Mothering may not look like what we thought it would look like.
It doesn’t look like it does in the movies or TV shows. It doesn’t look like most of our social media feeds or our friends’ lives or any version of what we thought it would look like at all.
It may look like loving other people’s children. It may look like loving your neighbors’, your nephews and nieces, the kids growing up in your home, and the kids growing up in your church.
Mothering looks like life lived between. The shots between frames shared online. The moments that go unnoticed. The tiny spaces between the highs and lows. Right there, between the funny and the serious.
Mothering is delightful, difficult, beautiful, brutal, blessed, terrifying, sweet, good, and hard.
Mothering is surprising, mundane, ordinary, and extraordinary. Mothering is tender, fierce, glorious, gritty, and a gift.
Mothering may not look a thing like you thought it would. It may not be anything like you pictured. But no matter what it looks like to you, for you, mothering is everything.
– Anna Rendell in A Mother’s Love: Celebrating Every Kind of Mom
We’ve been hearing about the ways our new book, A Mother’s Love, compiled by (in)courage writer Anna Rendell, has been impacting the hearts of women, and we can’t get enough of their stories. So today, we’re highlighting a few from our community! Read on for the ways this book has touched their hearts — and don’t miss the special deal + giveaway!
You have created a masterpiece to bless all women. My heart swelled as I read each sentence, feeling God’s love deeper and deeper. Thank you!
– Mary
Anna – thank you! I’m sitting here in tears, because this is the first time I have seen acknowledgement in the Christian world of a mother who has lost a child “to red tape.” Our loss is felt no less deeply. Our loss is no less significant because “you still have 3 other children.” Our loss still hurts after fourteen years have passed, and after the birth of another baby. Our loss is still a loss. Thank you for seeing us. Just . . . thank you.
– V.
So beautifully written, Anna. I am a blessed mom of one after many years of trying/treatments, and a mom to thirty-one fourth graders in my classroom (which now is through computer — Google Classroom and Screencastify!) I think EVERY kind of mother is covered in your writing — so thoughtful to every end!
– Andree
These stories and devotions move me in so many ways. They bring back memories, they teach me how to love more deeply with grace, and they bring great honor to God. A true tribute to mothers and the power of Love.
– Mary
I read an excerpt from Anna’s book in HomeLife Magazine this month and was so moved, tears welled up in my eyes. I have a four and a half year old and a five month old, both boys, and have just come out of a season of postpartum depression, complicated by job loss following my return from maternity leave. It is by the grace of God that I have gotten over to the other side, and I thank God every single day, multiple times per day for giving me strength to do so. I immediately thought of all the mothers in my life and friends who are mothers of all sorts. I plan on purchasing several for Mother’s Day gifts. Anna, I know this book is amazing!
– Allison
See what we mean? Such wonderful testimonies about the way this book has woven its way into hearts.
Fun news: A Mother’s Love: Celebrating Every Kind of Mom is now available for only $10 at DaySpring! Such a great deal! We know these days are full of the unknown. This is the perfect time to send a copy to a friend as a blessing and day brightener and to keep another copy to page through yourself when you need to take a moment to encourage your heart. A Mother’s Love is filled with stories from the (in)courage community, brief devotions, Scripture, beautiful artwork, lined pages for your reflection, and Biblical encouragement.
To help you celebrate a mother-type figure in your life, we’re going to give away a copy of A Mother’s Love AND a set of the coordinating Hey Momma cards, as shown above! Did you know the artwork throughout the book matches the cards? Every picture is absolutely adorable. To enter, just leave a comment telling us to whom you’d send one of these cards. We’d love to ‘meet’ them!
Let’s celebrate the mother-figures in our lives.
Get your copy of A Mother’s Love today for just $10!
[bctt tweet=”Mothering is surprising, mundane, ordinary, and extraordinary. Mothering is tender, fierce, glorious, gritty, and a gift. – @annaerendell in #amotherslovebook: ” username=”incourage”]
I’m glad the book is being so well received. I’ve enjoyed all the books published by (in)courage! Count me in on the drawing 🙂
Bev xx
This sounds like an amazing read. I would send it to a friend and coworker who has four daughters. The oldest one, who is married and far from home, has lost her faith, and the youngest struggles with depression. My friend needs reminding that she is a wonderful mother who has raised her girls in a faith filled home.
Definitely would send these gifts to my sister, who has a toddler and an infant and let me basically live with them for 2 months during COVID-19. They don’t have a lot of income and these could be uplifting.
This book all came together so beautifully, and I LOVE the cards and coordinating artwork throughout. It really is the kind of gift every mama wants, and every child can give with confidence it will be appreciated and treasured. And the price right now? It makes an affordable gift to mama-friends :).
I would send a card to my mother and sister from my young daughter and myself. We have been separated during this time of isolation and we really do miss them.
I would definatly give one to my daughter. She has been through so much. She lost her son at 17 in 2017. She still raising my grandaughter who is now 8. She is an awesome mom. She struggles everyday for her loss but knows she has to keep his memories alive everyday. My grandaughter misses her brother so much. My daughter is strong and shes doing a great job as a mom. She just needs to be reminded.
Dear Anna and staff,
Your book, “A Mother’s Love” is such a timely reminder to moms and daughters and daughters-in-law about God’s goodness to us all!
I would give it to my daughter, Melissa, who is a wonderful Christian momma of two of our grandkids. We have ten total!! Then I would send
the cards to our three daughters-in-law. Our family is full of love and faith, hope and stories of His blessings to us all!
I’d send one of these thoughtful cards to my friend Kyla. She’s battling to save her marriage right now while also raising 4 very young children (newborn to 5 years old). I just know she could use a big dose of encouragement right now!
While I never mothered little ones I did “mother” my parents in their aging years. Like you state it is fun, hard, tiring & scary. None of us would trade that for anything. We did the best we could with the knowledge, strength & peace God gave us. I would send cards to friends who have grown children. They have worked hard (RNs) & raised their children. One has 3 grown children. One is librarian living with her brother. He is a science nerd working as a teacher for Hands on Discovery Center. Her last daughter has her A.S. degree & a good job-but is living with her boyfriend. This virus has made it hard as she can’t visit with them.
Blessings 🙂
I became a mom later in life – love being a mom!! I have a friend who is my role model of motherhood – she is my best friend – her children have been “my kids” all through the years and still today we are as close as family. I would love to gift her this book. She is motherhood!
Looks like a book every mom could read and glean from! I would one of the cards to: my mama, my sister and my friend =)
I would be so gratefull to be able to give to my Dear Precious ..ever caring Motherwho continues to be my prayer warrior and stand by my side through all of my life good and trials…helping me a single Mom, through cancer, bone disease, kidney failure, depression. She is a blessing beyond words
I would send one to my birth mother – for her, love looked like giving me up. I would also send one to my sister. Her kids are grown, relationships with them are strained, and that’s hard.
I would give the book to my own mother and use the cards to send to ladies in my church. One just recently lost her son and she is raising her grandson. Her husband passed away years ago and she has had a really hard go of it for too long. I love sending cards as surprises. I don’t do it for the response back but my pastor’s wife texted me this week thanking me over and over for thanking her and her husband for their ministry during this trying time. It’s my favorite way to communicate!
I would give it to my neighbor who has been like a mother to me. She has lost both her children, one who had Down syndrome and actually lived into her 50s and then her son died of throat cancer. She still has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh!! Please count me in.
I would send it to my beautiful younger sister who has three beautiful girls. She often feels discouraged that she’s not doing a good enough job in her mothering even though she is a great mom who is trying to teach them God’s ways and Biblical principles.
Count me in! I would send them to my mom. She is the best. I am so thankful for our friendship as I have gotten older.
Congratulations on the new book. It looks awesome and will appeal to so many ladies!
Thank you for the chance to win a copy. I would share with my 85 year old sweet Mother, my 88 year old “out of town” Mother and my two daughters-in-love.
Blessings to you!!
I would gift these to some special brand new mama’s I know! I can’t imagine bringing a child into the world right now and my new mama friends need some encouragement. These would be perfect for them!
I saw nothing that tells you how to win. I would like to read the book, but my SSD check will not cover it. I would send the cards, one at atime to my mother who is bedridden in a nursing home three hours from me.
One card?! Especially in this time I would like to send a card to all the women in my family. They are wonderful caring women. God bless all mothering women!
I appreciate the sub-title of the book: Celebrating EVERY kind of Mom! Each Mom has a unique situation – yet we share many experiences. I would send one of the cards to my niece who is currently working from home and has two young children. Thanks!
Being a mom is the best job ever. Wouldn’t trade it for anything
After losing my mom to suicide 4 years ago my heart turns to my pastors wife as my second motherly figure. I would definitely send it to her ❤️
What a dear book! I would send to my sister from whom I have learned so much on mothering.
I would send the book and one of the cards to my Mom. She lost my Dad in September and is struggling with the loneliness that C19 has brought to all of us. I would send the other cards to my Mama friends that have pregnant daughters and are so afraid of delivering at this time, have daughters working in the ER and are so afraid for them, have a child who is a police officer and proud but concerned about all of the dangerous situations they are put in. Hoping to crush fear and spread some joy! Thanks for the chance! Everyone, hang in there. Brighter days ahead!
Beautiful book and cards! I’d share with my 2 daughters who have both become mothers (one with a 2 year old – the other with a 2 and a 4 year old). I have seen them mature, step up and become all I knew they would be as mothers. I’m very proud of them and know, like all moms, they have days of despare and days of triumph. We can all use the encouragment as moms….
I am a part of a MOPS (Moms of PreSchoolers) group in my community. The leaders work so hard to serve and bring Jesus to the churched and unchurched moms in our community, so I would definitely share a card with each one. I would also pass the book around to the moms in our group to enjoy.
– Ari Ramirez
Love this post. So well describes motherhood. I would send this to a friend who has 3 sons, all grown up, but 2 of them have isolated themselves from the family. My friend is heartbroken.
I would send it to my mom. She’s had her hands full the past week with my step-father having two emergency surgeries within three days of each other.
I have some amazing mothers in my family. Especially my sister-in-law. Recently a second marriage to my brother adding to our family with a new baby! So special!
Love your messages Anna! I know she would love it too!
What a wonderful book! And those cards are super cute! I would send one to a chronic illness mom who does an amazing job loving her family despite her limitations and daily pain.
I found my 15 year old daughter unconcience in her bed yesterday morning. Covered in vomit. Overdosed. She is in ICU. I am not allowed to see her due to lockdown in South-Africa. I try to be an amazing mom but this situation speaks for itself. I have been through a lot of bad things in my life but never asked God “Why” I was never angry with Him. Today I asked “Why?” Today I said I hated Him. I know the scriptures and I know the relevant bible verses that apply. For some strange reason they are empty today, at least they feel empty. There were no signs. She was her normal teenage self. Covid social imprisonment has left our already depressed teens (and adults) in desperation. As if the virus itself hasn’t claimed enough lives, starvation and suicides are still be added. Furthermore, my health only allowes me to work part-time and my husband has not been allowed to work since lockdown. Hospital bills are over R200 000 and the 21 days in a mental health facility is still to come. I can’t take care of my little girl. I can’t pay the bills, I can’t help her.
From a not amazing mom.
Pleqse DO NOT think you are not an amazing Mum, So you feel you are not coping just now, but all that is such a terrible and unexpected strain on you, it’s human to feel so down on yourself. But God DOES love you, and He will pull you through,vene though it may not seem so just now. I pray you will feel His ocmforting arms around you, giviing you soem little peace throughout this journey. God bless you.
I’d send one to my friend. She is a single mother to three children and she does an amazing job at raising them with little to no help.
I would like 2 one for each of my younger sisters. They became moms at a later age. That in itself sometimes needs extra prayers. Then this year has been crazy for all of us. I want my sisters to know that family will be there for them.
I would give a copy to my Mom, the best mom I know. We lost my dad less than a year ago so she’s navigating trying to find her new normal after 58 years of marriage.
I would love to share the cards with the many moms I know and love.
I would send the card to my great-nephew’s wife. She’s the mother of a very active and adorable 2 year old son and is expecting a precious baby girl this summer.
For my mom (Eva), my sister (Cindy), my aunt (Nelva) & my aunt (Carmen). Thank you
So sweet! There are lots of Momma friends in my life who could use some snail mail as a pick-me-up. The book looks wonderful!
I appreciate the daily encouragement you send out!! I would definitely send a card to my daughter to encourage her in the fullness of her days
I think the first person I would send the card to would be my sister. She doesn’t have any children of her own but without her my kids lives would not be the same. She fills their little hearts with such joy and love.
I would send this to a friend who is a mother of three boys. She can definitely use encouragement and something for herself.
There are so many mothers that I would love to give these to! First, my own mom who is an incredibly brave and inspiring person. Then I have a friend who is expecting her first baby soon, and another friend who is a ‘heart mama’.
She had a trying time knowing her little one would be born with a defective heart, but has come through beautifully! There is also an adoptive mom I know who would be thrilled to get such a gift!
As a grandma raising two boys your book would encourage me. Thank you so much for your dedication.
I would send them to several women in my life who have had a significant role in my life. Of course including my mama!