My hands hover over the keyboard. I don’t want to write this post.
I don’t really want to write any post at all, actually, even though my mind is constantly writing sentences and storylines throughout the day.
Part of me wants to blame it on the pandemic, and while it’s true that I have much less creative energy now than I did back in “precedented times,” I hesitate to put words down today because I know you won’t see them for another few weeks . . . and I don’t know what the world will look like then.
What will fill our newsfeeds? Will we be closer to a vaccine? What worries will weigh on our shoulders? What words of truth will we need to hear?
I don’t know.
I’m pulled back to the present moment as a splash in the background interrupts my thoughts. The sound of children screaming with delight and adults laughing at their joy echos off the buildings surrounding the pool.
Twenty-five summers ago, I wore floaties in that very pool.
Fifteen summers ago, I played games with my cousins, diving to the bottom to retrieve toys and seeing who could hold their breath the longest underwater.
Ten summers ago, I stood on the deck by the pool, took a picture with my family, gave hugs and said goodbyes, and then drove home to pack a hospital bag for brain surgery the next morning.
We come back every year and I say the same words all over again. “Will you take my picture on the deck?” Sometimes I squint from the sun or stand there soaked from a summer storm, but there’s a time lapse of sorts on my camera roll, each photo telling a story summed up in just a few words:
And so I add another picture, pause to remember, and give thanks.
Ten years later, with criss-crossed legs beneath me and hands slowly writing out these words to the soundtrack of squeals and splashes, it’s remembering that slows my heartbeat. My fingers still with gratitude instead of uncertainty.
Not knowing the future isn’t anything new. I’ve never known exactly what the next day would bring. Control has never been mine to have or to hold.
20/20 vision, it turns out, brings into focus the truth that I don’t know . . . and maybe that’s a gift.
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
Matthew 6:34 (MSG)
The little girl in the floaties had no idea what was coming fifteen years later, let alone the next day. And if you told the girl holding her breath that five years later she’d have to remember to breathe during her first MRI scan, she wouldn’t fully understand.
The seventeen-year-old standing on the deck didn’t need to know in that moment that over the next decade, mixed in with so many wonderful things, she would have three more surgeries, grieve friendships falling apart, experience spiritual warfare, watch multiple dreams die, and eventually find herself writing these words in the middle of something called a “global pandemic.”
Not knowing the future was a kindness, a gift from the One who knows it all and knew it would be too much.
That day’s trouble was enough. But the most beautiful of truths is this: so was God.
Like manna in the wilderness and new mercies every morning, He was enough for every single day.
Remembering God’s past faithfulness helps us hold tightly to joy in the present and hope for the future.
That doesn’t eliminate our questions, but it guides us to the true Answer.
In Even If Not, I wrote,
God is not staring down at us from heaven and tapping His foot, checking His watch to see just how long it’ll take us to figure this whole ‘life’ thing out. Instead, He is patiently waiting and quietly longing to be the safe place we run to in the dark, the quiet we enter into when the noise of the world is blaring in our ears, the balm to our scars and the healing for our hurts. He never promised to answer all our questions, but He promised to be the Answer to every question we’ll ever face.
Sometimes we get so caught up in figuring out the future that we can’t focus in the present. There’s a time and a place for planning, but if we miss today then what’s the point in worrying about tomorrow? Time spent worrying today is time taken away from praying for the very things that cause us to worry.
God was there at the beginning, is with us in the in between, and will be with us in our tomorrows too. We’re invited to be “careless in the care of God” (Matthew 6), trusting that the One who knows and holds the future also knows and holds us.
I don’t have the answers, and I imagine I’ll still be saying “I don’t know” next time I watch the cursor blink against a blank page.
But I won’t end the sentence there.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but He does.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but He’ll be there.
I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but He is enough.
And that’s enough.
If you’ve purchased a copy of Even If Not, send me a message . . . I’d love to connect and, if you’d like, mail a print or two your way. (Every chapter begins with an art print, and while they’re all available as free downloads on my website, if you’re anything like me, it sure does help to see Truth framed on a desk or taped to the bathroom mirror.)
[bctt tweet=”Remembering God’s past faithfulness helps us hold tightly to joy in the present and hope for the future. – @kaitlyn_bouch” username=”incourage”]
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I never knew what “raising your Ebenezer” meant until I had gone through years of suffering. When God faithfully brought His people through a valley of pain and suffering, they would raise a pillar of stones – an altar to commemorate God’s faithfulness and goodness (an Ebenezer). When I am faced with a new trial, I look to the past to propel me forward. Looking back to see just what all God has brought me through gives me courage to face the day and hope that He will bring me out on the other side. I love the Message version of Matthew 6:34. “Give your entire attention to what God is doing RIGHT NOW…and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow.” When I read this, I reach over and grab my dear husband’s hand who is beside me right now. He is here with me. He stays when others have left. I glance over at our dozing beagle. The vet called yesterday and he has cancer. I don’t know how much more time we’ll have with him. But, here in this moment, God is good. I don’t know what will happen with our country, but right now in this moment in time. God is good. Awesome post Kaitlyn to yank me back from my fruitless future wondering….
Bev xx
Bev –
I am so sorry about your beagle.
Sending Love and Prayers,
Thanks so much Elizabeth…that means a lot!
Bev xo
The past few months, I’ve read through Joshua with one of my Bible studies. Over and over, they’re told to remember. Like the Ebenezer you mentioned, they build an altar of remembrance that, for generations to come, is meant to point to the Lord and tell the story of what God has done.
Maybe today will be another stone added to the pile. xo
Praying for you now. I know first hand what it’s like to lose a pet. The pain of loss is still there you treat them like family. Praying your beagle doesn’t have to suffer much. Asking God to come along side you & your family & change some things.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for your reminder that God has this. I needed to hear these words today. Caring for elderly parents, sending daughters off to college, preparing for teaching only online classes- all of it keeps me worrying about the future in these uncertain times. I need to trust God and focus on Him. He is enough!
You DO have an awful lot on your plate, Melody. May God intervene with Ephesians 3:20 blessings to see you through this difficult season!
That is a lot all at once, Melody! Praying that as you’re holding all of that, you’ll be reminded that God is holding you.
Sweet sister you have a lot on you now. I understand caring for aging parents. Did that for 10 years. Praying for strength & courage as you care for your parents & handle all of life’s trials. Asking God to comfort you & send a peace to your weary soul. Praying your daughters as they head off to college. May they be safe & healthy. Asking God for protection for the family. Sending ((((((((((Hugs)))))))))) your way!!
Blessings 🙂
WOW- God’s timing! You wrote this back some time; but it just came in because God wanted me to hear His message through you at this time. Thanks, Kaitlyn. I was told on Mon that I have a cancer tumor on my spine on a nerve so now the doc wants to do a Pet scan to see if there is more. I had breast cancer eight years ago so was not expecting to hear those words again. I needed the reminder in your message & mighty glad God has brought you through these years.
Lifting you in prayer, Frances, right now. When I read Kaitlyn’s post I immediately thought of you. Praying you can stay right here in the moment and not get caught up in what’s ahead.
Love and hugs,
Bev xoxo
Praying for you now, Frances. My own health journey was, in many ways, what began the story of saying “even if not.” Long before it was a book, it was a knowing in a doctor’s office. I’m grateful this post came at just the right time for you, and am praying for you as I send this message.
Sweet sister praying for you in the middle of all this. May God send His healing hand to you soon. Asking God to give you a peace & comfort for whatever comes your way. Jeremiah 29:11 “I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” “Plans to prosper you & not to harm. To give you a hope & a future.” I pray you feel His presence with you every step of the way. Hold tightly to the thought that no matter what God is with you & will see you through the valley. Psalm 23:5 Yea thou I walk through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod & staff they comfort me. God’s got this!
Sending (((((((hugs))))))) your way!
Blessings 🙂
Thank you so much Beth.. That is very sweet! Sometime back Jennifer Dukes Lee wrote a devotion called God’s Got It, which I love. Just as lives are topsy turvey from that nasty virus, my life might get topsy turvey but I know our Big C is more powerful than the little c. I appreciate your loving concern & prayers.
When our bodies give out HIS Holy Spirit moves in…I would encourage you to pray and study Psalm 91 and ask those around you to pray it over you; God is all…
Wise words, Kaitlyn! Thank you!
Thank you so much! Last night I collapsed in bed just exhausted from worrying about finances. Thank you!
So grateful to hear this encouraged you right when you needed it! Thank you for reading – and taking the time to comment. 🙂
“Remembering God’s past faithfulness helps us hold tightly to joy in the present and hope for the future.” Couldn’t say AMEN too strongly for that statement! Back in 1983 I started a looseleaf journal to record God’s faithfulness to our family. Now there are well over 1300 entries. Praise God he is more than enough to see us through every challenge! Thank you for your uplifting post, Kaitlyn!
That’s amazing. What a testimony of God’s continued faithfulness! It reminds me of One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, but with a little bit of a spin. 🙂
This is beautiful and so true. Need to stop and just breath out thank yous to our loving God.
During this Pandemic God has taught me so much. Even though before it all I still trust God for everything. As it God who made us. It God who loves us. I stand on his word the Bible the Promises in it and Prayer. I still do today. God taught me through the story of Jesus feeding the Five thousand people on five loaves and and two fish. What God showed was that the people in those days. Didn’t care about Germs. Or if the people there that day had washed their hands or about the insects in the grass. When the loaves and fishes were given out. As they knew there to here the King of world and the King of the world wouldn’t let any thing happened to them. God said to me. People today saved and unsaved who are they putting their trust in. They most of them are panicking will I will I not catch Covid 19. Or will this or this happen to me. Who are they trusting. If you look at the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 people that day. They didn’t worry about Germs. What they catch. They were trusting Jesus as they knew he take care of them. I know he holds the future. For he hold tomorrow. So I don’t worry. I take one day at time. Like the song. You get it one YouTube. “It is one day at at time”. Words of so beautiful. Thank you for a lovely reading. Will keep you in prayer. Keep you all incourage in prayer Love Dawn xxx
Your post spurred me to ask my college circle of friends GroupMe to share their stones of remembrances. What a great way to encourage each other & praise God together! Thanks for the spur!
This made me smile so big! I LOVE that.
Great encouraging post. We are living in tumultuous times. It is so easy to get on the worry band wagon. My hubby was there for a while earlier this year. He fretted about not being called back to work, etc. I simply told him “Don’t worry about anything but pray about everything.” Ask God what His plans for you are. Prayer & praise release the feeling of worry. You know in your heart that God’s got this. Sure enough six weeks later he was called back. I often keep a thankful or grateful journal. Listing all things big & small that God has blessed me with. It helps me in down times. I look back & see all the times God saw me through valleys. Psalm 23:5 Yea though I walk through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me. Thy rod & staff they comfort me. Has been a blessing during these long trying times.
Blessings 🙂