Do you have any scars? Most of us have at least one. Each scar tells a story. Take for instance this two-inch scar on my right hand.
“Everybody hustle so we can make it in time for church,” I called out to the empty hallway. Five kids tumbled out. As a newly single mom, hurrying my children seemed to be my chief occupation. Never mind the fifty-plus hours a week I spent as a senior book editor at a major publishing house. I longed to sleep in and rest. But worship together was a priority. We all needed it. So in the hallway upstairs I held one on my hip as I brushed hair and tied ribbons. Time to go. Again.
I vividly remember sliding my youngest down from my hip and onto the landing. She’d just learned to hold the railing to walk down rather than scooting on her hind end. She took my hand in hers. Then, as my foot hit that top stair, something happened. I slipped. Her little eyes grew wide as she let go. Feet-first I slid down, fast. I reached backward to slow my fall and felt bones pop.
At the bottom I bit back a scream. Or maybe I screamed. Who knows? I was struggling to stay conscious. My girls rushed down. “Are you okay, Mommy?” one asked. The seven-year-old asked if she could get me a cold Coke to help.
“No, Love. Just get my phone. Quick, like a bunny,” I begged. The last number I’d dialed was bestselling author Colleen Coble’s, in town for a book festival. We’d worked on so many books together we could finish each other’s sentences.
Colleen is famously great in a crisis.
She answered on the first ring, then raced over with her husband, Dave. They took me to the hospital while a neighbor stayed with the kids. What would I have done without Colleen? Honestly, I can’t imagine.
Long story short: two metal plates and twenty-six screws later, I was released from the hospital. The doctor said I’d need to take off two months from work.
Two. Whole. Months.
But how would I manage? I’d been barely holding it together with two good hands.
My sweet mom came from South Carolina to help. My girls slept on sleeping bags in my room to be close to me. When they awoke, Mom quietly shooed them out to feed them breakfast and drive them to daycare and school while I slept in. She changed my bandages, got prescriptions filled, made sure I ate. She chauffeured me to doctor appointments and physical therapy until I could drive again.
One day Mom looked up from spreading jam on yet another peanut butter sandwich and said, “You’ll be going back to work soon. What will you do differently so you don’t fall again?”
Mom had raised me to know my Bible. We both knew Proverbs 16:18 by heart: “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” A literal fall down some stairs made it clear that trying do too much on my own had nearly wrecked me. This fall was a grace. A time to reset. And it was time to make some changes.
More than change, I wanted something deeper. What was it Jesus had said? “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened. I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).
This rest Jesus promises here is more than a good night’s sleep—or even a two-month leave of absence from a job you love. Gospel-rest is a bone-deep infusion of peace — peace that comes from recognizing my daughterhood in Christ. By grace, I’m God’s own daughter. And God is way bigger than me. God is good. God is trustworthy. God is sovereign. There’s so much rest in this truth.
I’m not a mom of littles anymore. And these days I don’t parent alone. Four years ago, I married my soulmate — a man of exceptional character and strong faith who loves me so well. He supports, protects me, and he even slows me down when I hurry. My husband encouraged me to write, noting that I knew plenty about writing books. Why not write for myself? So I did. And I do.
Every time I hold a pen or reach for my keyboard, a two-inch scar reminds me of God’s faithfulness and my daughterhood. I rest in that.
Faithful Daughter: True, Inspiring Stories Celebrating a Mother’s Legacy and Love is about the mystifying, crazy-making relationships between mother and daughter. It includes thirty-plus essays by some amazing women, including New York Times bestsellers, a Poet Laureate, a psychologist, a celebrity chef, a former prostitute, a woman who runs an orphanage in Haiti, and more. Their heartfelt, sometimes raw, remembrances beckon us to lean in emotionally and reflect on our own lives.
In Faithful Daughter, we discover there’s hope for those of us who’ve survived even the most seriously messed up relationships.
We are all daughters of God, and we want to give a copy of this new book away to FIVE of you! Leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite thing about being a daughter of God, and you’ll be entered to win one of our FIVE copies!
*Giveaway will close at 11:59pm CT on 5/29/2020. Open to US residents only.
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His way is perfect. Ps 18:30. Though I may not see what He is doing now, I choose to believe this. He is my comfort, my refuge, my Father.
I recently had a near fall down the stairs while trying to juggle two arm loads of glasses, laundry, etc. That experience and your post both emphasize to me the mercy and loving hand of our Heavenly Father, who upholds us and teaches us the grace and gift of slowing down. Thank you.
Being a daughter of the King means I can stop striving for perfection. It’s a daily practice to remind myself that there’s nothing I can do to earn His love- it is unconditional.
I think my favorite thing about being a daughter of God is that He has always come after me when I have gone astray. Looking back on my life there were times I am not proud of and there are times that I was so caught up in this world, fleshly desires and worries. But everytime He has come after me and scooped me up in His arms and set me on the right path again. He doesn’t scold me or punish me for running away. He simply redirects with love like a good parent should. And I am so grateful for that!
Knowing that I always have a Heavenly Father that loves me – imperfections and all!
A Heavenly Father that lifts me up when I’m down, rejoices in my happiness, guides and directs me.
It was so refreshing to read something by someone who used to be a single mom! I saw myself as you wrote about your rush and I am only wrangling one, wild and crazy two year old. This was such an important reminder to me that God is my co parent. Thank You!
My favorite thing about being a daughter is the Father’s heart for me. He is always there to hear my heart as well as to lead, comfort and guide.
The best thing is the multiplicity of “mothers” God has provided me along my 60 year journey. I found this example in my mother who mothered young women during the Jesus movement in the 1970’s. I was a young teen, disgruntled to arrive home from school to find out an outfit of mine had been given away (not a favorite one, in fact one I rarely wore). But that example allowed me to seek out older Christian women for guidance and strength along the way and to encourage my own daughter to develop rich relationships with those who would fill in the gaps of what I was not able to provide for her.
I would read a book about that, Dawn 🙂
Thanks Andrea! I certainly have a story’s worth of scars, both my own and those I carry for others. I am an oncology nurse, former hospice nurse. When I turned 40 I started nursing school and during my first semester my oldest son (18) was killed in a car accident on his way home college. And this was after losing my 4th child, at birth in a heart surgery she did not survive, nine years previously. My healing journey has come from women who have walked with me, through written words that allowed me to filter and process my grief and mostly from knowing that I have a God who carries me through all the things I can’t begin to understand.
How it feels out in nature. I feel so close to God in those moments, so astounded by the beauty around me. It rinds me of just how beautifully and intricately He made each of us!
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God is how He both mothers and fathers me, in the ways my parents were not able. And now He does the same for my children.
Knowing that I am a daughter of the King reassures me that even in my darkness he is with me and there is always light.
Ohh how profound Ami! My bone- deep gospel rest is so rich here in my older mom age:) my daughterhood in Christ is so precious to me.. it’s been my lifeline to survive these past twenty years. I too the single mom of 5.. had no clue of the lavish love of God until one frazzled Sunday morning, by His grace leading my oldest college age son whose new found faith lead his mom to a church he heard of and where I met the Lord’s amazing grace that morning! He gave me peace and insight to raise this blended broken family along side of Him and His people \0/ although I’ve prayed it could be better , I kept trusting and following. Years later I also am married to a wonderful faith filled man of God.. and my own Christ filled children who are married to Christ filled spouses.. .. my river runs deep with gratitude and enormous trust and praise that I am His very precious daughter.. waiting to go home to my Father .. thank you for reminding me of the days gone past and the days yet to come as I pray for our 11 grandchildren and how they need this truth of God.. and trust God will pursue all of them .. blessings to and through you!
I love knowing that His love letter to me is always available to me in the Bible. I can run to the truth about my identity whenever I need it.
To be a daughter of God means He will never let me go. Even in my doubts and fears, my faith does not depend on my faithfulness, but on His! Good thing!
“You O Lord, are the shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” Psalm 3:3 Thankful to be his daughter. He’s the one who lifts my head.
I often thing of the phrase, ‘Being a child of God’ and get overwhelmed with thanksgiving. As a mom, I live my daughter so much and would do anything for her. That’s how God looks at us, but so so so much more. My daughter hood in Christ is something that shows me I’m loved and cherished, no matter what.
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God is the UNCONDITIONAL-ness of God.
A few months ago as I was angrily taking out the trash, feeling wearied by my busy life asa full time working parent and like I always have to do EVERYTHING around my house (which is 200% false bc my husband is an amazing dad and cook), God whispered to me “You don’t need to be everything to everyone. I already did that.” God knows how to gently put me in my place and remind me of His sovereignty, my humanity. My dad told me as a young adult that I was always on a mission to save the world, again, another mission Jesus already completed! May God never stop reminding me as his daughter that He is a good, good Father and while He made me a bit independent, I can always rest in Him.
Loved this story Ami and how you pointed us to restIng in Jesus while we trust.
My favorite thing about being a “daughter of God” is knowing that He knows me and still loves me, scars and all.
Psalm 46:10 is my favorite verse. God reminds me to be still so I can hear His voice and not jump ahead in the path we walk together and I love that God loves me even when I jump ahead. God is so good
I have a sign that says “I’m a Child of the King” – it reminds me that I’m am always His daughter. He sees and knows my scars inside and out but His Love is TRUE LOVE. I’m beyond grateful….
One of the profound things about being a daughter of God is how well He knows me and plans for me still. Crazy sometimes I’ll be striving to reach all of the goals I’m sure I should but not understand why I still long for things that I worry seem trivial to the world (cooking daily meals for my family, raising chickens, writing a book). He always gently reminds me those are important. In fact, He often places those on my heart to serve His purpose!
I love that God’s love is unchanging and unconditional to His ever-changing daughter. My weary soul finds so much rest in that truth!
I love knowing that He will catch me and always has my back.
It is such an honor to be God’s daughter. He never gives me up, He never belittles me and He always work for the best of me.
Sometimes I am absolutely blown away by His perfect timing. I just returned to work after a two month absence; I had surgery to remove a cyst from my spinal cord. From this day forward, I will think of this scar as a reminder of my daughterhood in Him; I did really sink more deeply into my relationship with Him during this time, and for that I am so grateful.
What a lovely treasure…being a daughter of the King! The rush of my life came to a halt three years ago with a stroke. I no longer can do many of the things I used to love, but have found deeper love and companionship with the Lord. Altogether, a true weird blessing!
I didn’t know how I could go on after losing my parents suddenly, in my thirties. God held me tight and I held on to my Heavenly Father. He has always been faithful.
I am writing through tears of sorrow and joy. Last Saturday was the first anniversary of my mother’s entry to heaven. My father had already gone 3 1/2 years before. I lamented my feelings of being a 53 year old orphan. Over the past year, God has used people in my life as well as these morning e-mails to show me I haven’t been without a loving Father since I accepted His gift of salvation in 1970! Thank you for sharing.
Praying for you, Penny. It’s been 14 years ago this month since my sweet Mother’s Homegoing. I still miss her, but I don’t begrudge her Heaven, and I’m thankful for the reassurance of seeing her again.
My favorite thing? It’s knowing that I can always call on God, and He WILL listen!
I’m learning about His unconditional love this year. I have heard it my whole life as a PK but after my parents volunteered to help me financially this year, I realized this is how God loves me but better! I don’t deserve their help neither do I deserve God’s help. It stopped me one day realizing that I never can pay them back in this lifetime while also thinking this is how God loves you, Heidi. It has been life-changing in all honesty. Thanks for another opportunity to win!
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God is that I’m never alone and my Father loves me unconditionally. His love for us is so strong. He’s a good, good Father who gives good gifts to His children and eternal life in Heaven is in store for all of us who love and believe in His Son Jesus. ❤️
I love knowing God sees me where I am and loves me no matter what. It’s sometimes hard to remember that when my pride gets in my way. But He is faithful to call me back to Him always which I am so grateful for.
My scars are the emotional ones from years of work alcohol and drug abuse. By God’s Grace and the program of Alcoholics Anonymous I have 14 years sober. God has used those scars to help other women get sober and come to know Him. I am His hands and feet to serve and carry the message of freedom in Christ to those caught in the prison of addiction.
I think the best part of being a daughter of God is being able to pass on what I have learned about Him in my life. First it was with my own children and then I was blessed to be able to teach Faith Formation classes both in Nebraska where we lived and then in Florida where we retired. Being able to show the younger ones that God is just like them and get them to giggle over the silly things that God can do to get our attention has been a great blessing. Having part students come back and tell me they enjoyed my class had been the highest compliment.
Such a poignant illustration of God’s love & faithfulness. For years I thought of God as my savior & redeemer. Here lately I’ve been ruminating & praying Abba Father. He’s my daddy & I want to bring my cares to Him. My hubby got furloughed about a month ago. The great thing about being a daughter of the king of kings is that I can pray to Him & ask for guidance & direction. He is there to give advice like a father would. In these crisis times He is the one we turn to for perfect peace & rest. He will work everything out for our good.
I think my favorite thing about being a daughter of God is that He has always there even when i choose to ignore Him. Right now, people think i am angry with God because i choose not to go to a house of worship; honestly it is the people there that have hurt me -failed me if i want to play the victim. There are other times i have prayed for a way out of a bad situation, but have always gotten the answer to stay. I resent that EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! But I obeyed- then i quit asking and started ignoring Him. I am still a Christian. I still believe, but right now – in this situation- I am angry. I know when ever i got over this, He will always be there to scoop me up in His arms and set me on the right path again. He doesn’t scold me or punish me for running away. He simply waits patiently for me to get over myself and then redirects with love like a good parent should. And I am so grateful for that!
What I love about being a daughter of God is that he loves me even when I don’t love myself. He chooses me even when I am not brave enough to chose myself and he showers me with his love, grace and mercy when I do not deserve it. His love for me is unwavering despite my flaws.
Matthew 11:28 is a promise I hold onto daily. My children are grown and on there own with families. I still remember how busy they all were as kids especially the 2 youngest. 22 months apart. God gave me rest and strength Now my husband and I keep busy doing things, devotional time in the mornings gives us strength for the day, stopping during the day to praise and be thankful..and prayer at night. He gives us rest. The scars of life, emotional or physical bring us closer to our Savior❤
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God? Peace. Peace that passes all understanding. Knowledge, heart knowing, that He will take care of me and loves me just as I am. Even though everything right now is a mess and uncertain, I have peace. I am His child.
Reading this reminded me what a blessing it is to be his daughter and how he teaches us to reach out to others and ask for help I’ve been blessed to have both of my parents my brother and adult son by my side through good and bad times. God taught me as a single mom to ask for help and support others along the way. I know I would enjoy reading the book and sharing it with a friend
Literally still in tears after reading that… Wow… As a mom of four who has been in a three year period of time where it seems like the attacks keep coming, I have said a thousand times that I need a break. I don’t need the break that allows me to take a vacation and come back to the same mess I left- I need a break that brings peace to my soul and someone else stepping in to take care of the mess in my absence. I literally cried wondering what it would be like to have someone care for me like your mom did for you, someone to let this 40 year old cry in their arms and just not be strong for a minute. Except the beautiful thing about being a daughter of God is that I can climb into His lap anytime and release my burden to Him. Funny how busy has a way of making us forget that truth. Thank you for reminding me of this and how thankful I am for grace. Far and beyond, the greatest thing about being His daughter is the abundant grace that covers every ounce of my mess <3
Thank you for sharing how you found true “Godly rest” after your fall. It blessed me.
Just want to say that I am grateful that God sent a man into your life who took not only you into his heart but also your children. I hope you and your soulmate have many blessed years together!
I am thankful for this time of forced rest. I have been able to slow down and know that through God- I am not broken. I am okay! I need to rest in that. I too was doing too much in my own power before all this- now am living for His mission through His power. Thanks!
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God is that He is always there to help me – no matter how many times I fall or stray. He takes me up: Psalm 27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.
Absolutely that as his daughter, He is my Dad. That means that he helps me with the big things and the little things because he loves every bit of me. He knows me deeply and desires to walk each step with me.
May the God of hope fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in Him, so that I my overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13. My hope , joy and peace rests in Him alone, that’s my favorite thing about being the daughter of the King!
Your words, “ This fall was a grace. A time to reset. And it was time to make some changes.” spoke to me.
I recently lost my footing and now am trying to reset and make changes and get back on the calling God placed on my life. It’s so good to know that no matter what trips us up, God is always there to help us up and patiently guide us once again.
Being a daughter of God and claiming it over and over again , day in and day out, helps me navigate life here on Earth. It reminds me I am never alone, never forgotten, and that I am loved and enough just as I am. Praise God!
Thanks to Ami for a dose of perspective since I’ve been feeling sorry for myself since a fall over a week ago that has me on crutches & in a “boot.” Since I’m a people person, I already felt that the stay-at-home restrictions were like being in “time out,” and now I’m even more confined at home. My favorite thing in being a daughter of my loving Heavenly Father is that He doesn’t send me to “time out,” but He comes joins me during this “time out” period of life. Just need to keep reminding myself of that.
The fact that God loves me just because I’m me and not for what I do or what I have.
I love that he loves me despite how I think of myself.
I am the daughter of a loving Heavenly Father who wants only the best for me. Now I am also the daughter of a living earthly father who is in heaven. Knowing I am so loved means I am watched over and supported all of the time. I pray I remember that more often.
Being a daughter of someone who knows everything about me, even before I was born, comforts me so much! I have a daughter and know what God must feel about me!
Being a Daughter of The King means I am loved (His Beloved) no matter what life throws my way. Nothing that ever happens can change that. Knowing that The King of the World loves me and was willing to die for me, wants to hear from me daily, wants to carry my burdens and could use me just as I am (a born again sinner) to further the Kingdom of God….wow just wow!!
It is life changing to truly understand I am His daughter. It means He knows me, every intricate part of me, and I am wholly loved. It attests that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that my DNA is part of His design. Regardless of my past, my background or my behavior, He still loves me! His love for me is unfathomable!
We are all daughters of the King! All praise and glory are His! We should adjust our crowns that He has given to us and walk as heirs to the throne! May God bless each of you!
He loves me unconditionally.
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God? Knowing that my heavenly father loves me. I didn’t grow up with a loving earthly father, so it took years ’til I was able to experience that kind of unconditional love; it was/is my dear husband who demonstrates that kind of agapé love to me and I’m so grateful to the Lord for showing me His love through bringing us together. ~ K
I am so thankful for God’s unending grace and forgiveness. Simply stated, being HIS daughter reminds me daily that I am HIS, I am loved, needed, wanted and cared for.
I know when I turn away or rely on myself (which is way too often) that He is always there, even when I forget that fact. And He is there when I turn back to Him. I don’t always realize it at the time but when I look back on the times He said ‘no’ or ‘not now’, that it was the best thing for me. I’m a stubborn one and He loves me anyway.
My favorite thing about being a daughter of God is knowing where to go for love, identity, clarity, grounding, peace, guidance, teaching, wisdom, etc. When I climb up in “Papa God’s” lap and He holds me tight and speaks to me, the roar of the world diminishes, my soul comes to rest, and I know exactly who I am … the precious daughter of the Most High God. WOW! Nothing else matters … really!
What I live about being a fighter of the almighty King…
I know that I am lived, adored, cared for, protected. I know that He is all that I need. I know that He has my life planned for His good. I feel adored, necessary, held.
Lol. It should read: What I love about being a daughter of the almighty King… but living to be a fighter is also accurate .
My dad was a godly father but did not show me the relationship of having a heavenly Father. I learned and felt the amazing love, forgiveness, and compassion of being known and seen as his daughter when my marriage fell apart and I needed more than a religion. He is there for me always and I am so thankful for all the ways he has brought amazing-just when I needed- “sisters and brothers” into my life to be part of the family for me! I love being able to talk to him about everything – big or so trivial!
Thanks so much for the blog and everyone who writes the articles!!
I was raised in a Reformed Jewish home where we went to Temple every Friday night & Sunday School every Sunday. During those years God was more scary & strict. There were so many rules & laws that I had to follow. When I asked Jesus into my heart at 16 years old (only a few weeks after my birthday) I was a new creation. I loved the Lord & loved praying to Him in English with my own words, not prayers that I had to say. God has given me such a peace & a genuine love for others. God even brought a wonderful man into my life 1 1/2 years after I became a Christian & he’s half Jewish. Jerry was raised Catholic & accepted Christ 8 months before I met him. I actually met Jerry thru his Aunt & Uncle who belonged to our Temple. His cousin was best friends with my brother. Really sweet love story & I’m so thankful God blessed me with His gift of salvation, blessed me with a wonderful husband & three children all grown now. Two boys & a girl. Thank you for your message to slow down & be aware of our surroundings. I’m happy that you met someone that is a wonderful husband for you! Lord bless you! Barbara
My favorite thing is that He draws me in. He initiates relationship with me. I don’t ever have to wonder where I stand with him because he is always there and and always answers.