It’s a Sunday night, and I’m watching All Creatures Great and Small, the British TV drama on PBS from Masterpiece Theatre. So, I have a request. “Please don’t bother me,” I ask my husband. “Just allow me one hour of pleasant TV-watching without disruption.” Then like a good-guy husband, he says yes — even watching with me.
We love the program because it takes us away from everyday life. Set in a fictional town in Britain’s beautiful Yorkshire Dales, it tells the adventures of a country veterinarian, James Herriot, as he cares for animals — and placates their owners – while falling in love with the pretty daughter of a country farmer.
Sounds wonderful? It is.
Or, it was.
After the seven-week drama ended its first season, the internet unleashed scores of articles on “the real story” behind Herriot’s adventures. In fact, James Herriot isn’t a real person but the pen name of Alf Wight — a rural vet whose books were semi-autobiographical, meaning his stories were embellished.
Indeed, his life wasn’t all sweet and light. Wight suffered from bouts of clinical depression, according to his now adult children. His TV love Helen was actually named Joan — not a farmer’s daughter but a secretary at a corn mill. His irascible but lovable mentor, known in the series as Siegfried Farnon, was Donald Sinclair, who, by several accounts, hated his depiction in the Herriot books and TV adaptations.
Thus, while the life lessons in All Creatures were sound, beautiful, and good, they skipped over the hardest moments of the real backstory.
I’ve reflected on these things as I’ve watched our struggles as a nation and even in our community here at (in)courage over the past year. As contributors have shared our plights, and readers have replied, some have pushed back, saying, Enough. Stop this nonsense. Just give us the Bible, not the roar.
That was my approach to the Bible for many years. I wanted the Bible without the human backstory. The throbbing conflicts. The bloody persecutions. The divided churches. The family quarrels. To be honest, I wanted Christ without His suffering, His people without their pain.
Instead, I wanted the pretty parts — to know, as Paul wrote, that I can do all things in the power of the Lord. But did I want His Cross? Or all the hurting people gathering underneath it? Or those pesky reminders that Paul wrote of unity in Christ — not because it was happening but because it still wasn’t?
Like many here, I grew up on Bible lore and lessons — loving it all because I loved the takeaways. But I liked the condensed version, short enough to put on a t-shirt or a flowery plaque to hang on a wall.
That thinking is understandable. Life can be hard, scary, or traumatic at its worst. Just watching the news teaches us that.
So, we crave Bible hope and help. We all understand that. But do we want a bite-sized Bible? Just enough to carry us through the day without thinking too hard about what it cost the people who actually wrote it? Not to mention what it cost our Christ? Or costs the people whose hurt we don’t want to hear?
Frederick Douglass, the social reformer, understood this hunger for light without fire, for action without agitation. Those are folks who “want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.”
After God releases us from problems and our pandemic, some of us might only want quiet from our Bibles — the sweet not the struggle. (And of course, some might want the roar, too.) So, we’re at a crossroads.
We can run from the Bible, with both its whispers and roar, or we can stand in God’s story in the storms of life, learning to hear all of it, even when we just want quiet and rest. That respite is in there, for certain. But God invites us into His whole story, preparing us to hear each other’s — not just the bite-sized, easy-to-swallow versions but His whole story and our own, even when we may disagree.
Then after we plow, after the thunder and lightning, after the roar of the waves, may we experience the harvest, the life-giving rain, and the ocean in all its beauty and wonder. May the complexities of learning from every part of the Bible — and through the stories shared here — ignite our hearts to surrender. Then, we can love.
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Patricia thank you so much for this challenge to embrace all of God’s truth and story-not just the easily digested pieces. Your example of James Herriot with the TV series vs the book vs actual life resonated with me as it powerfully illustrated your point. As I prepare to head to work this gives me prayerful pause in how I can engage with my students and colleagues today-not hiding from or ignoring the parts of their stories that make me uncomfortable or uncertain but trusting the Lord to help me walk in wisdom and grace and again-embracing “the ocean and the roar.”
Thank you so much, Jamie. You sound like an amazing instructor. Blessings on your day–and on your students and friends!
I think this was so well said. Thank You, Patricia! May we all come together in the beautiful and challenging moments.
Amen, Elizabeth. In the mourning and rejoicing! His blessings on you today!
This is excellent, thank you so much.
As a writer who struggles with depression and as a long time reader of Herriot’s books, when I found out his back story, I was so encouraged. He produced a series of books with depth and laughter when he himself walked through the valley of the shadow. It made me appreciate his stories even more, but also gave me a lens of hope through which to view my own writing.
I love your writer’s perspective, Marian. Your comment invites me, as a humble writer, too, to not neglect the hope. So wise and loving. Thank you so much for sharing today.
Thank you for your eloquent thoughts. In our world of illness, hate and violence, it is so easy to want to avoid “the whole story.” That is not how God wants for us to live. Your writing has given me pause to reflect on my life and how I respond to the lives and problems of others. Thank you~
Thank you, Ann. I, too, can be quick to rush away from hearing others’ problems. How ironic that we can learn God’s whole story when we take time to listen to others, too. Thanks for affirming that truth. His blessings today!
Simply beautifully said. Amen & amen.
Amen and amen! Thank you, Ruth, so much. Many blessings today!
I hear your compassion for both those who’s like a little less roar and those who need us to hear it. Thank you, Patricia!
Thanks so much, Annie. (My wonderful editor Grace Cho reminded me to include that!) Thank you for affirming that view. With warmest thanks!
Thank you for this post. I am grateful that you are bringing the concept of sacrifice and suffering into this forum. We need to acknowledge the people suffering all around us and be willing to sacrifice some of our own comfort to unite and grow in Christ.
So well said, Geralyn. Our communities grow when we sacrifice our comfort and needs to make room for all. Jesus paid it all–for all. Thanks for affirming the beauty of remembering that here. All for Him, indeed.
Thank you for this, Patricia.
Thanks so much, Courtney, for receiving it. With His love!
Thank you so much for the reminder! I want to know the backstories; knowing David sinned so deeply and yet God called him a man after His heart; knowing Paul had a hand in the murder of many Christians and probably wrestled with that even while he preached the Gospel of that same Christ. Knowing that these people (and most of the people God used and included in His Word) wrestled with sin and still God loved them and used them to further His kingdom gives me hope that He can use me too!
Such good reminders, Angie. The humanity of Bible heroes paints a full-bodied picture of how we can be used, too. Such good reminders for us all. With warmest thanks!
Oh Patricia I love to here your writting even on Our Daily Bread as well as incourage. You like All Creatures Great And Small. The TV program. It is a lovely program. So it is. You see all the lovely country side. You see some beautiful animals in the program as well. It reminds me of the song “All Things Bright And Beautiful” yes it might be an old fashioned type song to some people. All Creatures Great And Small the program when you watch it. People might say the things in it are very Old and out dated. But that is the type of program it is. But both are lovely and they show the love God in such a beautiful way. You see in the TV program All Creatures Great And Small. All the lovely country side and the farm animals. It make me stop and think our Lord God made every one of them and gave the fields in the program that you see in All Creatures Great And Small there beautiful colours. So what a mighty God we serve. Like in the song “All things bright and beautiful”. We can see why the hymn writter wrote that song. As when you listen to the words of it they are so true. Like in the first verse. It goes. All things bright and beautiful the Lord God made them all. Each little bird that sings he made their tiny wings. So God did. He our God gave them the abbality to sing our we birds. So how amazing is our God. So we can tell God story to people in the TV programs we watch like you Patricia in All Creatures Great And Small. In me also in that song “All Things Bright And Beautiful” you get the song on YouTube. We can say to someone. I was watching All Creatures Great And Small. From it I saw God wonderful county side and God beautiful animals. Like me with the song “All Things Bright And Beautiful” the song. In that we are giving God the glory due to him. What amazing God we serve. I still am praying for your Daughter and her family. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little in Northern Ireland. Xx
Thanks for sharing this, Dawn. Thanks also for mentioning the hymn, “All Things Bright and Beautiful.” Publisher of the James Herriot series settled on the title “All Creatures Great and Small” because it sounded like the title of that hymn. Both titles subtly point us to the goodness and glory of God. From your vantage point in Ireland, I appreciate your thoughts on all of this, indeed. Warmest thanks across the waters!
This is so true. I found myself skimming the Word and grabbing up the verses that made me feel better in the moment. After having a panic attack and examining the days and weeks leading up to it, I realized my error. I had stopped diving in, being completely immersed regardless of the outcome. I forgot that I am always safe there.
I can relate, Suzette. Just skimming. But those deep dives into the Word bless us so much. Thanks for affirming that amazing journey!
Thank you. At times, it’s like the problem be taken away and solution given to us without us doing anything in between. Good to hear the bitter truth from you.
During to my experience, I know that we have a role to play when you are hurting. Pray more, read the word more, you need to read or listen to true and godly advice to strengthen you while you wait for answers from God.
You need to exercise faith. Love God and love yourself genuinely in order to endure everything to result to a glorious end.
As a woman, God equipped us with tuff energy to bare some pains without you breaking except you don’t know the God you serve.
Thank you.
Thank you, Kemi George. I’m so grateful to read your thoughts today. The Lord’s wonderful blessings on you!
Patricia, I don’t think I can quantify how much I look forward to every post you write. When I see your name on the by-line, I dive right in. Your wisdom and grace are not taken for granted from this reader. Thank you for continuing to persistently and patiently challenge us to hear one another; to traverse bygone, rocky roads in one another’s shoes; to put aside our own perspectives for a moment (or much, much longer!) and immerse ourselves in the stories of our sisters. We have too, too much to learn from each other…from those whose walks are so different than our own. Your words inspire me to continue doing difficult, deep work as I lay aside my narrowed vision and endeavor to embrace the worldview of every sister at (in)courage. I have far to go but my feet forge ahead. Thank you for your words.
I agree! When I see her byline, I know it’s going to challenge me and that I need to read it. I’m glad I’m not the only one who jumps right in when I see her writing.:)
Wow, thanks so much, Heidi! I’d better up my game to meet your expectations! But in the meantime, thanks so much for cheering me on and receiving my humble thoughts. Your kind feedback really encourages me today. With warmest thanks and love!
Cynthia, your kind feedback blesses me so much. One reason I enjoy writing for (in)courage is because it challenges me every time to try and connect with everyone. But I always learn so much from hearing the feedback (and also from reading different writers’ views). You’re so right, God is inviting us to meet Him through each other–and through His Word. I’m so grateful for this community to live out His belief in us. Your support today means so much, indeed. Thank you with love!
I have watched you respond in this community and it has challenged me to be as gracious when I may not agree with what is being said. I love reading your devotionals because they push me out of the perspective I have been accustomed to viewing things through.
Heidi, thank you again–and I can relate. It’s so easy to stay in our own comfortable boxes, never stretching or growing. Thanks for giving me room to deepen our views in Christ. It’s all for Him! Much love, Patricia
Thank you for the gracious and non-confrontational way you offer truth. You challenge without condemning. As a highly sensitive person who struggles with anxiety and depression, I admit having to remove myself, at times, from the continual “roar” for my own mental health. But, as you so beautifully pointed out, there is always a backstory that must be told in order for the points of light to stand out. The Bible is not a smorgasbord from which we can pick and choose what we want to hear. It’s when we take in all the characters and the context, we are able to take away precepts we can apply to our own lives. Well said!
Bev xx
Love that, Bev. There’s a backstory to the points of light. May God give us courage to dive in deep. Then we’ll start to discover how much He’s inviting us to learn. Thanks for walking this journey with all of us–indeed, and often leading this journey. You’re so much appreciated. Much love!
While it is true that many white people like myself, have lived lives where almost all our neighbors and contacts were also white, it can also be true that we love all people. Fortunately, we have a dear friend who is a person of color. We all had no issue, we all love the Lord and that makes us family. Of course, the last year brought many, many meaningful, deep conversations. As a white woman, I struggle to know how to help our social injustices. I know Christ said to love one another, that I can do and walk that out as He leads. Thanks for this, so good.
Leslie, thank you so much. As longtime white friend said to me this week that “every consciousness we can raise, every conscience we can deepen may bear results in the future. White people like me need to be more than allies; we need to be change agents.” The work of unraveling social injustice is that big, indeed. Thank you, meantime, for starting with love. For all of us, surely that’s the bottom line. Many thanks and blessings for joining the journey!
Thank you Patricia!
“Then after we plow, after the thunder and lightning, after the roar of the waves, may we experience the harvest, the life-giving rain, and the ocean in all its beauty and wonder. May the complexities of learning from every part of the Bible — and through the stories shared here — ignite our hearts to surrender. Then, we can love”
Amen \0/
Amen, Janet! Thank you for affirming my humble message!
Often times I hear preachers using only certain parts of the Bible. They “sugar coat” the word if you will. Taking things out of context & only talking about the easy good parts. Thankfully my pastor preachers ALL of the Bible. The good, bad & ugly. He gives us the context –who what why when & where of each story. It helps us to better understand what they all went through. Makes me appreciate all the more what they did especially Christ.
Blessings 🙂
Your pastor sounds like a keeper! Deep Bible teaching on a regular basis? Sounds wonderful! May you enjoy every story and lesson! Many blessings!
Thanks for this great reminder that we need the hard and easy, the beautiful and ugly, the mountains and valleys. Life is always a combination of both. And we need to remember that God is with us in both. No where did he promise us only the rosy without the trials.
So well said, Theresa. A solid reminder to us all. Thank you so much! Grateful for you, Patricia
This is so very good!!! Thank you!!
Thanks so much, Sandy. I appreciate your feedback so much. Blessings and kindest thanks!
Beautiful, Patricia. Paul defines his obedience as ‘finding common ground with everyone’. Doubt that was ever a light pursuit free of tension. Sometimes, the most difficult tension is wrestling our humility into submission. Thanks for the truth and grace today.