About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Gail says

    “If others don’t walk with you during your wilderness season, how will they know how to walk through theirs?”
    This spoke volumes to me. It is so true. And yet we tend to draw back during those times and not want to share them with others. Sometimes because we don’t feel we have the strength to share at those times. But God knew that was exactly what you needed to do. And it’s what we all need. Thank you for sharing, Grace. I always appreciate your wisdom.

  2. Gail Mattox says

    Thank you Grace for being transparent today, I need it today, I always think I am not good enough, or I don’t have anything to offer to anyone let alone to influence anyone. Would like the book. But I am a senior citizen, don’t have the extra to purchase the book. 2200 Kerwin Rd. #411, Cleveland, OH 44118.

  3. Ruth B Mills says

    The old adage you may be the only Bible some people ever read, speaks to our influence of where we are. May we be pointing others to Jesus even in our low wilderness points! Thank you for sharing! You are so appropriately named, Grace!

  4. Janet Williams says

    Thank you Grace. I can’t tell you how often I think of, and am grateful for, ALL the women that have walked before me and beside me. Helped me recognize the girl, young mother, woman, wife, grandmother and friend I am today. How they reminded me to honor her, love her and share her as a daughter of God. Beautiful message Grace.

  5. carmankate@ymail.com says

    I’m sorry your wilderness time produced such pain, and yet such beautiful words. God bearing fruit in our fragile times! Thanks for your vulnerability.

  6. Jasmine says

    Thank you Grace.

    If and only if wilderness can make us to hv perseverance & endurance,we are able to slow down pondering His beauty & influencing others.

  7. Beth Williams says


    Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. It is in our wilderness times that we are growing & becoming more like Christ. The world is looking at us & watching to see how we handle ourselves. Walking through a wilderness is often when we tend to isolate ourselves. That isn’t what God wants. He expects us to stay in community allowing others to pray for us. That is the exact time we could walk along with others. Helping them in their trials or just being there for them. You may be surprised how much influence you have daily on people. Let’s all be Women of Influence.

    Blessings 🙂