About the Author

Rachel Marie Kang is the author of Let There Be Art and The Matter of Little Losses. A writer of poems, prose, and other pieces, she is founder of The Fallow House and the Social Media & Guest Post Manager for (in)courage. Connect with her at rachelmariekang.com.

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  1. Thank you for the reminder that there is so much more to do, and God is in the midst of it.

    Praise God! He is always with us!

    May we keep our eyes on God, and may we always rest in Him.

    “And may you practice rest in the midst of this work, trusting deeply that everything you put your hands and heart to will bring forth good in your world, in our world.” – Amen, Amen & Amen. Very encouraging. Thank you:)

    • So glad your soul was reminded of this truth today, Bomi. May it continue to echo on…and may you live and work and rest in knowing this.

  2. Thank you! This reading and God’s word are refreshing and powerful! Weary is the right word for what I’m currently feeling- always more to do. God is good! His wonders, mercy, and grace abiding within wii give me peace and rest.

    • Oh…that he would fill you up and wash over your weariness with hope and strength, Olivia. In moments of pause, lift up a prayer and ask for help to remember what a gift it is to work “with” God…in all things. Rest to you, as you entrust all things to him.

  3. So beautifully written. I am reminded that Jesus took time to rest by going to a quiet place. I spend as much time as possible outside with daily walks. I choose to go alone and especially in the early morning I feel the connection and am in awe of creation- listening to birds and watching the animals. I remember being a cranky mom trying to juggling everything and wish I had had a deeper relationship with Jesus. It was superficial at best. It has taken much heartbreak to find peace and it is because I have finally realized it only comes from a relationship with Him.

    • Madeline, I’m so with you. Walks outside in nature have been my lifeline…have reminded my of all the intricate details that God cares about and even controls. Makes my worries small and my work feel like it matters. May our Good Shepherd restore your soul on these daily walks.

  4. A reason to go back to work and a reason for hope in the midst of the undone. Love it. God used your to encourage this soul today. Thank you Ms. Kang. -And I am also a writer, but just beginning so I need to check you out more! Congrats on the book!!

    • Truly, a reason to go back to work. This truth has sustained me in my recent transition from maternity leave back into the world of work. May this truth sustain you too, Christina.

  5. Such a great message this morning. There will forever be toils presenting themselves. God does show us the way to manage and to keep from being overwhelmed.

    • I agree with you, Chris, through and through. He shows us the way and leads us, too. Trusting the same will be true for you as you head into a new week.

  6. Rachel, the beauty and truth of your words blesses me this morning. And oh how I remember those baby and toddler days that you so perfectly capture! I want to tell you that that part of motherhood does get easier — yet even typing that, I know that easy isn’t the point, because rest, like you said, isn’t about a perfect place or an easy season, but about letting God reach in to the mess and provide rest like only He can.

    • Oh, I know you know these days! I’m so glad we get to live from the truth that we are partnering with God when we work and even when we rest. He is so good to us…his ways are best. So much love to you, friend.

  7. This was one of the best things yet from (In). We all need a reminder that ‘we’ can’t do it all, but the good Lord can. Thank you for putting these words to paper. God bless.

    • Humbled to hear that, and humbled to be walking this same path with you. So glad we serve a God who makes it so that both our work and rest are fruitful. Much love, Dianne.

  8. Rachel,

    The Hebrew word for rest is nuach-to rest, to be quiet. Sometimes, it is synonymous to shabat- to cease or to rest. The Greek word for rest is anapausis meaning cessation, refreshment. God calls us to more than just rest. He wants us to participate in a Spiritual rest even in the midst of chaos. Spiritual rest as the capacity to experience God in all things and recline in the knowledge of the Holy. That will only happen when we focus on the One who is & always will be the true Light of the world pushing back darkness, destruction & death. Rest will come when we give our anxieties, worries & trials over to God & let Him handle them.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, all of this is such beautiful truth. I am so glad we get to join in with our God in pushing back the darkness…and that rest helps us to better do that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and heart <333

  9. Raquel, I love your text. I’m a grandma raising two boys. Wesley is now 16 and Oliver is 6. Because I was a preschool teacher I learned to put away toys in containers. My house is small and I have hundreds of toys and I tuck away then daily with the help sometimes of Oliver. Resting is a challenge for me. Your perspective of resting on Christ is a lesson I needed today.

    • Marinalva, I hear you when it comes to small spaces and keeping them tidy. A grandma’s work is so important. May you continue speaking grace and truth and fun into your two boys. And may rest and strength be yours <33

  10. “God rested, not merely after all His work was done, but He rested even while there’d be more work to do.” Ahhh, yes. Thank you for this reminder, Rachel.

  11. This is soul-soothing and guilt-relieving. As a retirement aged mother of 2 teens with intellectual disability, I tend to think of my life as unique, but really is not. It is “mothering”, with frequent demands of time and affirmation, which has it’s TOLLS. The tolls are a call to rest in order to return to the best that Christ has called me to. Rest, from and in Him. Rest, the releasing of the now and imperfect. Thank you for lifting my eyes up to the hills, from where my Help comes from.

    • Lifting my eyes up with you, Laura. Trusting God to wash that guilt away and for grace to remind you of the great work you are doing. Listen to your body…those tolls really are invitations to rest. To see all that God is already doing. Sending so much love and grace your way, friend.