When I was a little girl, my favorite thing to hear was that I was weird. Whether the words came affectionately from the lips of my mom or as a critical observation from the kid across the street, I didn’t care. “You’re so weird” made me beam — because I was weird.
I was a girl who happily (and confidently) marched to the beat of my own unrhythmic drum.
When I was seven years old, the year was 1989, and neon green biker shorts with a black polka dot skirt and a fluorescent pink tank top was my favorite outfit. But I took the typical bright 80’s color scheme to my own Becky level. I was sure to compliment my outfit with my beloved canvas dinosaur sneakers I got in the boys’ section. The shoes had boring white laces that didn’t meet my high fashion standards so I swapped them out for primary red.
Add to this charming ensemble the fact that I convinced my older sister to braid my hair in three sections and then crimp my bangs, and weird was probably the word that came to everyone’s mind.
At the tender age of seven, I had yet to grow a self-conscience bone. I was just me. Tree-climbing, alphabet-burping, puzzle-solving, book-loving, roller-blading Becky. And I was hungry for affirmation of what I knew was true — that I was perfectly, wonderfully, and weirdly made.
Gosh, I was a great kid.
At thirty-eight, I’m still great, but somewhere between then and now, my hunger for compliments shifted. Somewhere along the way I stopped wanting to be seen for exactly me, and I started striving to please others.
Instead of weird, I wanted to be beautiful. Instead of unique, I wanted to be accepted, influential, admirable, successful. I started caring about others liking me more than I cared about liking myself.
And even deeper than that, I started forgetting who God said I am — perfectly and wonderfully made — and I tried to cram myself into a mold that wasn’t made for me.
Have you done this too?
It’s natural for our childhood selves to mature into adolescents with greater self-awareness and then into adults with age-appropriate inhibitions. But that doesn’t mean shoving down, casting out, or numbing over the parts of ourselves that make us stand out for the sake of blending in or receiving positive recognition.
If you’re a dreamer, don’t cram yourself into the box of an analytical thinker.
If you’re loud, don’t let the world stifle your voice.
If you’re vibrant, don’t dull your edges.
If you’re intellectual or artsy or stoic or outdoorsy, don’t let an outside voice tell you that another personality or strength is more valuable and attractive.
The amazing thing about God is that He doesn’t make mistakes. Your shyness is on purpose. Your love for a good debate is intentional. Your fast talking or slow processing is not a mistake.
Do we each have areas where we need to grow? Absolutely! We are all on a journey of being refined and becoming more like Christ. But, friend, learning to love and look more like Jesus doesn’t negate the essential beauty of who you are already are.
One of my favorite quotes is credited to Saint Irenaeus, a 2nd century Greek bishop, who said, “The glory of God is man fully alive.”
God receives glory when we’re living into and out of the fullness of who He’s made us to be. Have you ever known someone who just sparkles? Who shines from the inside out, not because of what they did because of Who is in them? The Creator gets the glory when His creation stays true to His intentional design.
For it was you who created my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.
Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.
Psalm 139:13-14 (CSB)
Do you know that you are God’s remarkable creation? If the belief has slipped into the cracks of time, let me be the one to remind you. Sister, the way God made you is wondrous! You are distinct. Set apart. A one-of-a-kind masterpiece!
What would happen if you lived like it?
These days I’m re-learning how to let the bright and bold confidence of my youth reemerge. I wear the vibrant turquoise tennis shoes that clash with most outfits. I make up silly songs and sing them off-key in the kitchen with my kids. I stay quiet when people expect me to speak. I keep writing about Jesus even if it’s not the popular thing.
I think it’s okay that I no longer want to be known as weird. Instead, I just want to be known as loved.
You are so loved.
Yes, that’s the greatest truth we could spend our lives walking to. When we walk with the assurance that we are God’s beloved daughters — holy and chosen and wonderfully made — we can be confident marching to whatever kind of rhythm and beat He gives us.
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Isn’t it ironic that as young kids we seem to grasp the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made with a simple trust? Then life gets hold of us and we are convinced that we are marching to the wrong drum. I’m so thankful that, if we ask, God will work that basic truth back into our hearts – convincing us that He made no mistakes when He created us as His unique, furiously loved, one-of-a-kind creation. I count it pure joy to be living life to an audience of One. The greatest compliment I seek is for God to one day say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” All other compliments pale in comparison. Loved this and your outift sounds marvelous!
Bev xx
Bev, I love that you draw out the fact that we have to ask God to “work that basic trusth back into our hearts.” Yes! He is so able and so willing. He wants us to view ourselves (and others!) with the same lens through which He sees us. We just have to ask Him.
Beautifully written. I think that 80’s kid and I would have been fast friends. 😉
Thanks, Jessie! I love it!
Thank you for this affirmation! It was just what I needed today. It is so easy to get into the mode of trying to fix ourselves, and remembering that we were made with variety on purpose is an important thing.
Kristina, I’m so glad this was timely for you! Indeed YOU are wondrously made. Everything that makes you uniquely you is exactly what the world needs.
I will be sharing this with my 6th grade girls Sunday School Class! We all need to hear it.
Oh, I love that, Cathy! Thank you. Yes, young and old we all need to know we are made on purpose by our loving God.
I always felt like the “black sheep” of the family, until many years ago, while I was reading a Dr. Seuss book to my kids, a quote hit me like a Holy 2×4 — “Why fit in when you were born to stand out!” So, with Dr. Seuss’ permission, I wear the bright clothes, bright and colorful sneakers and speak loud….And, I have never been happier! Trying to live each day with the motto — “Won’t let Satan zap my joy!” Thank you for the affirmation!!
That’s fantastic, Tammy! Jesus shines when we live fully alive — not trying to hide. (And Dr. Seuss for the win!)
You are so loved.
Thanks for reminding us to be who God created us that be!! And that He loves us just as we are!!! Such a great message
Thanks for reading this morning, Sharon. You are so loved!
Thank you! I needed to hear this today SO much!!!
I’m so glad it was an on-time reminder from God’s heart to yours! You are so loved, sister. Exactly as you are.
As you age you find it really is the circle of life. You take back the joy of feeling free in who you are with the added bonus of only caring what God thinks of you.
I love that, Maura!
Dear Beckie,
Was so deeply moved and blessed of your articles. Thank you for sharing and blessings us . While having my breakfast and started to delete my inbox but before I delete your I decided to read your article. Always a blessings indeed when I’m reading articles from incourage. We need someone to encourage us through God’s word. Believers need to encourage one another, lifting it up each our spirit to one another ❤️Love ❤️ one another and accept one another no matter who and what we are as a believers in Christ. We all have our weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ power may rest on me. Amen
Strengthen to one another spiritually, physically,emotionally, mentally is a great help for us believers or not . But we need to keep trusting God with all our hearts no matter what we are going through specially this unprecedented pandemic crisis. But this too shall pass and God will makes all things beautiful and new in His time. Let us keep trusting God and have faith in Him . Let Jesus continue to shine in our lives na use us to be a light to others and use our lives as a living testimony to others❤️
Blessings everyone
Love ❤️
Thank you so much for spending your morning with us, Paula! You’re so right — we all need encouragement and it’s a joy to build one another up.
Becky, Thank you so much for this reminder! I’m pretty good about honoring the “seeing life through pink glasses”, ridiculous joyful girl God made me and my “glass so on the 1/2 full side” it’s tipping over girl, that I admit I allow the world to flatten my spirit. I’m a grown up grandma who is silly to the core! When I honor that little girl inside me that God made and loves I know He is so happy….and so are my grand babies and the people in my life that know me best.
Keep sporting those turquoise tennis shoes Becky
Thank you for sharing this wonderful truth. I can relate to the little girl because I was similar. I grew up in a communist country as a non believer, so being considered to be “weird” was something out of the ordinary and it really desirable by the majority of people.
Fast forward, I never lost my sense of wonder and when my childhood dream came true and I moved into a country (Canada) where I can even speak a different language than my mother language and …. on top of it, becoming a very strong and faithful believer in Jesus Christ, that’s when people started again saying “you are so different, you are weird”… but this time it was here in Canada and those people called themselves “friends”. And…I was an adult, not a little kiddo anymore.
Struggling with that for a bit, I started to notice that God used all the ordinary and weird people to achieve extraordinary things…and that became my motivation to move forward being weird in some peoples eyes, but more being “limited edition” in God’s eyes. Limited to the uniqueness HE planned for us to be.
Long story short, it is a great reminder of WHO our creator is and WHAT HIS intentions were when HE created us…
Thank you for posting that.
Vera, yes, we’re God’s special “limited edition”! So good, friend. I’m glad God is continuing to remind you that your worth and value comes from Him and not other people’s perception. No doubt He is delighted in you and using you exactly as you are.
Beautiful! I really needed this! Even as a child, I was not allowed to be me! I even had all my clothes picked out for me. So I basically turned into a people pleaser & acted like who ever I was hanging out with at the time. At 61, I am still not sure who I really am 100%. One thing I know for sure is that I am loved by the God who made me & friends with Jesus who is helping me discover who I am in Him! Thank you and Praise God!
You are loved indeed! I’m so grateful that no matter how old we are, we can keep learning what it means to be a cherished child of God.
Thanks, I needed this today. As a frustrated perfectionist, I have always struggled with how others perceive me. I need to be reminded every now and then that “ I am perfectly and wonderfully made”.
I’m so glad this was timely and meaningful for you, Holly!
Holly, about 4 years ago I received a little card with the saying: “we are PERFECT…in our IMPERFECTION”…
I loved it and that’s my inspiration. Also, my son said to me many many years ago while we both did some drawing (he was very young at that time)..”mom, it does not have to be perfect to be wonderful. I like your drawing even though it is not perfect, but you did it with your heart”…
You can imagine that I was speechless about such grace and such wise words from my beloved son…and those are echoing in my mind every time I try to be or do something perfect…it is not going to happen here on earth, no matter how much effort I will put in…so, I settled for “I’M PERFECT”…. it is fun to play with the letters…
Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I needed this!
I’m grateful to know this resonated with you, Jami! You are so loved.
You are spot on in this post. The world tries to mold us into a certain type person. They believe we should be serious, do more, get more always striving. God didn’t make us all that way. I am a music loving introvert who loves to sing & dance. I can go from a silly pillow fight to serious prayers about someone with cancer. I believe God made me to be a caregiver. I did that for my aging parents for 10 years. Now I use some of that compassion to help RNs, CNAs, patients & families to heal the patient & see them go home. Like you I’ve always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I’ve done life my way. Never will I squelch down the person God made me to be. I want to shine brightly-even if I’m off kilter here or there. I say “if you don’t like me this way then talk to God. After all He is my creator.”
Blessings 🙂
Becky, I was just reading Whisper by Mark Batterson about 10 minutes ago. Same topic!! The creativity and freedom of our childhoods, the way we were created, the years we begin conforming… I suppose God’s really speaking to me on this today. I love when He repeats himself. Tells me its time to lean in and really listen. Thank you for this. I can picture it and just adore your outfit and crimped bangs! I think you would have loved my favorite black ruffle skirt, neon suspenders and slouch socks too.
Thank you so much for your inspiration. It is encouraging to know that their are others out there wearing the crazy socks and bright shoes!
Thank you Becky – it was indeed most encouraging!