About the Author

ALIZA LATTA is a writer, artist, and pastor who is a huge fan of telling stories. She creates content for Canada’s largest youth conference, Change Conference, and is a church planter in Ontario, Canada. Her artwork and writing have been featured in publications for LifeWay, Dayspring, and (in)courage. She is...

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  1. What Godly wisdom you were given to be applied in your dating life and beyond! As a much older Christian woman who despite prayer, good intentions and a strong awareness of not wanting to repeat the mistakes of the past, I ended up in a failed second marriage as well. I never thought I would find myself in this position once, let alone twice. God is in the business of redemption and healing and he is doing that in my life. Forgiveness of self and others…sometimes a slow and painful journey. Thank God for Godly counsellors! May God bless you and give you much discernment, wisdom and love as you navigate life!

  2. What a wake up call! I’m so glad I took the time to read this. I even wrote down the 3 steps so I could have them in front of me for a reminder that even what seems as the mundane can be a big piece of evidence. I needed to see & read this today. Perfect timing. Thank you!!

  3. Looking for evidence. What a good idea. Evidence will remind us of the truth when we are doubting or feeling otherwise. Great idea. His evidence is all around us. Let us be hunters of his evidence.

  4. Hi! I have been doing such things (now two journals worth with printed out “inserts” included of snipped quotes or images) for almost two years, because I, too, needed to “see” how God was working in all the small ways. I am a researcher by nature and have even found “interconnectedness” of multiple instances that weave together days or months and even years apart. It is AMAZING. Because one can do exactly what you said….go back and remind yourself on the discouraging, disappointed and weary days that God is so on it and in it!

  5. I love love love that advice !! EVIDENCE. yes… as a divorced woman who decided to be single and not need anyone God threw a mechanic into my life as my truck kept literally breaking down. …yes he’s my hubby now of almost 20 years. I looked for someone who treated his family well..mother well and was the opposite of what I had originally married.
    I love that God shows us his love in everything . from the morning sunrise to a note from a friend.. the evidence of God’s love is in the small things that the world usually over looks.

  6. Aliza,
    Thank-you for taking the time to share your comforting words, and heart with us about the truth of God’s love for us. Every new day is a gift from God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:18

    Give thanks in everything for this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus.
    Blessings to all,

  7. I appreciated this on several levels :). Thank you for your honest and vulnerable sharing. ♥

  8. Great post! What excellent tips for finding and especially remembering evidence of Gods faithfulness! I am not a good bible reader nor rememberer or journaling fan but I am going to try to keep notes when God shows himself to me. It’s so easy to forget all the things He has done in His love for me!

  9. Aliza,

    We humans get busy with life & tend to easily forget about God, His love & help in the past. We need to slow down a bit, take a look around us & see all the beauty. Walk in nature listening to birds chirping, & see flowers blooming, It is so easy to get distracted & down hearted. Take the time to talk with God & ask Him to give you sweet reminders of His love. For me I simply make a “thankful” list. On it goes everything from Home in Heaven, sins forgiven to paper clips, pens, etc. Also remember the times God has brought me through valleys. Keep a record of His continuous love & help. Write down the times He has helped you out. The missed accident, good parking spot, job you found quickly, healing from disease. Then go back & look over them & thank Him for always being there for you.

    Blessings 🙂