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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Cheryl says

    Today’s (Sunday) incourage gave my ❤️ such a wonderful feeling..oh if the world could be like this ‼️ Our selfishness and ‘my rights’ has overtaken our love.. God forgive us… let’s get back to giving with a grateful heart.
    Can you see what a wonderful world that would be

  2. Dawn Ferguson-Little says

    Yes we should consider others instreast more than or own. Jesus always put other first than himself. He fed the hurgry seen to sick. Loved all people of all walks of life. Wanted to be with people no one else wanted to be with. Look at the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with only 2 loaves and 5 fish. The woman at the well was a Samantha woman. Jesus was Jew. He didn’t care. Jesus still met her needs. Jesus loved her. Saw her as person with needs and he met them. No matter what wrong she had done. Jesus didn’t Judge her. Jesus cared for the sick by going to Jarius house and healed his Daughter. Jesus put others before himself. We should do the same as Jesus go the extra mile if we can. You get all these stories in the Bible of all these things Jesus done. Plus more. We are the Church the Church is people who are saved. Not the fancy building. If we can help one person in one way by showing love doing a kind deed. Jesus will bless us for it. Like the kids song I learnt at Sunday School. “Jesus Love All The Children Of The World Red And Yellow Black And White” we are to do the same. Especially if saved. I help people when I can. I do it on to Jesus. Because I love them. Love today’s reading. Love all incourage readings. Love you all incourage and I keep you all in my prayers. Dawn Ferguson-Little xxxxx