Alone again. That’s how she must have felt as she walked to the well by herself that day.
But she wasn’t alone for long. Jesus was waiting for her there, in the place where He knew she would soon be. She had no idea who He was and didn’t understand why He was talking to her and asking her to give Him some water. First off, He was a man, and men didn’t talk to women in public. He was also Jewish, which was obvious by what He was wearing, and Jews didn’t associate with people like her.
When He spoke, she heard gentleness in His voice, kindness and humility in His simple request for a drink.
In His eyes, she saw acceptance not judgment, pursuit not avoidance, love not hate.
Many of us know her as the Samaritan woman, but years ago I decided to start calling her Sam to make her feel more like the real woman she was. A woman just like me. A woman who who struggled with hurt, rejection, and loneliness. A woman who needed to be pursued and loved, despite her failures and her flaws.
Jesus was on His way to Galilee that day, but Scripture tells us “He had to go through Samaria” (John 4:4). Yet theologians would tell us Jews considered Samaritans to be the scum of the earth and would do everything they could to go around Samaria — but not Jesus.
He had to go through Samaria. I believe it was because He knew Sam would be there.
Women usually traveled to the well together in the cool of the day to avoid the heat of the sun since they carried heavy jars filled with water back to their homes. But Sam went by herself, during the hottest part of the day.
Instead of avoiding the scorching heat of the sun, it is likely Sam went to the well at noon to avoid the scorching pain of others’ judgment, slander, and rejection. Having been married five times and currently living with a man who wasn’t her husband, Sam knew how painful it was to have others say unkind things about you and to you.
Jesus knew as well. He also knew, that while Sam was running an errand that day, she was also running from those who knew of her failures, shame, and imperfections. Pursuing her with His perfect love, Jesus timed it so she would run into Him.
He initiated conversation and asked her for the only thing she had to offer, a drink of water. It wasn’t much, but it was the beginning of a conversation that changed everything for her. Yet it wouldn’t have happened if Sam had decided to give Jesus some water and get back to her to-do list.
Sam stopped, and she stayed. She let time unfold into a meaningful dialogue, not knowing Jesus would speak the very words of assurance, understanding, and acceptance her heart needed to leave a life that left her so empty.
Jesus intentionally pursued Sam in one of the loneliest parts of her day, and in the same way, He pursues us in the midst of our sometimes lonely and imperfect lives.
He is there when you’re going through the motions, aware of what needs to be done but unaware of how you’re going to do it all.
He is there during endless days filled with projects, Zoom calls, online schooling, diapers, or laundry when you’re wondering if you’ll ever find structure or meaning in the monotony of it all.
He is there when you’re criticizing yourself and questioning whether you have what it takes to be a godly woman, wife, mom, or friend.
He sees you. He notices all you do. And He knows what you long for.
Jesus is the only One who can meet our deepest need to be known, accepted, and pursued simply because of who we are.
And today, He wants you to know this: He is pursuing you with the gift of His perfect love — love that is patient and kind, love that keeps no record of your wrongs, love that won’t give up on you or me.
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you are not alone. Jesus is there.
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Amen, Renee…God is the only thing that will satisfy the yearning of our empty hearts! Blessings be with you!
He is definitely the only One!! And I’m so grateful for the way His love satisfies our longings.
Jesus is there with us through all of life. When I dealt with my aging dad’s geriatric psych issues & had him hospitalized I cried out often to God. I could feel His presence there calming me down along with reassuring me that it would be alright. He saw me together with my needs.
He is acutely aware of our deepest, darkest secrets. The psalmist put it best in Psalm 139:1, 13-14 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. He is the one who loves & accepts us with a passion like no other. Run to Him when you need your love tank filled or someone to accept you warts & all.
Blessings 🙂
Yes, Bev!! I am so thankful for not only His love but His intimate awareness of our needs. He knows our coming and our going. Our rising and our sitting. HE is familiar with all of our ways and all of our days. So so grateful.
I love that you named her Sam! Makes the story I’ve read many times so much more personable and relatable.
Im glad that resonated with you. It’s helped me to relate to her so much more which then helped me connect with Jesus more intimately.
I’ve always associated my story so closely with Sam’s. This morning I woke up wondering how to make it through the day. God knew my heart needed this. Thank you.
God bless you sister. Our Jesus loves you so much, never forget that ❤️ Praying for you.
I love that Logan. God’s timing is so sweet. Praying You will know His nearness so personally and so closely today.
Ms. Renee, my dear sister, this message, every part, downright to the end and up from it’s start, ministered to every part of me. I know so intimately, every detail, every exchange of this story. Her guilt, her shame, her disappointments, her pain. You see, I was there at the well that day. I was the woman whom Jesus met. You shared my story so unashamedly and beautifully. Thank you
Sweet sis, I’m so glad Jesus spoke to your heart so intimately and personally through today’s message. I pray you will know and feel His love and His pursuit of your heart in undeniable and deeply tender ways today. ~Renee
As Covid-19 grew in the US, the more isolated I became. I focused on staying safe. I knew that GOD was with me. I lost 5 family members and/or friends in 2020. Thank you for the reminder of SAM.
I am so very sorry Sharon. That is so much loss for one heart to bear. I pray Jesus’ nearness will be your comfort and strength.
What a refreshing approach— the Scripture in its raw and organic presentation. Thank you for this. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus is the Lord Who Sees.
So needed for today when most of our communications are amiss of personal presence.
Thank you so much for sharing! I love this and needed this truth ❤️
That was beautiful.
Thank you \0/
I love that. Thank you Rene
Thank you for this: “He sees you. He notices all you do. And He knows what you long for.” . . . “He is pursuing you with the gift of His perfect love — love that is patient and kind, love that keeps no record of your wrongs, love that won’t give up on you or me.” Such heart-transforming affirmations from our precious Jesus, through your keyboard, Renee. Every now and then we need to stop and remind ourselves of who He is, how He sees us, and what all He does for us. You provided that stop for us today.
Thank you, Renee, for this reminder of the unconditional love Jesus has for us. It’s a love like no other.
Thank you for this lovely writing of such true words. Don’t we just love Him so much?!!!
“ Jesus is the only One who can meet our deepest need to be known, accepted, and pursued simply because of who we are.”
So beautiful and such a needed reminder! Thank you for this
Tradition has it that her name was Photini.
Thank you my heart needed to hear this truth so much peace love and God bless to you sister in Christ
Beautiful rendition captivating Gods profound love and care for us…. whether at the well, at home, on a wAlk or a bad situation, we are NEVER aloneGod is there .. what a comfort, what a loving Father we have… thank you for this touching moment and encouragement ❣️ Cindy
Really needed to hear this message today. Having lost my husband about a year and half ago, some days are terribly lonely. I do want to draw closer to God.
What a beautiful message, I needed this today.