now. Not even close. I cannot imagine being at peace until at least July 23rd for counter top installation- IF they are measured correctly. I am trying so hard to find that peace you write about. I live in a 1 bedroom/1 bathroom condo. I keep trying to remind myself that this too shall pass. I am trying so hard not to get angry at damaged cabinets and specs that were not measured correctly and result in having the cabinets taken down and rehung. I am trying to accept that I cannot find anything and am living in dust that have my allergies in full swing. I am trying to laugh at not having a kitchen sink, 2 weeks and counting. In light of the past year plus, I feel guilty to do anything but be grateful that I am healthy and have a place to live , but some days it isn’t easy. Peace to us all.

    • Hi Madeline!
      I am so sorry that you are living in the middle of chaos and disarray! ARGH!!! I understand how difficult it is. Just now that getting upset simply means that what you are going through matters. And when you are upset and frustrated, know that God is holding you close. God is with you. God understands.

      Peace perfectly holds us even when we can’t perfectly hold peace.
      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace. I pray that your renos are completed on time and with care.


  4. Your thoughts came at just the right time for me – God speaking through you. Thank you!

  5. Dear Lucretia,
    I understand the frustration of construction around you & having to live thru it. I’m so sorry the lady at the gym was so rude, I really don’t understand why people lash out at others like that. We went thru construction on a street near us soon after we moved into our home & it was rough, but not as hard as yours during the street opening. This new street made getting home 1 mile closer! Also gave us a new street to walk & enjoy a new neighborhood. But during the construction we had the noise & mess you described! I can’t even imagine having to endure being stuck in the mud though & having your car surrounded with mud. I’m surprised they didn’t make one side accesible with an access out!
    I enjoy reading your devotionals Lucretia & Lord bless you daily as we all struggle with different trials. You encouraged me & I’m sure you’ve blessed many people today!!!

    • Hi Barbara!
      Your comment really helped me feel seen and heard. Thank you so much for your encouragement.

      Thank you for reading and sharing. May you be encompassed in peace.


  6. Hi Lucretia,

    Beautiful reminder to focus on Jesus to keep the peace both around us and in our hearts.

    Shalom, Sandy

    • Hi Sandy!
      If it were not for Jesus, I could not have gotten through it without screaming at someone!

      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace.


  7. Oh God’s peace. This reminds me of an old Hymn Peace, Peace wonderful peace coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever I Pray in fathomeleth billows of Love.

    • Hi Julia.
      I don’t think I know that hymn. I’ll have to google it.

      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace.


  8. Oh, how much l needed your thoughts this day! As l deal with a mentally ill adult child, I am reminded that God gave this child to me!! Even when, as an adult resentment and blame are part of the assessments he feels when he is having issues, God created me, and him!!
    I am so thankful this moment for perfect peace! And my Heavenly Father, who has this, and all of my life situations, firmly in His powerful Hands

    • Hi Noreen!
      Yes!! The one who made us holds us together, even though it feels like things are falling a part.
      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you, your son, and your relationship be encompassed in peace.


  9. Thank you for this. Lately I’ve felt so rushed, stressed and overwhelmed. I want to feel Gods peace that surpasses all understanding but it’s been so hard. I want to feel His peace regardless of what’s going on in my life. Thank you for sharing. Be blessed!
    Carrie Crowl

    • Hi Carrie!
      I certainly understand your sentiment. When I feel stressed, I try to remember to breathe into His rest, to meditate on His goodness, to distract myself from the thing that is causing stress (if I can).

      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace.


  10. I’ve lived this somewhat like you, with many complaints, questions and tears in the 4 years my husband went to prison for a shocking crime. I often felt like I was in a rock tumbler but always I knew God was there, controlling it all. His peace defies understanding. It’s all grace.

    • Hi Sharon.
      I am sorry to hear that you had to go through that. Yes, God was tumbling with you all while holding the world in place.

      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace.


  11. I can relate so much to your testimony. I feel God sent this to me to read. I am living with my son,his wife and 3 grandkids. The 2 boys are 2 and 3. At times the house can be so chaotic and I feel like I am loosing my mind. I realize that I am putting a lot of this stress on myself. Through several bible studies I have learned ask the question what does God expect of me. This seems to put me back on track and not expect things of myself that I no longer can do. Then I feel peace come back over me.

    • Hi Carol.
      “What does God expect of me?” I love this. I am going to incorporate it into my life.

      Thank you for reading and sharing.

      May you be encompassed in peace.


  12. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about peace. I have often struggled in times when I couldn’t feel calm in chaos. What a blessing to realize that even then the peace of God is holding and carrying me.