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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. In Courage,

    Far to often women feel like they have to do it all. The fact of the matter is we don’t have to do it alone. Lysa Terkeurst said in her book The Best Yes “Saying yes to everything & everyone won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman.” You won’t have anything left to give. Bonnie Gray wrote a book Finding Spiritual Whitespace-Awakening your Soul to Rest. In it she talks about putting margin or white space on your calendar. Making time for you to just sit & be. We should look to Jesus as a good example. No matter how busy His ministry got He always made time to go off by Himself to pray & refresh Himself. If He had to do it then how much more do we need it in our busy lives?

    Blessings 🙂

  2. God’s perfect timing! I was literally laying in bed urging myself to start my work day early because the mountain on my desk is so large. But time in His word gave me an energized rested soul to tackle that mountain rather than the frazzled I gotta get this done spinning mind I had before I read your post & took the time with Jesus! Thank you for sharing!

  3. In all honesty, this pandemic has forced me into retirement and isolation and I would give anything to feel the frenzy of too much on my plate again. I look forward to filling my days with something productive. I do remember the feeling of not thinking there are enough hours in the day to do what I thought needed to be done. But I always made time for weekly yoga classes and Sunday worship which turned into a very long coffee hour afterwards.

  4. I have signed up for the Bible Study but have received no link to Facebook or any information. Am I doing something wrong? Where do I go to join the study? Thanks for your help! Linda

  5. The second day in a row that the in-courage post have really hit home. Yesterday’s was a pow, in the gut kind of one, today’s was more gentle but no less needed. I want to share a little of my story here incase it helps someone else. 20 years ago, around the time I first got married I felt God saying rest, I’m a person who likes to be busy who feels value in doing. I struggled to comprehend and to rest. I felt I had no worth if I was resting, to the point where I can’t even watch tv without having a project on the go. It has been a constant in my life, God telling me to rest and me struggling to let go. A few years ago I came across Bonnie Gray and her books, podcasts and devotionals on here, they were like a breath of fresh air and have truly helped. I now have fatigue due to IBS and physically cannot get through most days without a nap (I often feel ashamed and guilty about this). My husband and I have a fluctuating income, our focus is on reaching out to young people in the rural area where we live, there isn’t much funding for this so we tend to “tent make”. My husband is also keen that He is the main bread winner, he feels directed by God on this too. While I love this in one hand, time to bake, sew, garden be with our girls and reach out to others. I struggle particularly at times when our income is low or non existent. So I have taken on jobs he felt were unecessary but I couldn’t reconcile not doing because we need to make an income. None of these jobs have been worth it, they have always added stress and burden on our family and generally not made any net increase in income either! Recently I have resisted looking for jobs in times of financial scarcity, I’ve taken on the jobs that have come to me and fit around the young people but nothing else. God has provided over and above our needs. Our girls will say things like “I’d really love a pair of mummy jeans” the next day a friend will pop round with a sack of clothes they don’t want. Guess what will be in there in the right size? If you are struggling with rest like I do please don’t take so long as me to let go and watch God do the miraculous for you. You are worth it, He will provide and your life will be richer for it. Thank you for this post and reminder