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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Good morning and thank you Michelle. As Christians, we should focus on God and not allow a political party allegiance to come before that. I am also politically homeless because I am a citizen of heaven. My pastor always says no political candidate fully embodies the attributes of Jesus because they are flawed human beings as each of us are flawed. We have to keep our faith in God. Also, we have to love our Christian brothers and sisters who may think, vote and look differently than us. As a Christian Nigerian-American woman, my heart has been shattered in unspeakable ways this year but I place my trust in God because my allegiance to him is greater than any heartbreak and disappointment I may have with anyone. Jesus died for us to love each other unconditionally and authentically. God bless you!

    • Hi! Thank you so much for sharing these words. I completely agree! We must focus on God today and always and place our trust and allegiance in him. I’m so sorry for the pains you’ve experienced this year. It has been an incredibly hard hard year. May the Lord be with you today, friend, and comfort you with himself.

  2. Michelle,
    You spoke with such clarity and boldness. Thank you for your honesty and candor. I am employed by the government and my office is political. No matter who is President we serve that person. Some rule with meanness some rule with kindness. I’ve worked through 4 presidents. Lately, I’ve had to back away from listening and watching what is going on in this political climate many times. I listen and watch to pray for God to rule and reign and to bring peace to those of us who will work through whomever will be President. Thank you I’m encouraged by your devotional.

    • Thanks so much for your perspective! We are citizens of heaven, called to advance God’s kingdom as in heaven now on earth. And yes, we do that by living peacefully, praying for our leaders and, in the words of Jesus, “giving to Caesar’s what is Caesar’s.” We can do all this because we serve the one true King, who sits on his throne and is sovereign over the politics of men.

  3. Thank you, Michelle. I needed this kind dose of wisdom this morning. (I’ll probably need it multiple times today and over the next several days.) I appreciate your heart and your encouragement for us to lean on God and not our leaders or our own understanding.

    • Thank you, Mary. Yes, same. I’m finding myself continually telling myself today, “breath. God is in control.” Praising God for his sovereignty today.

  4. I am so grateful for this reminder: “Our ultimate allegiance is to Him, and we can trust that He will sovereignly rule over our next president.” Thank you for speaking truth in this article and reminding us we can trust God in all things! I needed that today!

    • Amen! Our allegiance is to King Jesus and to advancing God’s kingdom. No matter what political party we vote for, we must know our identity is never found in fellow humans. God is on the throne and that is a comforting truth today.

  5. Thanks so much for writing this. My soul, like for many others, has been stirred beyond exhaustion during the present political and social climate in our homes and neighborhoods. It is so good to be reminded that God is in charge of everything and everyone. God bless you and yours.

    • Friend, I understand the exhaustion. Yes, I’m feeling it too! May we rest in Jesus today. And may we pray for God to give us his peace that surpasses all understanding. He truly is in control. This day is not chaotic to him and that is a comfort we can cling to <3

  6. I am hoping for calm around the country no matter what the results of the election are. I too believe that God will have His hand on this 100% (as far as the election results). I do pray for the lives of unborn babies if the election goes one way. I am 64 years old and even in the last election when Hillary Clinton was defeated by President Trump I do not remember it being so filled with hate as this election is. Please stay safe and well and wear your masks and social distance!

    • Me too! May we vote to further the peace of Jesus and may we respond to the election with Jesus’ peace as well. May this country see the love and peace of Jesus through the body of Christ this week no matter who wins or who loses.

  7. What a breath of fresh air in this political climate. I’m also politically homeless. It’s a daily battle to remember that this story we are living in right now is the very small story (covid, the election, etc) and God’s Story has and will continue to reign. One hundred years from now the small story will be something else. But God’s story remains the same. May God bless you and your husband in your efforts to lead your faith community and to follow Jesus closely. Thank you for bravely sharing this message today.

  8. Thank you for these Biblical reminders so full of promise.
    I also am a member of a Multicultural Church and know the angst of some of our undocumented congregants whom I have come to Love. They have taught me to express myself in truth with a humble spirit, yet a strong resolve to do my best for myGod and for neighbor.
    I also thank you for the confirmation that a Christian can be nonpartisan.

    • Barb,
      You rock! If only more people had your heart!
      Love you friend,
      Bev xx

    • Amen, Becky!
      Just wanted you to know that I’ve had so many friends comment that “Take Heart” devotional has been a comfort through this election process. May only One name be praised!
      Bev xx

  9. Thank you Michelle. Sadly, people get “crazy” in their excitement as well as their disappointments and sadly bad things happen in the “crazy”. I pray everyone will be safe. As Joan said, “God’s got this”

  10. Thank you. I needed to read this. It’s very calming to my heart and soul.

  11. Michelle,

    Amen, sister! Thank you for your words and your wisdom. I’ve always enjoyed your posts because they make me think. Thank you for all that you do, and I love Austin. Keep up the great writing. We’ll see what happens, but you are so right. God is our ultimate king, and His will be done.

  12. Michelle,

    These have been some tumultuous years. There has been good improvements like more higher paying jobs. There have been downsides also. My comment at work yesterday was “no matter who wins the election-God is still in control.” We need to earnestly pray for the next president & for God to guide him. Like I’ve said all year “God’s got this”. He won’t be surprised by who wins, just how we react to it. We as Christians need to show the world that we can take a win or defeat equally knowing God is still on the throne.

    Blessings 🙂