About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "A Faith That Will Not Fail" delivers 10 practices to help you build up your faith when your...

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  1. says

    Some might see suffering as a curse. For me, and as I read this, much like you, I have found that my suffering has led me to that place where I must make a choice as to Who will be the love of my life. Will it be this world, or will it be eternity with the lover of my soul? Sure there is fear, but it’s God’s perfect love that will drive out the fear when we just say, “Yes” and submit our lives to Him and begin living for an audience of One. God has an amazing love story for each of us. All we must do is believe. Absolutely beautiful post that speaks directly to my heart.
    Bev xx

  2. Dawn Ferguson-Little says

    We don’t know why things happen to God people or . Why we could say God why did you let this happen to me if it. We could start and ask other questions like. Why God did you heal this Follower of yours through treatment or directly through yourself and didn’t heal my good friend or her family member of something that was wrong with them. Or say why have you God let me have this sickness. We can let the tears run down our face. Be cross with God at the time. When we hear bad news like this. If about ourselves or good friend or family member. You say but God I lived my life for you right. I read your word the Bible said my Prayers. Live my life as follower for you. Done everything right. Why is this happening. You see another Friend get healed who is saved. You say it not fair. Why? But we will not get the answers to these questions until we leave earth. We have to keep our trust in God no matter what. Yes it hard to wait for the answers. Keep reading his word the Bible and saying our Prayers. Putting on praise music will help. Talking to a trusted friend or person in your Church or Pastor getting Prayer. Know that our Heavenly Father still loves us. Is still beside us. He we help us get through it. Put a smile on. Know that his loving arms are around us. He will never leave us nor forsake us. If we are the ones that are sick or friends or the family members. They that do get healed God will give us the strength to go tell the stories. Of how we got our healing. Should God have done it through himself directly. Or he used the Doctors and treatment. We can be a witness to the unsaved world. Not be afraid to tell our stories of how God healed us. I when 7 my appendix burst and if I not got to theater in time I not be alive today. God used a Doctor to call to visit my parents that day they burst to phone the Hospital that day. Say get theatre ready. I was that ill. I was sent right away to have them out. I was that bad. So I tell that story today. God knew what he was doing. Bring the Doctor that was a friend to my parents house when I was a child. He hardly ever visited my parents. But God had the Doctor visit to that day for a reason. If he not come. I not still be alive today. As it would be too late. As no time for Ambulance to come. I was carried in my mum’s arms and driven in the Doctors car to Hospital and straight to theater. So like you say Don’t Be Afraid Just Believe. I believe God has me here for a reason. Ike he has you Michele for a reason too. Love your reading today. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx

  3. says

    Michele, Fear is such a sneaky distraction from who we are in Christ and what He already accomplished for us on the cross. I’ve been helped in fear’s right grip before too. Your words remind me to keep remembering that I truly have all that I desire I need. Thank you, friend.

  4. Beth Williams says


    Going through trials really helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel. We see that this world & all its glamor will one day fade away to nothing. After going through geriatric psych with my dad twice my faith & trust muscles were grown immensely. This world no longer holds an allure to me. I am ready to go to Heaven & be with Jesus forever. No more fear-I have faith over any & all fears. God is my savior & He will see me through anything.

    Blessings 🙂