I stood shivering in my church’s parking lot, chatting with a couple friends (six feet apart). I was there to pick up my daughter after her small group, and they were there to clean out the children’s ministry bins that had been sitting unused for eight months. We caught up on each other’s lives for a bit, and then one of my friends said, “Oh hey, have you watched any holiday movies yet? Which ones did you like?”
The next weekend, another friend texted with the same question. She had an evening to herself, and she intended to spend it wrapping Christmas presents and watching a Christmas movie. With screen shots and emojis, we walked through the options, and I helped her find a movie to watch that night.
It is a truth universally acknowledged (at least by the people who know me) that I am a holiday movie expert.
I don’t say that to brag — I promise! I am fully aware that this is a dubious honor to many and a silly obsession to others. But the truth remains that I love holiday movies, I’ve watched a lot of them, and I love helping people enjoy them as well.
Now, if you can’t stand made-for-TV holiday movies, don’t worry. I’m not really here to convince you they’re for everyone. Instead, I want to encourage you to embrace whatever simple, sweet, or sacred comfort helps you find your way back to the Reason for this holiday season.
Does ’round-the-clock Christmas music warm your heart? Go for it.
Does driving past that house with the crazy lights make you laugh every time? Do it.
Are you tired of counting calories and craving daily Christmas cookies? Why not?!
Or on a more serious note . . .
Do you need to watch four different sermons this week because you’re missing in-person church so much?
Are you wishing you could stay home, even though everyone else in your circle is getting together?
Is your Advent devotional the only thing keeping you from spiraling into a dark place right now?
Then I say, Do it. Do what you need to do to say centered and safe and sane. Do whatever it is that brings you comfort and joy in this season, that pulls you closer to God who promises to be with us, that keeps you mindful of the One we celebrate this time of year — our Emmanuel.
And if holiday movies happen to do that for you? Well, I say go for that too! After all, knowing what to expect with our traditions and our comfort foods (and our sappy, formulaic movies) is a blessing in itself. Coming at the end of such a tumultuous season, that sweetness and predictability feels like a relief. It seems to meet our deep desire to have something we can count on right now.
When the truth that’s really universally acknowledged is that this year has been challenging in ways we never expected, ways we were not equipped to handle, ways we can barely even put into words, we might be tempted to think our “silly” traditions don’t even matter. As the darkness and difficulties drag on, despite becoming more drained and more desperate for relief, we can be tempted to give up on finding any comfort or joy at all.
But our reason for celebrating the holidays — with all the traditions or just a few, with purely sacred comforts or a mix with the silly as well — hasn’t changed. Jesus is here for you, and no difficult, draining, or even depressing year can make that not so. Our true comfort is in Christ, and our real joy is in Him.
We need the comfort of Christmas more than ever. And if you find some of that in candy canes or white lights or Christmas carols or even in my beloved holiday movies, I hope you embrace those things with joy. Just don’t forget the One who loves you most, who never changes, and who is always there for you.
If you do actually love holiday movies like I do, I invite you to visit my site, HookedonHolidayMovies.com, for a free bundle of fun and festive downloads (including movie guides, recipes, and a holiday movie-inspired devotional)!
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Thank you, Mary! Your words are a wonderful reminder to enjoy what we can this time of year, keeping our gaze on Jesus as the ultimate comforter. For me, comforting traditions involve a fire, our Jesse tree and my youngest son moving the wise men to all sorts of places around our house as they try to find our crib. Thanks again.
Those are lovely traditions, Gilllian! Simple and special to your family. Merry Christmas!
Just what I needed this morning!
So glad this was an encouragement to you! Thanks for reading!
Holiday movies have been my favorite way of escaping this stressful year! I’m definitely going to check out your holiday movie site. I really love reading anything you write. You always seem to know what I need to hear. Thank you for helping me through these tough times.
God bless you!
Oh, Peggy, thank you for your kind words. Enjoy your movies! 🙂
Me too!
Mary, this is exactly what I need today! Thank you so much. With my house only minimally decorated and our Christmas tree still in the back of the truck, your words are just what I needed today. I am not a “made for TV” holiday movie fan. But I do love “made for theater” holiday movies. I have about a dozen dvd’s of them. They are always part of my Christmas routine. Thanks for giving the okay to indulge. Love and blessings to you, dear one!
Made for theater holiday movies are fantastic, too! Enjoy them and happy holidays to you!
I love holiday movies, it helps me because since June 16, 2017, the holiday season is rough and movies give joy. Because the Lord took my beloved to his eternal home.
Gail, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m grateful you’ve found something that gives you some joy during a difficult season, and I pray the movies (or whatever “comfort food” you find this year) can gently lead you to our God who promises to be with the brokenhearted.
I must confess that the Hallmark channel is my go to channel when I need a break from life. Sometimes you just need to have a happy ending.
So I say along with the rest of you, do what you need to to get through as long as you keep Christ as your center and your focus.
Merry Christmas our King is born!!!
I’m with you, Loretta! Keep your eyes and heart on Jesus and then do what you need to do! Merry Christmas to you!
One of the things I am doing to enjoy Christmas this challenging year is a series “Christmas on Memory Lane” of nostalgic stories on my blog.
Kathy, what a lovely idea!
This year has been challenging for my hubby & I. We both work in hospitals. There have been so many changes from shutting my unit down to moving to a different floor, etc. Many people have left the hospital where hubby works (as CT tech). We are not big on holidays-no children & parents gone. This year more than ever I am listening to good Christian music. Three songs I love are “It’s Called Christmas with a Capital C” & “It’s About the Cross” both by Go Fish & “Leaving Heaven” by Matthew West. Hearing those songs makes me realize the true meaning of the Christmas Holiday. You are so right about keeping life as normal as possible. Do the fun things you enjoy. Always remembering that Christmas is about the birth of a Savior. The one who left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken earth & save us from our sins.
Praying everyone has a blessed & happy Christmas.
Blessings 🙂
Beth, I’m sorry this year has been so hard for you and your husband. Praying you find peace and joy this season (and going to listen to those songs you mentioned!). Merry Christmas!
Thank you So much for this awesome incouraging timely word!!!So freeing and yes I will be going to find your list of Christmas movies and other joys you so freely give out regularly! Merry Joyous Christmas to you and your family !!With Warm Wishes and Prayers, Chris
This season is such a bittersweet time for me… I LOVE Jesus and Christmas time… it has taken me years to get to a place where I can say that with a heart of JOY. I lost my older brother to suicide on Christmas Eve many years ago. I try not to dwell on the loss but there are days when it is just so overwhelming. God has been so good to me by filling my heart/soul with his love, comfort and peace. I hold the good memories of my brohter in my heart and light a remembrance candle on the 24th. Merry Christmas, may the Lord bless you in the year ahead.