“Lord, God of my master Abraham,” he prayed, “make this happen for me today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. I am standing here at the spring where the daughters of the men of the town are coming out to draw water. Let the girl to whom I say, ‘Please lower your water jug so that I may drink,’ and who responds, ‘Drink, and I’ll water your camels also’ — let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master.”
Before he had finished speaking, there was Rebekah — daughter of Bethuel son of Milcah, the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor — coming with a jug on her shoulder. Now the girl was very beautiful, a virgin — no man had been intimate with her. She went down to the spring, filled her jug, and came up. Then the servant ran to meet her and said, “Please let me have a little water from your jug.”
She replied, “Drink, my lord.” She quickly lowered her jug to her hand and gave him a drink. When she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I’ll also draw water for your camels until they have had enough to drink.” She quickly emptied her jug into the trough and hurried to the well again to draw water. She drew water for all his camels while the man silently watched her to see whether or not the Lord had made his journey a success.
As the camels finished drinking, the man took a gold ring weighing half a shekel, and for her wrists two bracelets weighing ten shekels of gold. “Whose daughter are you?” he asked. “Please tell me, is there room in your father’s house for us to spend the night?”
She answered him, “I am the daughter of Bethuel son of Milcah, whom she bore to Nahor.” She also said to him, “We have plenty of straw and feed and a place to spend the night.” Then the man knelt low, worshiped the Lord, and said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, who has not withheld his kindness and faithfulness from my master. As for me, the Lord has led me on the journey to the house of my master’s relatives.”
Genesis 24:12-17 (CSB)
Before she became the mother of Israel, Rebekah was a simple woman living in Nahor. Abraham sent his servant to find a wife among his family’s people. His servant specifically asked God for a sign of hospitality from a woman in order to know which woman to choose as Isaac’s wife. Without knowing any of that, Rebekah was kind and generous, proving to Abraham’s servant that she would make a fine wife for Isaac. She showed incredible hospitality to Abraham’s servant, giving him a drink from the well, watering his camels, and inviting him to stay with her family.
Abraham’s servant was concerned about finding the right wife for his master’s son, and he was unsure how he would even find one option. He’d been given some strict parameters for this wife-finding expedition, and he was nervous. What if I can’t locate Abraham’s family? What if I can’t find a woman willing to travel so far? What if her family doesn’t trust me? What if I can’t find someone good enough? Rebekah’s kindness was a specific answer to prayer — not just that Isaac would have a good wife, but also that the servant would be able to complete Abraham’s mission successfully.
Abraham’s servant did not have reason to worry as he did. God was guiding him the entire time, leading him straight to the woman He had chosen for Isaac. And Rebekah was lovely inside and out, just as kind as she was beautiful. When the servant picked her out of the crowd to ask for water, she didn’t hesitate. She offered him water and then, going above and beyond, offered to get water for his camels as well. When he boldly asked if her father had room for guests, she eagerly offered their home. And when he finally revealed the reason for his visit, explaining that she would have to leave her home and travel a great distance to meet and marry Isaac, she agreed. And as we learn in Genesis 24:67, Isaac indeed loved her deeply. More than that, we know that their children’s lineage eventually led to the coming of Christ!
Do you ever get “weird” ideas that pop up out of nowhere? Or feel a “random” nudge — to offer help, to share an encouraging word or meal, to invite someone you just met into your event, your home, your life? What if those nudges aren’t actually out of nowhere? What if they’re prompts from God, preparing you to meet someone’s needs, to be the answer to his or her prayers?
What if, by obeying God and offering courageous kindness, you are in turn as blessed as the one you bless?
While it’s not always easy, hospitality is an incredible gift that God’s people can gladly and easily give one another, whether it is as simple as a drink of water or a place to stay the night. Rebekah’s hospitality was exactly the kindness Abraham’s servant needed, and like so many other stories in the Bible, it was yet another way God was preserving the line of Christ unbeknownst to the people involved.
Sometimes what seem like the smallest acts of hospitality are incredible gifts to those who receive them, and even impact the course of salvation history.
This was written by Mary Carver, as published in Women of Courage: a Forty-Day Devotional from the (in)courage community.
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When we do something for someone else and we do it in love we are doing it on to Jesus. Especially if we don’t look for a reward back. Jesus know we are doing it in love on too him. Like Jesus hand were kind hands doing good to all. Jesus loves all people he loved helping people when he could. He never turned any one away. If had the time he listen to them. He still listen to us. By listing to our prayers. We can be kind to others if got a minute free or time free or if able. Ask them if able do something nice for them. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to the them and show the love of Jesus to them. Especially if not able to go shopping for themselves. Or like my Dad with a sore leg at times not able to walk his dog at times. Take his dog a walk for him. As the neighbor or that person if can’t go shopping for themselves can I get you anything in the shop as I am going for myself. Or if at home and no one else to talk to pop in if they like that and chat them for a while. As they might like the company. Or if able to get out and a bit lonely take them for coffee. You might just brighten their day to get them out of their home for a we while. Doing this they might see Jesus in you. If not saved ask you what is you have that makes you so kind and caring. Plus loving. You can say I have Jesus living in me. Everything thing I do I do for Jesus and because I care for people as well. Want to see them happy and smile. It makes me smile. Then Jesus smiles and I know I made someone smile their day a lot brighter. Love today’s reading. Xxx
I love this post and yes, I’ve had those “weird” feelings and nudges from God. Too often, I make it about me…what will they think of me? Will I make things awkward by being so forward? One time I struck up a conversation with a woman in the grocery store in the produce section. I just felt a nudge that she needed someone to talk to. Turned out she was new to town, was a recovering alcoholic, and had been clean for over a year but her adult children wanted nothing to do with her for how she had ruined their family. We ended up talking for more than a half hour and I was able to pray with her beside the potatoes. I think of the opportunity I would have missed to bless her and to be immensely blessed myself. I almost kept on going – minding my own business. You just never know where a kind word may lead. Good medicine for us all, Mary!
Bev xx
Only God knows what the effect of our kindness will have on history. Rebekah’s kindness changed many lives.
Refreshing biblical teaching that can be applied to every day life. Thank you for sharing this.
This was timely today! Thank you! At the end of a marathon week for me I was looking forward to a less busy day but ended up agreeing to watch a friend’s children all day. It is indeed turning into a blessing. And I would add that when we step out in faith, not knowing where the energy will come from, if it’s God’s idea He’ll supply all that’s needed!
God winks as I call them are little nudges from Heaven to do this or go there. A co-worker of mine was moving from a condo to a nice home in town. I felt compelled to get her a housewarming gift. One Friday another co-worker & I were going to help her move. Knowing that she is older & probably didn’t need anything-I asked if she had food to feed us all. She hadn’t thought about it. After gathering some information I made a huge baked spaghetti & meatball casserole. The three of us were able to eat on it, the other co worker took some home & she had plenty left over for the long moving days. shortly thereafter that same RN’s dad got ill-probably cancer. She was worried & feeling stressed. I took it upon myself to get a small pint of sugar free butter pecan ice cream & took it to work.
I continue to do little things for people. When my in-laws got I would get a left over casserole from “Feed Multitude”-something my church did- & take it to them. Also take one for my widowed neighbor. For MILs bday I would cook up food so she didn’t have to. I love to cook & try new recipes plus helping people always makes me happy. I get blessed right along with them.
Blessings 🙂