Before I met the Lord at the age of nineteen, I didn’t know I needed a Savior, but I knew all about God. I went to Mass every Sunday. I even prayed to Him through the tears of my difficult childhood. I would characterize my relationship with Him as very superficial. I didn’t know what I was missing.
If you would have asked me then if I was going to Heaven, I would have said yes. I was a pretty good kid. I didn’t get into a ton of trouble. I wasn’t a cause for worry or concern. I was a good person. That merited eternal life, right? I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
On the night I met the Lord, the veil over my eyes was lifted. I had a revelation. Even though I was good, my good wasn’t good enough. My good would never be good enough. Me on my best day would never warrant me eternity. My righteousness to Him was as filthy rags.
It shook me. I was a sinner, and I was in need of a Savior. There, in a Thursday night service at LSU among a room full of college students, I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior. That day changed everything. It changed how I viewed God, myself, and the world.
This present era we find ourselves definitely tops the list of uncharted territory. We are surrounded by an enormous amount of fear and uncertainty. We do not know what the future holds, but we assuredly know Who holds the future.
. . . but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 (ESV)
The header for Romans 5 in my Bible says “Peace with God Through Faith.” Don’t we need more peace and more faith today possibly more than ever? My church has been consistently reminding each other that church has never been about a building; the Church is us. It’s you and me, the very temples of God’s Holy Spirit.
My friend Aimee has been saying this can be our finest hour as Christians. It totally can be. We have a rare opportunity to make choices that will display how the love of God is shown.
This is such a beautiful time where the Church can be the Church beyond the walls of the church. There are countless open doors around us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Who around you is suffering? Who around you is feeling far from Him? Who are around you doesn’t yet know Him?
We were made for deep and intimate connection. I pray that we would not be afraid to connect with those around us during this season. Reaching out can look like you and your kids baking for your neighbors, taking walks and asking your neighbors if they or someone they know needs prayer. It can be making grocery store trips for the elderly in your neighborhood and church. It can also look like having genuine conversations with neighbors you don’t know very well and asking them how they are doing and even if they have a relationship with God.
The world has strayed so far off the beaten path. All of us have clung to every idol under the sun — the gods of money, entertainment, sports, and even education. But right now they’ve all been stripped away. This is a time when the enemy of our souls can so easily come against us and blind the lost to His love. All he wants to do is distract us and tempt us to become self-focused, to worry or numb out.
May we be a people who find ourselves in the secret place with the Lord so He can love us and send us out with His love, His truth, and His purpose. May we be a people who make the most of our now unhurried schedules. May we be a people who rise up in bold faith in the midst of a world gripped with fear.
We are here for such a time as this.
We, the body of Christ.
We, His ambassadors.
We, the salt and light.
We, the kings and priests.
So much of the world is frightened, hurting, and confused. So many in the world are lost, broken, and dying. What better time to sacrifice and lay down every desire and proclaim the truth of the gospel found in Romans 5:8 and love our neighbor? For the joy set before Him, Christ endured the cross. His joy was a redeemed relationship with His creation. God knew before He ever even formed Adam that sin would enter the world and separate us from Him. He knew, and He still created us in His own image. He still went to great lengths to pursue us at our worst, and He pursues us to this very day.
God loves the world that He made. It is His heart that all would come to know Him. He made the greatest sacrifice, and now is the time we can show His love to others and to share the good news.
Tell me about a time when you sacrificed in order to share the gospel,
meet a need, or simply love someone with the love of God.
[bctt tweet=”This is such a beautiful time where the Church can be the Church beyond the walls of the church. #loveoverall #lovesacrifices -@karina268:” username=”incourage”]
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Praying along with you that we will NOT go back to “normal” after the crisis subsides. May we all be changed and intentional in our resolve to live and love like Christ.
Hello Mothers on the Battlefield, I am honored to stand in the gap with you as we teach our children the love of Christ. Then we teach school subjects and learn new games to play. What a joy and a blessing to have every day time to watch my children grow and have input when they have the why questions. God, help me be a better example for my children. Please remind me to be grateful and to fill up on quality time with You and in Your word. We have a great task at hand, trust and obey. God order our steps, protect our medical staff, strengthen those who cook, clean, comfort others, volunteer, pray, and believe that You will continue to sustain us. Please forgive our slack lifestyles, our poor choices, our lies,our cheating in any and all ways and for taking Your love and kindness for granted. Bless Your Holy name! We need You Lord and we love You Lord.
Yes, now more than ever we need to be the body of Christ, the Lord’s ambassadors, salt and light, a city on a hill. Here is one way you can help to do that – aid those who are starving through this pandemic because they claim Jesus Christ as Lord. I invite anyone interested in sacrificially helping to stop by my blog post on this subject:
Great post Karina…
Bev xx
Thank you so much Bev! I love all of the ways God is moving and loving through all of us together during this time!
It about being the Church to the world not only at this time of the Covid 19. But at all times. The Church is not the building the pretty class stained windows and pictures on the walls. No it us the saved. We are the Church. We are the Church the body the hands and feet of Jesus. We are to do what Jesus would us to do and that is show his love to everyone. No matter what skin color or race they are. Plus love them like Jesus. Forgive that person who hurts us especially more so if saved. Even if you think they should know better. Keep showing Jesus love at all times. Being very careful what we say to people. As our words can make people up and hurt people. We want them not hurt people but show them the Love of Jesus. Especially if that person not saved. So as they will see Jesus in us. Say why there is something different about you. What is it. You can tell them. It Jesus living in you. They might hopefully want it and get saved for themselves. We are not to look people for the things they say are do are if doing wrong we that are saved. We are to not judge them. We are to love them pray for them see them as Jesus would that is is beautiful person. Yes there is a beautiful person beyond all they are going through. We can pray for them. Be thank full on to Jesus we are not in there shoes. Pray ask God to make them see to get the help they need. Find him. Live our lives for Jesus so the world see Jesus shinning in us. Let us the saved be a people that everything we do and say is about Jesus. Showing his Love to a lost world and praying for them and being the Church the real Church. Not the building. The Church people that care. To be the hands feet to help people who need it. Like Jesus did caring for all people of all walks of life when on earth. Love todays reading xxx
Amen Dawn! Thank you for sharing!
Karina, very well said! Very inspirational! Lauren
Thank you so much Lauren!
I spent 10 years caring for my aging parents with their multiple medical issues including dementia. In June 2015 I quit a good job to be more available for my dad. I was out of work 1.5 years. Then I only went back part-time. During that time I put dad in geriatric psych hospital twice. He ended up dying in the hospital March 15, 2017. It was a surreal day for me. I was kind of happy. Knowing he was in Heaven with mom with mind restored. My pastor talks often about us (people) being the church-not the building. Yes it is high time we Christians go out & show this country God’s love & shed His light down here. We can do so much for so many. This may start a revival in our country. Long time needed.
Blessings 🙂
Yes Beth! Let a revival begin with us!!!!