He is before all things,
and by him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:17 (CSB)
This is the promise for today: God holds it all together so I don’t have to.
It’s normal to want to control something when everything seems to be out of our control. We try out schedules and rhythms, but with the constant changes that bombard us every day, it’s often more than we can handle. It’s okay that we can’t. It’s okay that we’re falling apart. We don’t have to hold it all, friends. God’s arms are wide enough to hold it all and hold it all together.
[bctt tweet=”This is the promise for today: God holds it all together so I don’t have to. ” username=”incourage”]
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I am thankful He is holding it all together because I certainly can’t at this time of my life. My prayer is: Father God, please forgive my unbelief. Please remind me to turn off the TV and talk to you or read your Word or go for a walk or enjoy nature or sing along with some beautiful worship songs. Nature reminds me of how powerful and creative you still are. I sit here and remember that the God who made this amazing body of mine is still here and ready to bring me through all of this in victory. His victory banner over me is love. Nothing is impossible with my powerful God. Thank you, Lord Laurel
So grateful for this promise! Trusting He is holding me and all things today.
The pandemic is the least of my worries. After 17 years of a 28 year marriage being multiple adulteries, my husband packed up and moved out for his next victim last night! So yeah, there’s that! Who knew the bible could be read in weeks, rather than waiting a whole year?