I honestly don’t know if there has ever been a time when I felt brave. But also, will we ever truly feel brave to do the things God calls us to do? Really, I don’t think it matters. We are not called to to live based solely off our feelings because they can come and go and change depending our circumstances.
Instead, we are called to live according to the Word of God. His Word never changes. It stands the test of time, and it holds true for us regardless of how we feel.
A couple of years ago, my word for the year was “more.” I wanted more of God, more of His promises, more of His presence manifested in my life, more of His purposes revealed. I wanted to serve, give, and devote more to Him. But sometime during that year, my word shifted to the word “brave.”
The truth is, I’m not a risk taker. I am Miss Play-It-Safe. I’m practical and logical, and I think things through dozens of times before I ever come to a decision. But God had so many new opportunities mapped out for me that year that required me to be brave. He placed me in spaces and with people who challenged me because He wanted to enlarge my capacity. And in order for Him to do that, I would need to answer His call to be brave.
The story of Gideon in Judges 6-8 chronicles an ordinary man called to be brave by an extraordinary God. In the beginning of chapter 6, we find that the Lord has given the Israelites over to the Midianites because they had done evil in His sight. But God, being loving, forgiving, and compassionate, heard their cries and decided to rescue them through Gideon. God sent an angel to find him, where he was hiding from the Midianites in a wine press. He had no idea what would come next.
When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.”
Judges 6:12 (NIV)
Gideon replied with every excuse he could:
If you’re with us, why is this happening?
Why have You abandoned us?
My clan is the weakest!
I am the least in my family.
Does that sound familiar? I know I give God every reason why I can’t do the thing He has called me to do, and He responds to me as He did to Gideon:
Go in the strength you have.
I will be with you.
Do not be afraid.
You are mighty.
What an encouragement to know that God sees us as mighty warriors! My prayer is that we learn to stand strong on the foundation that God understands who we are and yet still calls us to do great things. We can trust that if God calls us to do something, He will also equip us to do it. Because we are in Him and He is with us, He calls us brave.
I can relate to you Karina. I often tell others, “I was born scared”. Thank you for this transparent thought provoking reflection on “brave.” It speaks to me as I currently go through frightening breast cancer treatments. Gotta love Gideon. ❤️
Sandy, I’m so sorry! May the bring supernatural healing to your body and overwhelming peace to your heart.
Thank you for reading and sharing!
Great devotion, yes God has us all in His path and light showing us we all are brave even if we are scared.
Thank you for sharing Amy!
“Because we are in Him and He is with us, He calls us brave”. Amen. Such sweet comfort.
Wemi, thank you for reading and sharing!
Thank you for this word. Sometimes when I suppose to be brave, I’m afraid to be brave at times even if I want to. I’m a thinker before I act upon something. Thank you for this message of encouragement.
You are so welcome Sherry!
Blessings to you!
Thank you- this is what I needed at exactly this time. I lost my job that I had for years in July, I have had interview after interview, but never hired. I’m older and that seems to make a difference. Yesterday, a job offer came, but I was afraid. Afraid of what if I don’t like it or can’t do it ? Taking a job means losing the unemployment benefits I have. Not taking the job could mean unemployment running out and no money. I called a friend , she said pray on it, He will let you know what to do. I prayed on it last night before drifting off to sleep. I opened my emails this morning like always and found this story. Literally, telling be to be brave- amazing! Praise God!
Hallelujah Tammy! His timing is always perfect! He is so good and has such good in store for you!
Thank you for sharing!!!!
I believe God is calling me to be brave in my 9-5 job. Recently I have been experiencing alot of stress, dropping one of the 6 balls I am required juggle throughout the day. When I fail, however small, I freeze and my feelings successfully bring on a spiritual amnesia. I forget who I am in Christ. I am also experiencing a painful “waiting” season and, again, what I feel paralyzes me and I forget God.
Thank you for this reminder that we CAN be brave because God’s Word – that does not change like our feelings do- is what we live by.
Bless you, sister!
Stephanie, thank you for sharing! May the Lord continue to make you brave in Him!
I have always found it hard to balance the thinking things through, weighing every measure with being brave, but I know I need to do the brave thing more so this was a good word of encouragement for me today!
Amen Kathy! Thank you for reading and sharing!
I sense God calling me to be much bolder and braver in sharing my faith and witnessing to the gospel. But I find myself still shrinking back and not knowing what to say when a situation arises where God’s truth needs to be spoken. I want to speak to those who call themselves Christian but seem to be asleep right now and don’t acknowledge the signs of the times we’re living in.
I appreciate this word about going in the strength I have and believing that God is with me. I know He calls the weak things of this world and equips us as we go. I’ve been reading my Bible much more these days and pray that as I work on my own relationship with Jesus that I’ll be more sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and speak with His boldness and strength.
Well done Mary Ann! Know that He is pleased with you and will do a mighty work in and through you!
Thank you for this beautiful encouragement. I remember when I started in leadership, I doubted myself a lot. As God continues to promote me, I am reminded I go in God’s strength not my own. We are all needed to press into the bravery God has bestowed on each of us so his Kingdom will be mighty. Our father is undefeated which means so are we. May God bless you.
Amen Ada! Thank you for sharing!
How beautifully you put your thoughts into words to share with us! I too, wanted more just like you and you have made me see i need to change it to brave…I have been so afraid to go to church because of covid, and yet how i need to be with like minded people and do more in my service to God. I feel like I am wasting so much precious time by trying to stay safe at home. Thank you so much that i do indeed need to be brave. Blessings and hope you and your family will be safe from the virus too.
Kathy, you are too kind! Thank you! You cam never go wrong with following the Holy Spirit’s leading! He won’t fail you.
Thank you for sharing! Be blessed!
You said it beautifully. Being brave is to be afraid and stepping out to act anyway, knowing that God will supply all our needs. I feel I am being called to be brave about sharing my story of moving from pain from childhood that I had not dealt with for decades. It had messed up a lot of areas in my life, but God took me through a journey of healing that I believe can help many miserable people to deal with their pain if shared. I took the first step and contributed 2 chapters to a book to be published end of November. Thankful for the courage for this and garnering courage to do more.
Well done Nomusa! Praise God for his faithfulness! May the healing of the Lord reach farther than you can imagine. His word will never return void.
The dictionary defines brave as ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. It means stepping out of our comfort zone. I’ve read Craig Groeschel’s book Dangerous Prayers. The last prayer he talks about is Here I am Lord send me. “Rather than asking God to serve us, what if we told God we are available to serve him?” Joshua said it best Joshua 15:2 As for me & my house we will serve the Lord.
God is showing me I can be more of a leader’s assistant in Relay for Life (Cancer) than just a participant/team member. This year I along with others made a video telling others why we Relay. Also took on role of Recognition chair. Helping to thank everyone who volunteered time, & money. That equates to being brave for me. I grew up very shy with hearing issues. Never wanting the spotlight. I feel God asking me to step up more. Get out there & volunteer as much as possible. Take the mantle from my pastor’s wife as she is busy caring for her aging mom who is moving in with her. Let’s all do what we can & be brave for God.
Blessings 🙂
SO SO good Beth! Know that He is well pleased!
Thank you for sharing!
God has really been calling me to be brave in sharing the hope that is in me with non-believers. I have a sense of urgency in these times. He’s also been calling me to be brave in writing the book that I’ve been working on in my mind for years. When God asks us to step out in faith from a stance of weakness, He will give us the strength we need to glorify Him. Great post!
Bev xx
So good Bev! We are in the same boat! May He lead you at every step. He is faithful. I praise Him for everything that is on the other side of your “yes”!
Karina, thank you for that perspective on bravery. I am not brave! But now I see that God in me and with me makes me brave❤️ That changes my whole thinking on bravery.
Yes, it does Debbie!
Thank you for sharing!
Beautiful word! Thank you.
I only wish I could save/print these posts on my Mac. With the new format, there is no print friendly version for either saving or printing on Apple devices that I can see. I can’t find any way to contact (in)courage to help with this.
God Bless you and hopefully I can save these posts in the future.
I’m just seeing this! I will try to find out!
Thank you for sharing Carol!
absolutly beautiful, thank you
Thank you Janeen for reading and sharing!