Sara R. Ward
About the Author

Sara R. Ward is the author of Made for Hope: Discovering Unexpected Gifts in Brokenness. Through her husband’s cancer and two-year-old son’s death, she has learned what it means to follow God through hard circumstances. Sara speaks on grief and adoption and writes spoken word poetry.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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    • Thank you so much Lisa! I’m honored to share here today and to encourage others who may need a reminder of the Lord’s presence. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!

  1. Oh, Sara, my record in the pediatric ICU is five days, and that was long enough to know that an awareness of the presence of God makes all the difference in those lonely places. Thank you for turning your own marathon trial into a beacon of encouragement for others who are traveling the same path.
    Blessings to you.

    • Thank you so much Michele! Yes, an awareness of God in the hospital is so helpful in getting through those long days (and nights).

  2. Thank you for this! My husband has been in the hospital for 5.5 weeks following a major heart attack. Your words are so true and thank you for the reminder to keep seeking the God moments in this space!

  3. Dear Sarah you were not alone in that Hospital when your son was in Hospital. You might have felt like it. But God was with you. As it says in his word. I will never leave you nor forsake you. God never does. He is always by our side. No matter what we go through. I thank full to God I am her today. As when I was my parents not saved. My Mum not here today. My Dad not saved. My appendix burst when I was 6 or 7 years old. My Dad said at the time it just a silly children’s pain it will go away. My Mum had me stay of School an extra day. A Doctor they knew as Friend something made him he is not hear today call to visit my parent the day they bust. Out of the blue. It was not like him the Doctor. As he was not a vistor. That day I was on my bike riding around then I took another offal pain it was offal. The Doctor had just landed up to see my parents. 10 minutes later after he arrived. I fell of my bike in great pain. He went with my Mum to see me. That Doctor friend of my Mum said where is the phone pick Dawn up in your arms. He told them on the phone get theater ready. Come on to my Mum lets go Dawns appendix have burst. We have to get her Hospital now. I have theater ready. So I was rushed to theather. I was great pain. My appendix where taken out. I believe that was God that day. That sent the family Doctor friend to our house when I was small. As if he not come up to visit and taken me in car. Phone theater and got me there aa quickly as he did. I would not be here today. God timing was perfect that day. God was with when I was scared that day going to theather and being put to sleep for my operation. I was in alot of pain and scared leaving my Mum as small child. My Mum was scared and lonely in outside the theater waiting for me to come round from the operation hoping I be ok. But now I am big 48 49 next month and saved. I can see God hand in it all. That Gods hand was in that day my appendix burts. He had that Friend of my Mum and Dads call to visit who was a Doctor. Then God saw me safely through the operation. Was with my Mum when I was going through the operation as Child. Especially when she was worried and lonely. So I am thank full to God for his hand in it all. Even all the Lonly nights I spent in Hospital after my operation when my Parents had to home until the next day they visit me again. I was scared being in the Hospital Children ward all own. But What a mighty big God we serve. He loves us he never leave us. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little. Xxx

  4. Dear Sarah you were not alone in that Hospital when your son was in Hospital. You might have felt like it. But God was with you. As it says in his word. I will never leave you nor forsake you. God never does. He is always by our side. No matter what we go through. I thank full to God I am her today. As when I was my parents not saved. My Mum not here today. My Dad not saved. My appendix burst when I was 6 or 7 years old. My Dad said at the time it just a silly children’s pain it will go away. My Mum had me stay of School an extra day. A Doctor they knew as Friend something made him he is not hear today call to visit my parent the day they bust. Out of the blue. It was not like him the Doctor. As he was not a vistor. That day I was on my bike riding around then I took another offal pain it was offal. The Doctor had just landed up to see my parents. 10 minutes later after he arrived. I fell of my bike in great pain. He went with my Mum to see me. That Doctor friend of my Mum said where is the phone pick Dawn up in your arms. He told them on the phone get theater ready. Come on to my Mum lets go Dawns appendix have burst. We have to get her Hospital now. I have theater ready. So I was rushed to theather. I was great pain. My appendix where taken out. I believe that was God that day. That sent the family Doctor friend to our house when I was small. As if he not come up to visit and taken me in car. Phone theater and got me there aa quickly as he did. I would not be here today. God timing was perfect that day. God was with when I was scared that day going to theather and being put to sleep for my operation. I was in alot of pain and scared leaving my Mum as small child. My Mum was scared and lonely in outside the theater waiting for me to come round from the operation hoping I be ok. But now I am big 48 49 next month and saved. I can see God hand in it all. That Gods hand was in that day my appendix burts. He had that Friend of my Mum and Dads call to visit who was a Doctor. Then God saw me safely through the operation. Was with my Mum when I was going through the operation as Child. Especially when she was worried and lonely. So I am thank full to God for his hand in it all. Even all the Lonly nights I spent in Hospital after my operation when my Parents had to home until the next day they visit me again. I was scared being in the Hospital Children ward all alone. But What a mighty big God we serve. He loves us he never leave us. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little. Xxx

  5. Sara,

    So sorry for the loss of your beloved son! Praying God has comforted you through the years. Being in a hospital with loved ones is never easy-especially with young children. You feel you can’t leave because something might happen or the doctor will come in & you miss what they have to say. It is so hard to realize that Jesus is there waiting for you to call on Him. Even in our darkest moments we can cry out to Him & talk about our feelings. He understands. His heart is your home. Thank you for writing about discovering unexpected gifts in brokenness. God doesn’t waste anything. Even a long stretch in ICU or NICU God is there waiting to help & heal your weary soul.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, I love your reminder of how he is waiting to help and heal our weary souls. He is always with us in every dark place. What a lovely reminder.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I work in the children’s hospital, but I have not journeyed your road to know what you are going through as a parent whose child is hospitalized. I pray on my drive into work trying to grasp how there is such suffering in the world and still all the goodness of God, it is more than I can comprehend and understand from my human perspective, but I know that God is present with us and I ask Him to help me to love Him and minister where I am today. Do you have any suggestions for small things hospital workers could say or do? I try not to say “have a great day” since having a child in the hospital is never a good day, and say “hope your day goes ok.”

    • Jenny, thank you for the work you are doing. I think so highly of the medical professionals who served us. The nurses were always so good to my son and were very encouraging to our family. I think entering the day in prayer is a wonderful way to begin your work day. As far as what to say, I think you are already thinking through things compassionately. I think asking if there’s anything they need or even being a listening ear can be so helpful for someone who is isolated or scared. Thank you for the important work you do! It means so much to those who are in the hospital.

    • Becky,
      So honored to be on here today and to encourage those who are walking the same path. Thank you for the hope you provide women each day.