We are the moms who hug, dance, and snuggle. We are the moms who get overwhelmed, whose snarls sometimes come easier than our smiles. We are the moms who live in the push-pull of exhaustion and joy, in the tumultuous world of feelings and guilt and giving all of ourselves.
We are the moms who pray our children will fly while a tiny part of our heart grieves their flight from us, because we are the moms who love those children with every fiber of our being. We’re not sure where they end and we begin, but we know we didn’t begin until they arrived.
We are the moms who work around the clock in a million different ways. Praying. Cooking. Cleaning up. Carpooling to school and dropping off at daycare. Guiding. Loving, always loving. Scolding and worrying. Kissing boo-boos and wiping tears. Breathing deep, in and out, over and over. Chasing their feet and their hearts. Answering emails in the middle of the night. Pulling them back and drawing them in and sending them out. Scrubbing toilets and remembering details and packing lunches and signing papers and pouring out.
We are the moms who love children we didn’t birth. We are the neighbors, aunties, sisters, friends, and church grandmas who love these kids as though they’re our own. We snuggle up during the sermon at church to beloved little ones and pass them hard candies to squelch the wiggles. We attend birthday parties and graduations and weddings, bearing gifts for these dear hearts, setting up tables and making food and then cleaning up at the end of the day. We rock little babies and help big kids pack for college, tearing up at the thought of them driving away. We light up when our phone dings and it’s a text from that precious high-schooler. We read stories and sing songs and carefully choose cards to pop in the mail for every holiday.
We are the moms who run on grace and caffeine. Who build a meal off of the scraps pilfered from kids’ plates. Who go through more coffee shop drive-throughs than we care to admit. Who are exhausted from being “on” all day at work, and coming home to be “on” all night. We drive through McDonald’s for milk because we’re out at home and just cannot drag ourselves into the actual grocery store. Who pay for a latte in change dug out from between the minivan seats. Who cannot make it to church without bickering with our family on the drive. Who are consistently seven minutes late to every appointment. Who perpetually lose socks to the washing machine, and have been known to purchase new underwear instead of washing the pairs we already own. Who take our alone time seriously and guard it fiercely— just like we do our kids.
We are the moms who long for more. More grace. More patience. More coffee. More time (always more time). More space—in home and heart. More money. More sleep. More Christ in us. More life in our days. More quiet.
At the same time, we are the moms who long for less. Less laundry. Less fighting. Less yelling. Less clutter. Less selfishness. Less guilt. Less busy. Less stuff. Less dust. Less hustle.
We are the moms who sit in the hallway in tears during bedtime, drained. The moms who sit in empty houses in tears because there are no more babies to tuck in at bedtime. We are the moms who ache for those we’ve lost, for those we’ve wanted, for those we’ve asked for, for those whom we’ve begged God about and bruised our knees in earnest prayer. For the babies we couldn’t carry. For the children we’ve lost to heaven and red tape. For the grown children we couldn’t hold on to as they flew our coop to make their lives. For way-wards and prodigals and could’ve-beens.
We love this life even when we don’t like it very much. We love these kids with all of our being — even when we may not like them very much.
We thank God for the gift of love He gives in the form of sticky hands, flown coops, late nights, early mornings, cards in the mail, texts sent, calls placed, and prayers whispered.
We are these moms, and this book is for us all. May you find yourself and someone you love amidst these pages. May you be inspired, uplifted, refreshed, and renewed to go forth and love those kids. This book is for you, one-of-a-kind mom!
This is an excerpt from the introduction of A Mother’s Love by Anna Rendell.
You can now purchase A Mother’s Love: Celebrating Every Kind of Mom wherever books are sold! We know these days are full of the unknown, often worry, and sometimes fear. Send a copy to a friend as a blessing in what could be a dreary day, and keep another copy to page through yourself when you need to take a moment to recenter and encourage your heart.
A Mother’s Love is filled with stories from the (in)courage community, brief devotions, Scripture, beautiful artwork, lined pages for your reflection, and Biblical encouragement. It’s sure to help any daughter give a tangible expression of love to her mom, and allow any woman to share a meaningful gift with a mother-figure who has been impactful in her life, a new mom in her circle of friends, or a close loved one facing the joys and challenges of motherhood.
Let’s celebrate all the mother-figures in our lives. Get your copy of A Mother’s Love today!
[bctt tweet=”We are the moms who live in the push-pull of exhaustion and joy, in the tumultuous world of feelings and guilt and giving all of ourselves. – @annaerendell in #amotherslovebook: ” username=”incourage”]
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I not a Mum I never will be. That was my choice. I have wrote this before. I was not that brave to have kids. I love kids. But I know by own late Mum and my two Sister’s their is nothing they would not do for their kids. But I thank full to my Mum who sent me Sunday School she was not believer in Jesus. I don’t know before she passed away did she ask Jesus into her heart. I did pray for her Salvation. My Mum didn’t us bring up in Christian home. But we did get to hear the stories of Jesus at Sunday School. Not like my Mum sister kids. Who never got where sent to Sunday School now none of them believe. I believe alot of why I am saved today even though I am the only one saved in my Family my Mum Sister’s side of the Family is because I was sent to Sunday School as Child. But I am very glad I was sent. I am glad one of my Sister’s that has kids even though she and her Husband are not saved. Send the kids to Sunday School at least like me they are hearing the gospel and the stories of Jesus and the stories in the Bible. I pray that will have impact on their we lives on day like me they will get saved. As I pray for their salvation like I do for all my Family on both sides. But I also feel for Kids who have Mother who have problems. Mentality. We are not judge them but pray for thoes parents and single parents bringing kids up on their own especially if Father of that Child or Children don’t want to know them it can be hard. That child can be builed at school. We as followers of Jesus have to pray for thoes Mothers and their kids. That they will get the help they need. Kids if the Mother have any health problems mentality. No matter what it is or how the Mother got there. Ours is not Judge in God eyes but pray that their kids don’t gow up to follow in their Mother’s foots steps. As kids sometimes they copy their parents and their up bringing. Pray for kids in schools not to cruel bully them. Thoes other kids to thank full they have parents that love them that have no problems. They are brought up in home normal home. Children should be taught to do as it says in the Bible Honor thy Mother and thy Father tought to pray for them. Pray to be brought back into schools. It lovely when a child from the day it brought into the world if it brought into a loving Christian Home with Christian parents. Then that Child will see it Mother and Father pray over it. Teaching it to pray when old enough to read Gods word the Bible and Pray themselves. Plus go Sunday School. Know its Mother and Father love it. Know its Mother’s love. Then on Mother’s day if old enough they can show it back. When get old enough they have kids of their own the Love will grow on to their kids and they can if hopefully saved. Show their kids Jesus. Send them to Sunday School. Tell them how to their kids when at school love all kids like Jesus did not hate anyone. Do what this kids song says. Jesus Loves all the Children of the World Red and Yellow Black and White. Teach them we are all. The Children of Jesus no matter what age we are. Love today’s reading. Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
Anna – thank you! I’m sitting here in tears, because this is the first time I have seen acknowledgement in the Christian world of a mother who has lost a child “to red tape.” Our loss is felt no less deeply. Our loss is no less significant because “you still have 3 other children.” Our loss still hurts after 14 years have passed, and after the birth of another baby. Our loss is still a loss. Thank you for seeing us. Just … thank you.
So beautifully written, Anna. I am a BLESSED mom of one after many years of trying/treatments….and a mom to 31 fourth graders in my classroom (which now is through computer—Google Classroom and Screencastify!) I think EVERY kind of mother is covered in your writing….so thoughtful to every end!
My daughter is a 2020 graduate from high school in south Louisiana. Please pray for these graduates—born during the terrible sadness of 9/11, survived Hurricane Katrina, survived the terrible flood of 2016, and now….
What a strong group of children to endure and learn so much from adversity. Disappointments/disruptions are HUGE now though. Thank you for prayers, All, for hope and peace and resolve for these high school graduates with little certainty to hang on to now.
Can’t wait to get the book…
Lifting you, the graduates, and all the folks in your area up. If Perseverance was a class in school, y’all would get an A+. May they all turn to God as the only certainty – the only Rock amidst shifting sand.
This book sounds like it was written by a true mom. One who understands motherhood as she has lived it. Thank you for thinking of the unsung heroes of our culture. Our society values beauty, hard work (careers), & power. Being a stay at home mom-or even a working mom is hard enough. Now we’re adding home schooling to the list of duties. No one really gives shout outs to the moms with little ones. It is high time we said a huge thank you to all the hard working moms out there. They wear so many hats-teacher, healer, cook, driver, cleaner, etc. to name a few. Their days start early & end late. They run on caffeine & grace. Yet they are doing one of the hardest & most rewarding jobs out there with little to no pay. Thank you moms!!
Blessings 🙂