About the Author

Jennifer is an artist living in rural Nebraska with her US Army veteran husband. She loves to create and seeks to reflect the beauty of Christ and encourage others in meaningful, beautiful ways. You can find her and see more of her art on Studio JRU.

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  1. Jennifer,
    I can so relate…I wonder if God sometimes sits back, smiles, and gently shakes His head, “There she goes again…making those lists and planning her days.” I forget that even before I was formed in my mother’s womb, every day of my existence was already written in God’s book of life. He is in control. I think it’s fear that drives me to be in control. If I carefully make sure I get everything right, nothing bad will happen to me. That’s false hope. I’ve had to learn, the hard way, that the greatest source of hope has been formed in the crucible of persevering through hard struggles. What the world means for evil, God can use to bring beauty from ashes. When I let God be God and realize that I’m not God, it helps me to not put so much credence in my lists and plans. God’s got this! Awesome reminder!
    Bev xx

    • I wonder the same thing and I often think that is what He is thinking! LOL I agree, it is a fear issue that drives that control. Hard to understand that is not how it works with our human thinking. Thank you for your thoughts today! xo

  2. Thanks Jennifer I really need this right now. It feels as though your post was just for me! I love your choices of verses too.

    Praying now for God to make my steps clear and praying for the Lord to help me complete his plan for my life!

  3. Jennifer,

    I, too, am a list maker. Love crossing things off & that feeling of accomplishment. It is alright to plan our lives out. We must include God in that planning. Prayer is a must. God expects us to talk with Him daily about everything. The main reason being is that He is in control of our lives. He knows what lies ahead. If we move forward without consulting God then we might end up in a heap of trouble. Society says be strong, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. God says trust me with it all. Sure most of us want to be in control of our lives, but we want it to be nice & easy all tied up in a bow. Life down here isn’t like that. Go ahead & make your lists. Trust God, pray about it all & see what He has to say.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. Jennifer I am glad God had you write todays reading. As what you wrote spot on. God has where he wants us. He know as all. I remember some saying too me one. This sticks in my mind. It is so true. The steps of a good Man or Woman or drected by the Lord. That is so true. As if we get into trouble or need help in anyway if saved. Who do we go to for help. Yes it is either a Minister or Pastor. Or a good Christian Friend or for Christian Counseling who will tell us to what to do. They all tell us when ready also and well enough. To also go God in Prayer. Who knows all about us better than anybody. God who knows all we are going through. For advice. Seek his Holy Spirit in prayer too speak to us. To tell us what to do best. As God Know Our Purpose. He longs to help us his Children. Because God Love us so much. Then stand on what God has told you too do and the promises in his word the Bible. God will never let you down. God will help you. Get over what ever you are going through with his help. As we serve a big mighty God. Love today’s reading Jennifer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxxx

  5. loved this! it was so timely and perfect. while i am NOT organized or a list maker, i’m in the process of learning how to let go and fully trust God’s plan for my life. i never realized i needed to be in control until i realized i had no control. thank you for sharing this! you don’t realize how easy it is to push God out and make your plans the focus of your life.

    • I love to hear when messages are timely! He has His wonderful ways! I think we are all in the process of learning to let go and fully trust His plan. I think it is an ongoing learning process. So grateful He is patient with us!


  7. Thanks for sharing—I needed this! You were describing me exactly, and I am in a situation where my faith is being stretched and exercised to conquer my worry and even sometimes panic. I need these constant reminders that He knows what He is doing, and all my to-do lists are ultimately under His Master Plan. Thank you for allowing Him to use you as an encourager!