Let the whole earth shout triumphantly to the Lord!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God.
He made us, and we are his —
his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and bless his name.
For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever;
his faithfulness, through all generations.
Psalm 100 CSB
When stress and anxiety don’t let up, how do we shout triumphantly to the Lord? How do we come before Him with joyful songs? Joy isn’t easy to embrace when we’re overwhelmed and when grief and loss are closer companions on this journey than we’d like.
But verses 3 and 5 of Psalm 100 guide us toward joy. We acknowledge that the Lord is God, the One who made us and to whom we belong. We are in His care, shepherded by His strong hand, and His faithful love for us endures forever. His constancy is reason for praise. With our hands and hearts open before Him, let’s enter into His presence singing songs of His faithfulness.
God, help us to remember the times You’ve walked with us and how You haven’t changed in the midst of all the changes happening around us. Fill us with Your joy. Amen.
This summer, we’re journeying through the book of Psalms. Join us!
Click here to purchase the Summer (in) the Psalms 40-Day Devotional Journal for just $7.99! This beautiful journal, only available on Amazon, includes forty days of reading selections from Psalms, twenty full devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible, and daily reflection questions with lined pages for journaling your answers. This journal is an all-inclusive, one stop shop for your summer studying!
We’re loving this summer spent (in) the Psalms with you.
Get your Summer (in) the Psalms Devotional Journal today!
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In Courage,
I’ve found that when angst & unrest abound think on the goodness of God. Taking your mind off the current situation & reflecting on Him & His holiness can ease your weary soul some. Make a thankful journal. List all the things God has blessed you with. Remember the times He has saved you or gotten you through a trial. Turn on some good praise music & start being joyful in the Lord.
Blessings 🙂
Amen Beth – a gratitude journal, praise music, and prayer. When we give thanks to God for our abundant blessings, it’s hard not to experience joy!
Bev xx
We are the Sheep the Lord is Our Shepherd. Like in Psalm 23 verse 1. The Lord is my Shepherd. In the first line of verse of that Psalm. And Shepherd know all his sheep and if one is missing. Or injured he goes looking for it and finds it and bring it back to Sheep fold. If we have injury in our souls we can go the Shepherd who is Jesus in Prayer and he will carry our problem on his Shoulders. Like the Shepherd carrys his Sheep on his Shoulders. Home to other Sheep and makes sure it’s not injured. If injured. Looked after it untill it is well again. Jesus will do the same for us his followers again with that Problem we have in our Souls. When we come to him our Shepherd and give it to him in Prayer. Until we have that Joy in our Souls again. He will make sure in part of verse 4 of Psalm 23 which says make sure we are not afraid. It says I will not be afraid for you are close beside me your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. Jesus the Shepherd will comfort us. In verse 5 of Psalm 23 Jesus the Shepherd as we are his sheep will prepare a feast for me (and you) in the present of my enemies (your enemies). Meaning Jesus will not let the enemy touch you. Jesus Welcome you as guest. Anointing my head (and yours) with oil. My cup (and yours) overflows with blessings. So Jesus does all that when you and me put our trust in him and hand the problem over to him that in our Souls. Let him make it happy again and through his Holy Spirit listen to Jesus telling you what to do. Then do it. We being to get the Joy back again that was once there. Don’t let Satan Rob it away. Then in verse 6 of Psalm 23 Surely your goodness (and mine) and unfailing love will pursue me (and you) all the days of my life (and your life) And I (you will) live in the house of Lord forever. How good that is too know. So that is Joy worth knowing that Jesus gives and that should give us Joy to smile about.
I love the Psalms and have always found great comfort in them. Our Shepherd loves and cares for us. We need not fear. Amen to your comments, Beth, Bev and Dawn!