My hands trembled as I opened the envelope. I had studied for countless hours for this professional certification exam and the long-awaited results had finally arrived.
“Yes!” I shouted with total exhilaration. My hard work had paid off. I was another step closer to a corner office in the executive wing.
A few years later, I smiled confidently at my business card — Senior Vice President. My self-assurance, however, was decimated in the coming months by an unexpected phone call after a routine mammogram. I stared at the date on my calendar. It was the one-year anniversary of my mom’s passing from breast cancer. I felt numb as the doctor advised me to come in for additional testing.
In the weeks ahead, fear gripped my heart and occupied my every thought as tests progressed to a scheduled surgery. In my desperation, I devoured Scripture while begging for God’s mercy.
One day, during my quiet time, I heard His gentle but convicting voice, You have been busy building your own kingdom all these years, striving for success and significance through your career.
I had accepted Jesus over a decade earlier, but I had put my faith in a neat package. God was in one box and my career in another. I worked hard to climb up the corporate ladder, eagerly taking courses to further my career but only reading my Bible if time permitted. God was nowhere near the top of my priorities.
In the book of Haggai, God warns His people to evaluate their actions since returning from Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem.
“Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes.”
Haggai 1:5b-6 (ESV)
He even repeats this phrase “consider your ways” in verse 7 for emphasis. The people had been building their own houses while His temple laid in ruins. As a result, God causes a drought in the land.
“Therefore the heavens above you have withheld the dew, and the earth has withheld its produce. And I have called for a drought on the land and the hills, on the grain, the new wine, the oil, on what the ground brings forth, on man and beast, and on all their labors.”
Haggai 1:10-11 (ESV)
Haggai points out that the people’s misplaced priorities caused the drought and crop failures.
How often do we focus our energies on building our own kingdoms while neglecting His? God gently reminded me that my own misplaced priorities had caused a spiritual drought.
When the Israelites decide to obey the Lord and begin to rebuild His temple, God sends a reassuring Word through the prophet Haggai and says, “I am with you” (Haggai 1:13). Decades earlier, the prophet Ezekiel warned the Israelites of God’s impending judgement if they did not turn away from worshipping foreign gods. God gave Ezekiel a heartbreaking vision of His presence leaving the temple as His people continued in unabashed disobedience.
The rebuilding of the temple during the life of Haggai invites the long-awaited presence of the Lord to return to their midst. When the people become discouraged in their efforts, God repeats the reminder to them, “I am with you” (Haggai 2:4).
As work progresses on the temple, God sends this promise to His people, “And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:9).
Peace comes when we spend time in God’s presence.
In the days leading up to my surgery, His truth, love, and majesty collided on the pages of Scripture, covering me with a pervasive sense of peace. When the day came for the surgery, I called my husband to tell him my instructions from the hospital. As I listened to his soft sobs over the phone, I heard myself calmly saying, “It’s going to be okay. God has told me, ‘I am with you.’”
In that moment, I knew I found significance — not in my striving but in my searching for the One who gives life and meaning.
Are you in the midst of a spiritual drought? God patiently waits for us to earnestly seek Him to experience the fullness of His presence.
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Soo good!! Thank you for such encouragement, I’ve definitely discovered lately that peace and answers cannot come except in His presence
Thank you for your words! Sometimes I find His presence so astounding, it is beyond what words can even express.
God is continually there for us — we are the ones who turn away, time and time again, and then wonder where God’s blessing has gone. The whole Bible is a continuum of God’s people turning away from Him, reaping the consequences, and God constantly saying, “Turn back to me and live.” If we are in a spiritual drought, it’s a red flag we need to turn from our fruitless ways back to obedience. He promises He will never leave nor forsake us, but only we can turn our hearts back to Him and be quenched. Beautiful post!
Bev xx
So true, Bev. Just in the book of Judges alone, the Israelites wander from God, they cry out to Him when they are desperate and He sends a deliverer. Twelve times it happens and then after each time, “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” And the cycle repeats itself. So thankful, God is gracious and merciful and never gives up on us, even when others do.
Life is certainly a balance of living in God’s kingdom, to living in this world of man’s kingdom. God’s kingdom doesn’t change, but man’s kingdom seems to be getting darker. So the peace of God for me, is to combine the 2 kingdoms: bringing God’s kingdom into our lives where we are living for a precious amount of time. I am disappointed in our hospitals firing chaplains because they don’t bring $ into the profit column. May this Holy Week 2021 renew our faith, being a mother, wife, daughter, grand mother, care giver and friend. Mei, when my Dad was under hospice care, he said your same words “It’ll be OK”. Jesus gave His life for us, so it will be OK, and we must focus remembering what God has done with thankful hearts.
Connie, thank you for bringing up your disappointment about our hospitals firing chaplains because of the limited revenue. So many businesses are operating this way, and it makes me so sad.
I agree, it’s so sad that God is being removed from a lot of commonplaces including hospitals. When I had my lumpectomy, a sweet, sweet lady at the hospital registration offered to pray with me. I was so moved by her kind gesture, we became friends. Sadly, she was told shortly after by her boss that she could not pray with the patients.
Thank you, Mei for this beautiful post. I’m not sure why it feels so hard to rest in the truth that God is our everything. I strive and work hard to figure it out on my own and end up worse off because of it. God claims us as His own and it is in that place of knowing we belong to Christ that we find everything we need.
So true, Mary. Sometimes, it takes a situation like my cancer scare to bring us to the point of realizing the Christ is everything we need. We are complete in Him. Thanks for your kind words!
Thank you for your testimony! I am on a similar journey to not place faith in myself, but in God. I’ve been waiting for a promotion into a role I’ve been performing for three years. I know my heart is looking for the recognition of my hard work. I believe God is withholding to build my faith, strength and patience. I’m slowly progressing to end my spiritual drought and am learning along the way that GOD is in control…not me.
Jennifer, it’s so hard waiting on God but we know His plan is always the best. I have learned that when He allows us to go through seasons of waiting, He is working something out in us. I went through a wilderness period that lasted 10 years and it’s only through hindsight that I can see His Hand in so many things and more importantly, how He has molded me and transformed me more and more into the likeness of Christ. Praying that God will bring forth fruit in your job, even during the waiting.
Amen, I loved this!
Thank you!
Mei, though I’ve walked with Jesus for a long time, I still battle myself sometimes when it comes to deciding whose kingdom I’m going to focus on. When we spend time in God’s word, that’s when we’ll have peace when life’s hard situations hit us face on. Thank you for your sweet testimony. It’s such an encouragement!
Thank you, Jeanne, for your kind words! I am certainly not there but it’s a daily surrender (sometimes moment by moment) of crucifying our flesh. If I don’t spend time in His Word every day, I can very easily choose my own kingdom. His Word is so life-giving and life-changing.
Dear Mei, thank you for your words. Reminders to put God first are always welcome! May the God of peace and love bless you greatly.
Thank you, Irene! Blessings to you!
God really spoke to me through this today. I’m not sure it will be in the way you originally intended with this devotional but … wow. What kept jumping out to me was the rebuilding of the temple. How as the building progressed God sent the message promising peace. The Holy Spirit immediately brought 1 Corinthians 6:19 to mind and convicted me so heavily. My body, MY body, my BODY is the temple of God. I have neglected it so. I have been desperate for peace and yet have neglected the rebuilding of God’s temple. I know now where I need to begin today. Today my next right step is start rebuilding God’s temple… to care for my body… to nourish, strengthen, heal… rebuild.
Amen!! Hugs to you!
Melissa, I love how God uses His Word to say such individual and personal messages to His children. Blessings to you on your journey! God will honor us when we honor Him. So rebuilding His temple – your body, will bring glory and honor to Him.
Thank you for expressing so beautifully through your painful story as a reminder to put God first always.
Blessings to all,
Thank you, Penny! God is so worthy of our time and devotion. Blessings to you!
“Peace comes when we spend time in God’s presence.” Amen. Thank you for this encouragement this morning, Mei. We’re so grateful to host your words on (in)courage.
Thank you, Becky, for the opportunity to be here! I am grateful for your leadership and the community that you helped create.
Your words are so true, Mei. Thank you for this beautiful post.
Thank you, Karen, your kind words! Blessing to you!
Thank you so much for your encouraging reminders. Amen.
Thank you for stopping by! Blessings to you!
What a wonderful post today. I have been guilty of this and just this weekend asked God to make me more mindful, give me a greater desire to be in the Word. If I understand the Word, He is the Word. It states the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. I want to be closer to Him. Thank you for sharing this with us today. May God bless you !!!
Yes, you are correct. He is the Word! It’s such an amazing truth that His Word existed from the beginning of time. (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1) He has lit a passion within me to study and read His Word. Sometimes, I’m so blown away at the treasures and truths that He reveals to me. I pray that He will give you the passion and desire to be in His Word every day. It is life-changing!
Thank you Mei. Your words touched me gently and kindly just as God does, when I do just as you shared…
“put my faith in a neat package. God was in one box and my career in another”
Have a blessed day
I love you sweet friend. You inspire and challenge me to seek the Lord daily. Thank you for sharing❤️
We must learn to be in & not of the world. Just like Daniel was taken to Babylonia. He remained true to God. Even to the point of death. He knew God would be with Him always. In the end He won a few converts to Christ. May we be just like him. Living in a sinful world, but choosing & sharing the joy of Lord that non-Christians ask us about it.
If we are in a drought then we have walked away from God. He never moves. He is the same always. We need to repent & turn back to Him. Then the rains will come & our souls will be happy again.
Blessings 🙂