But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 (CSB)
Every month of 2020, we will feature the Love Over All theme verse on the first Sunday of the month. We love everything about Love Over All (read more about it here) and can’t wait to share these amazing verses and ways to live them out with you!
April’s theme is Love Sacrifices.
It is hard to imagine and fully understand the grace-filled work of the cross. The sacrifice is staggering. And while we will probably never be asked to sacrifice at that level, we are still instructed to live in a way that is sacrificial. A life that puts others first. A life that cheerfully gives. A life that is lived hands open, palms up, ready to receive the assignments God has for us. Quite possibly an assignment that will bring a sacrifice of time, talent, or treasure. Maybe all of the above.
And the small sacrifices count too — especially in this particularly vulnerable, worrying, and unusual time of a pandemic. Fear is around every corner, and many people have sacrificed their usual routine and sense of normalcy. We can’t simply run to the grocery store or the coffee drive-thru. Some of us are sacrificing work time to teach our children at home. Others have sacrificed their jobs. Many have sacrificed visits with family members and friends to keep them safe and healthy. Others have even sacrificed their health as they serve on the front lines of healthcare and other essential industries.
These sacrifices are not overlooked — not by us, and not by Him.
This month, as we continue to prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday, let’s challenge ourselves to recognize the sacrifices we are making, with a heart grateful for what we do have. May we give thanks for the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made, as He gave His life on the cross, even as we were still sinners. And may we remember that our sacrifices can draw us closer to the heart of God.
Love sacrifices.
[bctt tweet=”May we remember that our sacrifices can draw us closer to the heart of God. #lovesacrifices #loveoverall” username=”incourage”]
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It is a love beyond all the Lord love. The Father our Lords Love. It reminds me of song. You get it on Youtube it say it all. It is. How deep the father’s love for us. How vast beyond all mesure. Worth listing too. Words so true. God show his Love my sending his son to cross. No greater love could there be for the word. John 3 verse 16 say it too. For God so loved the Word he sent he one and only son. We are Loved by God so much. We are Daughters of the King. Thank you for today’s reading. Dawn Ferguson-Little
Jesus showed us true sacrifice during his time on earth. Sacrifice of his time and talents to help, listen to, heal, and preach to those around him. Sometimes I find the hardest sacrifices, and the ones I resent the most, are the smallest ones. I am ready to read and someone asks me to make popcorn, come see this, make a quick phone call. And yet those are opportunities to love and serve those around me well.
In Courage,
My big sacrifice came in June 2015. I quit a good paying job to be more available for my aging dad. He was having severe dementia issues & going to hospital a lot. My hubby worked 16 months while I was able to stay home & care for him. We ended up putting him in geriatric psych hospital twice. It was hard, but rewarding. I could not have done it without prayers & a loving husband & supportive family. He died in March 2017. No regrets about doing that. In fact, that time taught me to trust God more readily & grew my faith in Him. Now I have more time to devote to God & His agenda. Since that time I have help my in-laws by cooking, going to hospital with them & praying. My FIL died Monday of Thanksgiving week last year. I am grateful that none of them are alive in this perilous time. Feel for those with loved ones in the hospital. No one can visit. We do our best to make them aware of how their family member is doing.
God blessed me for that sacrifice by giving me a better part-time job at the hospital. I work ICU Step Down clerical 2-3 days a week. Put in long hours on those days. Love helping my RNs & CNAs do their jobs. They are the back bone of our department & the hospital. They are now sacrificing their time & health to care for the patients.
Blessings 🙂