God, create a clean heart for me
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not banish me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore the joy of your salvation to me,
and sustain me by giving me a willing spirit.
Then I will teach the rebellious your ways,
and sinners will return to you.
Psalm 51:10-13 (CSB)
I picture David face down, vulnerable before the Lord, as his guilt and sorrow pours out from his broken spirit. He was left with nothing but humility, recognizing how broken he was and how deeply he needed to be restored by God. He knew the type of sacrifice God required of him. God wanted his heart, a sacrifice of pride, for it is pride that keeps us from repentance. Repentance must precede restoration. Unlike me for far too long, David was fully aware of this. My pride kept me from a humbled, broken posture before the Lord.
Our world today makes it tough to appear anything but stoic, perfect, and in complete control. Peruse Facebook, and in seconds you’ll see this played out. But we know all too well that on the other side of that screen sits a nearly broken spirit — maybe that person is you. Perhaps you have been running and hiding from your repentance because of fear, doubt, or pride. Or, like me, you question that God will forgive you.
God is far bigger than anything our tiny minds can conceive. We were created to live fully. We must put our unbelief aside and choose to believe that God wants to restore us to a life full of His provision, blessing, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and love. Are you desperate for restoration today? Do you believe that your humbled heart, laid out before Him in repentance, will bring restoration? Do you believe God wants to restore you?
Do you believe He will? I am praying that if you are in a place of needing restoration, you will run to the Father now and trust Him with your broken spirit and humbled heart.
This excerpt is by Tam Hodge, published in the (in)courage Devotional Bible and the Summer (in) the Psalms Devotional Journal. It has been edited from its original form.
How can we pray for you?
We want to create a space for you to confess, pray, and connect as a community. Please write a prayer or leave a prayer request in the comments and then pray for the person who commented before you.
Also, we’re journeying through the book of Psalms this summer, and we’d love for you to join us!
Click here to purchase the printed Summer (in) the Psalms 40-Day Devotional Journal for just $7.99! This beautiful printed journal, only available on Amazon, includes forty days of reading selections from Psalms, twenty full devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible, and daily reflection questions with lined pages for journaling your answers. This journal is an all-inclusive, one stop shop for your Summer (in) the Psalms journey!
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You know what comes to mind is a lovely song you get it on YouTube. To do with today’s reading. I just love it. It is “Spirit of the living God fall a fresh on Me”. You have to listen to all of it on YouTube to hear what it really saying. I believe it saying what we all should be believing. Asking God and his Holy Spirit to breath afresh on us. That is what we all his Believers need to believe and ask knowing of his Holy Spirit to come upon us and fill us in away like never before. So as we know how to live our lives that show the Love of Jesus to a hurting world. We that are a Praying people. We that are people who read God word and do what it says. I believe we are the Church. The Church is no the fancy building. We the saved are Church. Going the extra mile for all people no matter what skin color they are. Showing the Love of Jesus like Jesus did when he was on earth to all people even people no one wanted to know. This what I believe. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little.
I just buried my husband. My anxiety has just gone wild. Bills are through the roof-he left totally encumbered finances. His children, by a previous marriage, run the gambit of feelings about him and their interpretation of who he was to them. Tomorrow I go back to work and I am so obviously overwhelmed and scattered. I am trying to just cling to the Lord and ask his direction and strength. Please pray that I continue to find places of refuge and the whirling in my brain cease as I feel His protection and care.
Oh Beverly, lifting you up to our Heavenly Father today. He knows ALL your feelings, and I pray as you cling to Him, He will pour comfort and reassurance to you. So very sorry for the loss of your husband.
Lifting you up in prayer, right now. Be good to yourself and allow yourself the freedom to walk through the stages of grieving – however long they may last. May God draw near to calm your anxious soul so that you can rest in the peace that He is with you and He is the God who stays.
Blessings and gentle hugs,
Bev xx
Oh sweet sister praying hard for you now. May God send His peace & comfort to you. Petitioning God & Holy Spirit to aid you in finding places of refuge to calm the whirling in your brain. May you feel His loving arms surrounding you always. Asking Jesus to give you guidance & strength as you endure. I pray you sense His presence always holding you up & helping you daily.
Blessings 🙂
Father, please go before Beverly and make her to know that You are with her every step of the way. When anxieties consume her, bring a wave of peace that covers her. Allow her to truly feel your presence and your peace. Remind, her Lord that You have redeemed her. In Jesus name, Amen
Beverly I don’t know what you are going through. But there is one that does his name is Jesus. I will pray for you. A song comes to mind for you it is by Don Moen. you get it on YouTube. It is ” God will make a way were there seems no way” Do listen to it if you can. Plus read 1 Peter 5 verse 7 Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Praying for you sweet sister! So incredibly sorry for your loss. May God pour His love and peace over you during this time and always!
Dear Beverly, my heart hurts for you, praying for God’s deep omfort and peace and protection.
Praying for Gods comfort over you sister. I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you with peace and comfort. In Jesus’ Name, amen. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I am so deeply sorry, Beverly.
Beverly, I’m so sorry for your loss. We can be turned upside down after the loss of a husband, and especially a husband having left money (but no bills or any problems) to his children. I don’t know how it will be for me after 20 year 2nd marriage, (but I remember my mother who was widowed and married again for 20 years to my step-dad)… it was pressure for all of us, separating the tangibles after his death. I hope your husband left a will, at least.
Our prayers will move you upward and help you move forward. God is faithful. I prayed for you, today. God bless you and your family during this horribly difficult time in your lives. Lori
In Courage,
Would appreciate prayers for my sweet hubby. He works in a busy hospital CT department Sat, Sun, & Mon. (3 12 hr shifts). He hates his job. The sheer volume of work is almost impossible to maintain for anyone. He has applied for another position at an out patient diagnostic center. Asking God to give this to him. It would be weekdays only. He would then be able to attend church with me again.
Needing prayers for a co-worker. Judy just found out her 83 yr old dad has either prostate or bladder cancer. He will need surgery to remove tumor & probably most of bladder. She is worried & upset. Also she just moved to a new house & is in process of unpacking & organizing. She needs strength to endure all this. She, works 12 hr. shifts at a hospital as RN. Also trying to sell her condo she moved from.
Praying for everyone here. Asking God to bless you all financially, spiritually & mentally during this pandemic & upheaval.
Blessings 🙂
Lifting your husband and coworker up in prayer! I pray Jesus shines on you today and always and you feel His incredible peace!
Lifting your husband and coworker in prayer. You are such a prayer warrior for others…it’s a privilege to lift you and your family in prayer!
Bev xx
I confess I fear having a cold heart in this time, and disobeying God when he calls me to be His hands and feet. I feel such temptation to run to earthly comforts instead of Jesus, I am so desperate for the joy of salvation again.
Barbara, I wish I could come sit with you. Sometimes our cold hearts need a warm heart to come and just be. Words are all I have. Heavenly Father, in this moment I share the warm, soft heart I have for You with Barbara. I sit with her-wishing it is was face-to-face, accepting it’s written words, knowing Your Spirit holds and covers us. I share all I have with her in our sitting with You. I share peace, comfort, contentment, assurance and a deep, deep knowledge of your goodness and love for both of us. Please do the miracle that only you can, warm that heart of hers up to You as she so desires. May she believe You only, believe that she is worth it. The price Jesus paid has made her worthy. I ask this in Jesus name, amen.
I pray in faith Barbara. I believe in faith. God is ever so near to your cold heart. Love you sister, right where you are, cold heart and all. Molly xoxo
Praying for a home that is safe for my family.
I think we are all desiring a safe haven…lifting you up, especially, during this time for a safe home for you and your family. God please prepare a safe place for Andrea and her family. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Bev xx
I have been dealing with Multiple Sclerosis since 2003 and with this pandemic it is really hard for me. Depression has a big impact on me and being at home 24/7 is tough. Not getting a coke with a friend or most importantly not going to church. I ask for you to lift me up in prayer. I look forward to my emails from (in)courage everyday!!
I would appreciate prayer for my relationship with my grown children. I had them when I was young…a kid having kids. I lost my parents when I was very young so I didn’t learn how to communicate and passed this along to my children. My 2 daughters and their families live 2700 km away and I feel like the chasm between our hearts is just as wide. My heart aches for a deeper relationship with them.