I used to struggle with guilt — guilt for sinful behavior, things I thought I could have done better, but most of all, guilt for experiencing blessings from God that I didn’t see others enjoying. I felt guilty for answered prayers and for better circumstances than my friends seemed to be experiencing.
I know that “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus,” but for some reason, it was easier to feel forgiven for my sins than for me not to feel guilty about being blessed by God’s hand of mercy and love.
Has the enemy tried to make you feel bad for the good things in your life? Do you feel guilty for having prayers answered? Are you being shamed for God’s goodness displayed in your life?
I remember being in small groups at church and dreading the time when it was time for me to share my testimony. I didn’t feel like Jesus had saved me from enough. I felt bad for how easy my life had been compared to others in the group. I allowed guilt to make me feel the need to apologize for things I didn’t have to endure or weren’t part of my story.
I allowed guilt to silence my praises to the One who had protected, provided, sacrificed, and loved me. I allowed comparison to lessen what God had done in my life — healing a disease, breaking my perfectionist spirit, changing my headstrong ways, redirecting my career path, being content in singleness, providing a loving spouse, creating in me a new heart to love a child, and overcoming infertility.
Guilt can be hard to get rid of. Its best friend is shame and that always leaves us silenced to ask for help or to praise Jesus.
It had become easier for me to try to praise God in my perseverance through hard situations than to praise Him when the prayers were answered, when the long-awaited gift finally came, when He revealed more of His tangible goodness in my life.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me that blessings should only create a thankful heart and praises to our King — not comparison, guilt, or shame. Those three things have been nailed to the cross with our sin.
The way God blesses me can give hope to another that God can bless them and answer their prayers too.
Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
James 1:17 (NLT)
Like the sunlight of today, God pours down His good gifts on us. This is part of His character. He never changes, and God does not cast a shadow on our situations. His good gifts should make us respond with praises to Him in the glow of His light in our lives.
I can be a living example to others of how God keeps His word and comes through on His promises. I can reveal Him to others by the hope of His goodness in my life. I pass on the blessings He has given me with those that need hope in love.
You don’t need to be embarrassed or feel guilt for God’s blessings. We can celebrate God’s mercy, love, and answered prayers, reminding us of our role as child of the King and simultaneously giving hope to others waiting on their own blessing.
You are blessed because of Jesus’ saving grace. You don’t have to apologize for God’s power and provision in your life. It’s your privilege to respond in love to God and others.
Let’s not cower away from sharing what God has done in our midst and on our behalf because we are worried about someone else’s jealousy. Share with thanksgiving the kindness of God. In that, there is real, tangible hope for another. Enjoy the blessings He has bestowed on you and be thankful, not guilty.
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I’m great at doing “guilt.” I have been through a lot of trials and suffering in my life and you would think that it would be especially easy to praise Him and thank Him for the goodness He’s given me. When you’ve been through a series of painful seasons, and the reprieve comes, it’s hard not to wonder when the next shoe will fall. It’s taken a long time, but I am learning to be so thankful for the simple pleasures when they come, because yes, they may be fleeting. That’s all the more reason to give thanks for the good. God desires that we have life and have it abundantly. He grieves when life deals out its inevitable trials. When I deny God’s blessings, I am insulting and denying His goodness. I need to speak of His blessings more than I speak of life’s trials. Every day holds something about which I can glorify Him. Thanks for the reminder to speak up!
Bev xx
It took me a long time Stephaine to see I was loved by God. I was a Daughter of the king. That king was Jesus. I was builled at a school my parents sent me too another school. They both thought they were sending me there for my own good because the class were smaller. For my own good. But I was a called a horrible name at this school by the class mates there. Plus one other person done things. I have forgiven them all. With the help of my Church today the Salvation Army and Jesus I am the person I am today. But I did feel guilty. I thought it was something I did. It was my fault. My amazing Salvation Army Offer had me do a thing. That help me it took time for me to do it. Look at myself in the mirror away back then when I was getting the help and say this. Dawn is beautiful Dawn is a Daughter of King. I had to say that every day until I believe that. It took a long time for me to really believe that. Plus not feel guilty feel I it was not my fault. That it not what people say about me that matters only what God say about me that matters. I was taught by my Salvation Army Offer that God loves me so much. He sent his only son to die for me. I have nothing to feel Guilty for. I now hold my head up high. Knowing I am Daughter of the king. That king is Jesus. In our Church one Sunday morning we got to listen to the Father’s Love Letter. It broke me to know how much God loved me. Even before I was born. Still does. You get it on YouTube just type in the word The Father’s Love Letter on YouTube it will come up. It tell you all the things your Heavenly Father thinks about you. It is just so amazing. I cried when I listened too it. Thank you for today’s reading like all the others lovely incourage reading. I love them all. I have learned so much from them. My God richly bless you all for the work you all do. They bless me so much I love praying for you all. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
What a great topic today. I have felt this way to. And sometimes it can be situational. Like I feel I am bragging if I talk about a nice trip we took in front of people who probably have not been where we just came back from. Like talking about my wonderful children to someone whose kids are causing her heartache. I want to be kind, but I also want to be appreciative to God for my good gifts. He does bless us so others can have hope.
Stephanie, you’re so right! Guilt and shame are not from God. He’s the giver of good gifts and we have the joy of shining a spotlight on who He is by being grateful for His work and provision in our lives. It’s always helpful for me to remember that sharing about God’s kindness in my life isn’t a matter of tooting my own horn but trumpeting what God has done.
“I remember being in small groups at church and dreading the time when it was time for me to share my testimony. I didn’t feel like Jesus had saved me from enough”. Boy can I relate to this. I was raised in a family of faith, my dad is a pastor, etc. Up till now, I still feel as if I don’t really have a ‘big enough’ faith testimony. But I’ve recently stopped letting it hold me back. Thank you for this post. I “don’t have to apologize for God’s power and provision in my life” but respond in love to Him and others. He’s blessed me so I can bless others.
Stephanie, thank you. That message resonates. That I don’t have to apologize for God’s provision and protection is a powerful thought. I’m going to tuck that away for future to be able to share. There’s enough guilt already to struggle with – surely we don’t need more for what is not even under our control!
Yes, Stephanie!! Amen, amen! ❤️
I too have felt guilty for the way blessings outweigh trouble in our family. Thank you for your perspective, Stephanie, to use our testimony to give others hope and to pass along our blessings to others. A wise course of action!
Thank you for this post, Stephanie. I still (at 81) sometimes think I am not a “real” Christian because I have not been “saved” from a terrible previous life, and so don’t have a “proper” testimony. I was asked years ago why I believed in Jesus, and after my reply about some family “miracles” they were dispatched as “coincidences”. I am not a theologian, and I often don’t remember to pray before answering, so my only recourse has been to write Christian poetry, and hope that others may come to understand that faith in God is a great thing. I pray that He will use them to influence some souls for His glory.
i Later wrote: THE POWER OF PRAYER
Answers to prayer, some people say, are merely coincidence,
Yet to hear the following truthful tales, miracles make more sense.
Thank you so much for this, Stephanie! I’ve been struggling for years with feeling guilty for all I have and stressing about how to steward it “right.” Your perspective is really encouraging to me, that Jesus loves to bless us, that my blessings are something to be thankful for and not an indictment on others who don’t have as much or the same things as I have. God bless you!
God blesses each of us as He deems fit. It may seem as though God is blessing me/others more at times. Truth is we are all blessed to have a loving savior who died on the cross for our sins. We need to praise & thank Him for ALL He’s given & done for us. Don’t worry about the size of the blessings. Look at the ten lepers. Only 1 came back to thank God. Our God inhabits praise. There are times we can feel guilty for having more or going through fewer trials. His desire for us is to have life & have it abundantly. Once we realize ALL He’s done & given us we are to go out & make disciples. Tell others about the goodness of almighty God. Don’t feel guilty about being abundantly blessed by God. Let your praises ring to Heaven & tell the world. Show more of His love here on Earth. That is what He wants.
Blessings 🙂