About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Dorina, this helps me so much to think of God hand picking us for the challenge of this season! Like you, I have lamented the losses my children are experiencing, and yet I see that God has a plan for them, and nothing is wasted.

  2. Yes, We are the last generation chosen to witness the end of times & we have a responsibility to God & Mankind. We are to be the Gods Warriors, His chosen Ambassadors to shine a beacon of hope just like Jesus was in his generation… He endured & overcame & all persecution, hatred, & ultimately crucifixion. He rose the third day & is sitting on the right side of God Almighty. He will come again one day soon to Judge the quick & the dead. And if we endure & overcome just like he did, we will get our crown of righteousness & be given a place in his Kingdom. Let’s continue to persevere because the end is near… In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen. ❤️⚓️✝️

  3. Oh, this post resonated with me. As the mother of a young boy-man who is really struggling to deal with the disappointments of the pandemic, I appreciate your perspective. You’ve given me some ideas to share with him the next time he is feeling down about the things he’s missed out on. I love the picture of us being chosen by God for such a time as this.

  4. Dorina,

    This post reminds me of an old song by Wayne Watson “For Such a Time as This”. (just giving 1st verse & chorus): Now, all I have is now To be faithful, to be holy and to shine
    Lighting up the darkness Right now, I really have no choice But to voice the truth to the nations
    A generation looking for God
    For such a time as this I was placed upon the earth To hear the voice of God And do His will, whatever it is For such a time as this For now and all the days He gives I am here, I am here and I am His For such a time as this

    You see God foreknew all this would happen & He placed us where we would do the most good for His kingdom. Now is the best time of all to share in any way possible the reality of Christ’s redemptive love. We are blessed beyond measure to be chosen by Him. Now let’s do something with that choice & bring others to a saving grace.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. I so love this devotion today. I have loved the story of Esther from childhood and I am now 75. I also love the story of Joseph and how his childhood devastation became the salvation of not only his family but a nation. We must remember that nothing absolutely nothing is impossible for God. The Bible also tells us that God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and also that when we profess ourselves to be wise we become fools. The paraphrase is mine. Thank you for the reminder that we are chosen, not because we are so special, but because He, our creator chose us to be His.

  6. I have been dealing with a rough physical challenge (not covid) since mid January. I believe God placed the words patience and restoration on my heart for this time. Trying to stay calm but sometimes I feel really useless and unsure what my future will look like.

  7. What a wonderful perspective to recognize that we are all chosen for this time, especially when we think of our children and those we care about. We have all endured hardship, loss and grief on different levels, but we have all gained something through this time and I’m thankful for the experience and growth. May we take what we’ve gained and move forward, rather than longing for and clinging to the “normal” of the past.

  8. I love this post, Dorina. As I read your examples from Scripture, I also thought of Daniel, who was chosen to go into exile for 70 years ~ 70 years! ~ as well as being chosen by God to be a steadfast light shining amongst the people in his midst. As a spiritual director, I was reckoning along with a priest early in the pandemic months last spring, as to ‘how’ to be the church in this time, and we realized together we’ve been brought into a time of exile of sorts as well this past year, being removed from the life we’d come to take for granted until suddenly, we don’t have the luxury of all the freedoms and choices we had before. It’s a humbling time! But you’re so right: we do ‘get’ to be part of this generation navigating a world-changing and hopefully (with our cooperation, and a perspective like you’ve offered here) a God-glorifying time in history, His-story.

    • Daniel is another great example, Margo. The more I’ve paged through scripture, the more I realize God used so many of our “heroes” and “sheroes” in exile. May we all have courage to step into the narrative!

      • Yes, may we! One final thing on your word chosen that occurs to me, how cool it is in this past difficult year, that the wonderful new series “The Chosen” ~ entitled so beautifully ~ has come out and the new season is being produced. Such an incredible look at the Gospel, the life of Jesus and his followers!

  9. Oh Dorina! I’m behind on my incourage emails and am just now catching up. What a blessing to read this today! You have encouraged me to shift my thinking. There have indeed been so many disappointments, so many cancellations, so much loss. But… “We are called to tell the story of His faithfulness to a weary world in 2021. We are chosen to be beacons of hope in times of grief and uncertainty.” Yes! Chosen. It had not occurred to me. Thank you for leading my thoughts in this direction. And… I just may “steal” your word for the year! 🙂

  10. Dorina, I love this….“He was chosen so we might be chosen too.”
    Thank you for this beautiful reminder of who we are in Christ!
    God bless you.