The doorbell rang. My heart leaped as my three dear friends came bearing gifts and plates of food for our feast. I set out my favorite tea pot and cups. My friend Amy busied herself in the kitchen brewing chai. The aroma of cloves, cinnamon, and ginger swirled through the house. Terry warmed the homemade tortillas with papas and soyrizo. My tongue anticipated the flavors of her homemade roasted salsa. Yasmin burst through the door balancing a cardamom coffee cake on a platter.
Before I even took a bite, my heart was full.
We only gather a few times a year so this time together is sacred. When our kids were younger, we were together almost weekly. We forged our friendship chasing toddlers at story times, chatting at park play dates, and nursing infants on the sidelines of games. We savored long afternoons sipping chai while the kids ran wild through the house. Husbands’ jobs, different schools, and diverse career paths now take us in different directions.
After almost a decade, we still try to find a day in January for our Word Party. The gathering is our chance to reflect on the past year and to look into the future with eager eyes. We each choose one word to embody our year. We commit to studying, following, contemplating, cradling, and dwelling on that one word for 365 days to see what God reveals.
Every year is different. Every year God teaches us something surprising through these words. It’s good for my soul to pause with these friends and share what we have learned on the year’s journey.
I filled my plate and told my mama-friends that my word for 2019 was “abundance.” Perhaps this was a bold choice after several years of navigating grief and transition in our family. I was eager for a fresh start, a new perspective.
Deep in the earth of my heart, I felt like God was inviting me into a harvest season after a long stretch of pruning and resting. Looking back, now I know God started by excavating some of my misconceptions about scarcity and abundance.
Scarcity worries about not having enough. It’s focused on the worst-case scenario. It’s concerned about what everyone else thinks. It believes that someone else’s success or happiness will put you behind.
This past year, God showed me His abundance is quantified in a different way from the scarcity mindset and the prosperity the world chases. We cannot hustle, strive after, or claim entitlement to abundance. Abundance is not about storing up material wealth but embracing the abundant life God has fashioned just for us.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
I am learning to pivot away from the guilt, shame, and fear the Enemy taunted me with after my husband’s death. God gifted me a new husband, a new house, a new church family, a new chapter in life. He invites me to open these gifts and stop apologizing for them.
Psalm 31:19 reminds us: “How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.”
God has good things for all of us, starting with His lavish love and grace. Sometimes He gifts us community to lift us up. Sometimes He entrusts us with resources. Sometimes He may bestow on us a talent, a passion, or a gift that can be used for His glory. Abundance allows us to accept His good gifts and share them with others without hesitation.
Friend, is there a gift God’s given you that you are leaving unopened or burying in your closet?
This year God brought me some unexpected blessings, including a book contract and opportunities to speak and share His glory story with others. These were seed dreams of mine that today the Master Gardener chooses to grow.
Living in abundance isn’t about flaunting our prosperity or gifts. It’s an invitation into gratitude and generosity. I know in my heart the depth of my poverty apart from God so I am eager to share His abundance with those around me.
I believe God has abundance for you and me in this new year. Let’s lean in to look for it. Let’s stop acting like the Israelites in the desert who complained about the manna from Heaven. Let’s not be like that one servant who buried the talent entrusted to him for fear of losing it. Let’s live in abundance, pointing others to Christ with our attitudes and generosity.
This weekend my friends and I will gather again for our Word Party. This time, our friend Amy will host at her new place in Southern California. We will reflect and reveal our words for 2020. I’m sure there will be an abundance of food and chai, laughter and tears. This year, I’m spreading my wings and choosing the word “Soar” to guide me into the new year.
What’s one word or theme that you will be following in 2020?
*Dorina has a new devotional book, Walk, Run, Soar, that will be released in Fall 2020. Sign up for her Glorygram here and get all the insider details about this exciting new project!
[bctt tweet=”Abundance allows us to accept His good gifts and share them with others without hesitation. -@DorinaGilmore:” username=”incourage”]
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A “word” party…what a terrific idea. My word for 2020 is “simplify”. My soul has been craving rest for a long time. I’ve longed to just languish in the Lord’s presence. I feel like I’ve gotten some of that rest. Now I need to trim or simplify my life…going through the tough exercise of cutting out what isn’t life-giving in my life and clinging to what gives life. This might sound a little selfish, but I’ve let too many things stand in the way between me and my Savior. Not all of them are bad, but I need to trim the fat and focus on the One person who really matters. Everything else is secondary. Excited to read others’ words.
Bev xx
Simplify is an excellent choice! Praying for God to guide you this year!
The word simplify is such a good choice and spiritual practice. Praying God will guide you as you prune and rest in this mindset.
Thank you for sharing! I need to pray on my word but what I am yearning for is the next step in his plan for my life. The masters he led me in I finally finished with distinction! Only by his hand did he carry me through the writing process. Now that I am finished I am working but at a temporary job in purchasing nothing to do with my Masters in peace and conflict. I want to serve, follow be his hands and feet but most of all I want to strengthen grow my relationship with him. Any suggestions of a word are prayerfully welcome!
PEACE : that was the word that came to me immediately, before I barely finished reading. It’s possible it could have been related
to your Masters title, not sure but PEACE is the word that was spoken to me. I wish you God’s wisdom in choosing your word for
Dear Jas, you have been in my prayers ever since you spoke about finding the right job to fit your degree. The word for you that just came to me is Flourish. Maybe that means for you to “bloom where you’re planted”. I have no idea! I’m just throwing it out there. When I was working as a nurse, I often struggled with a battle between doing the best job for my hospital and doing the best job for my patients. I chose my patients. And serving God through serving them. And, oddly enough, my hospital allowed me to do just that. I’m so grateful.
I love flourish and abide! Both could be part of your journey!
Happy New Year and new Word!
My word is Abide… I feel so enveloped in His love by this Word, His word for me! Yes I have abided even more so since this last year I’ve lost my mom and a younger brother. God’s sooo sweet as He gives me rest and family of believers to walk the journey of grieving once again..
blessings to and through you sweet ladies \0/
Abide is a good one. I love the invitation to abide in John 15.
Love this idea of word party my word is rest. Just time to slow down and delight in God’s word and be still
Yessss, please on the word “rest.” I’ve been on a personal journey for the last four years learning about rest. One reason I love soar is that it implies resting and gliding, not striving or flapping our wings!
I have not completely decided on my word yet, but I’m leaning towards delight. I get so caught up in the daily tasks of life and my to do list I forget to just enjoy my life and delight in my tasks, most importantly, my family.
Delight… ooh that brings a smile to my face:) I love it! I want to ‘delight’ in everything I do as well:) Amen!
Thanks for sharing Brynn:)! Blessings, Bomi.
Delight is a beautiful word and focus for a year of leaning in close to see the beauty in ordinary things! Praying over you!
thank you for this article! After a difficult 2019, I am ready for 2020…my word for this year is BLOOM…I will bloom this year with all of the blessings the Lord provides with His promises, grace and mercy. May you all be blessed as well xo
that’s beautiful. I think of a pink daisy opening . enjoy a wonderful year in the Lord. May you bloom in the son
God be with you in this new year and new season, my friend!
I love the word party idea too- such a good good way to begin the year mentally and emotionally. I just prayed up asking for a word and I believe it is minimize. Minimize the distractions including excess, debt, activities, and hoping for a move to get us into a little more comfort. Pray on these things so God knows our desire then live in abundance where He has us now. In life and in love. Be good stewards of the gifts he gave us now and without distraction. Spreading too thin is a big distraction we have and we need to learn to minimize this. Be free so we are clearly focused on Him. All the time. Minimize so our hearts want more of him. Verse for the year: john 3:30- less of me and more of Him. It’s everything.
Minimize is a unique one. I love the direction He’s leading you with it!
I’m new to the whole Word of the Year thing, but this year I think my word is going to be “Brave.” I’m even doing an e-mail series on my blog this month called “30 Days of Brave.” You can check it out at: .
M @ In Beautiful Chaos
I love that you are being intentional to reflect and write what you learn as you delve deeper into your word. Thanks for sharing your link!
your write up is beautiful. my word for 2020 is ” attention”, not getting attention but attention in paying attention to the details in my life and around me daily..and being thankful I see them.
I realized most of the past decade was spent chasing after my family daily that I never slow down..never look around anymore.
I’m a great one at giving thanks to God and seeing his beauty in everything but that has been shoved this 2020 I’m going to pay more attention !
I love this idea of being intentional about paying attention. We could all use this challenge and inspiration. God be with you in 2020!
I love that you are being intentional to reflect and write what you learn as you delve deeper into your word. Thanks for sharing your link!
I live in the mindset of scarcity sometimes. Feel like you can’t give more than x amount to this place or that. Truth is one can’t out give God. I know that & have seen it in my own life. He has blessed me immensely over the years & especially last year with a great new part-time job. Why so worried about money & not living abundantly? It takes a lot of trust & faith in God to live that way. In doing so you will see Him work in miraculous ways. My word is bloom this year. I want to bloom where He plants me. Doing my best to show His love & light to those around me. My motto is the John Wesley quote: “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” Simply live like Jesus did. Help those you can!
Blessings 🙂
Beth, what a great quote and focus for the year! It’s good to have boundaries and choose rest at times like Jesus, but it’s also important to live in that way that is generous and giving instead of inward and hoarding. I’m always aware of that fine line.
My word for this year is BLOOM. I retired from the workforce in 2019, and then a couple months later my 88 year old mom fell and broke her arm and pelvis, which increased my caregiver role considerably. She’s doing fine physically now, but 2 months of hospital and rehab center took a toll on her dementia so that I was strongly encouraged to move her to assisted living/memory care. I’ve just completed moving her things from her old apartment, but she’s still having difficulty adjusting to her new home after 2 months. I’m tired and a little discouraged by how retirement has been shaping up for me so far. I love my mom and there are many blessings in caregiving, but I’m hoping this year will also allow me to bloom where God is planting me and grow in His grace and love. I am learning a lot and perhaps this is my season for ministry to the elderly. Then I want to be effective and happy sharing God’s love with them.
Gail, thanks for sharing your heart. I will be praying for opportunities for you to rest and bloom in this new year and season!
My word throughout this year is Abide (as in reside/live in God’s Word). I feel safe, strong, supported, uplifted, wisdom filled, full of hope when I abide without wavering in His presence.
Wow this word party is a good idea. I dont know what my word is yet but going to pray about it and see what God places in my heart.
It’s a fun way to be intentional about connecting with others and reflecting before a new year takes off. Praying for you in this new year!
Dorina, Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed reading this… Thank you for the gentle reminders of the things that truly matter. Congratulations on your book contract, I wish you the very very best. “He who began the good work in you will be faithful to complete it”, Amen.
Blessings to you and your entire family! 🙂
I appreciate your words of encouragement here too! Let’s be truth tellers and in-courage-ers together!
For His glory!
Amen!!! 🙂
Dorina, I love this so much, friend — both your tradition of a word party and all the God taught you about abundance in 2019. I see the fruit of these lessons and God’s goodness in your life, and I’m so grateful for the ways you have shared from the overflow of your heart here at (in)courage. My word for 2020 in kindness — to learn all I can about God’s kindness, notice every evidence of it in my life, and spread it to others.
Thank you, friend. That’s what I love about doing a deep dive into one word. It becomes such a part of daily learning and living. I love that word kindness. God has been inviting me to notice and give in that direction as well.
I have since 1992 prayed each December for a Word and for a Verse God would use to draw me closer to Him in the new year… last year was “Delight” and Psalm 121:8 as I experienced God guarding my going out and coming in daily.
This year God drew me to “Abide” and John 15: 5&7. Hence I am praying I will produce more fruit and draw closer to him in 2020.
I have found doing this all these years is so beneficial and it is exciting to see God work thru me.
Happy New Year to all… excited to have you joining my long tradition.
John 15 is one of the chapters I studied when I wrote my Flourishing Together Bible study. It’s very special to me and God used it to challenge and inspire me. May He be ever-close to you as you abide in Him this year!
Thank you for this post! Last year, in the midst of physical pain, I chose the word JOY. It carried me through pain, surgery, and months of recovery.
I have not chosen a word yet, but as I read, the word “Cherish” came to my mind.
My word may have chosen me!
May you SOAR through 2020!
Thank you for your encouragement! I often feel like my words choose me in the new year. I love your word cherish. It’s a good one to savor and follow!
my word is begin… I am timid and fearful, afraid of failure, afraid of being inadequate, afraid of what others will think/say… so afraid that I am frozen in place. So my word is begin..begin my journey to Jesus
Katherine, thank you for sharing honestly here. Begin is a perfect word. It’s about taking that next right step and following Jesus. It’s about reading His Word and filling our hearts with truth. It’s about pivoting away from the lies of inadequacy and approval and basking in His lavish love for us. I pray for you as you BEGIN here in 2020!
Grace. He abundantly shines upon each trial that although at times so overwhelming I can’t breath they are reminders to me to quietly lean towards Him and surrender to His Grace and glorify Him in the gift of each trial.
His grace is at the heart-center of it all. I love that you are focusing on this word as you step into the new year. Praying grace and peace over you!
My WOY from the (in)courage quiz is bloom. The past couple of years have been really challenging, and I still feel myself searching for stability. For me, the word is a good way to focus on truly living each day and trusting that God will direct me where he needs me to be.
He is the Master Gardener who waters and makes things bloom! I pray you find the direction and path for this new year!
What a great tradition, Dorina. And what a perfect word for this year! Cannot wait to see God soar in you and through you.
Thank you, sweet friend! I’m continuing to wait on Him for just the right wind. Learning to soar means creating new rhythms of rest and not striving, listening and gliding!
My word of the year is come. I lost my son 2 years ago and the pain from that loss has been tremendous. The first year I clung to God. The 2nd year, I checked out. Now a new year, a new season. I know nowI can not do life without my Savior! He wants me to come back to Him. To fully rely on Him and His truths. I want to thrive and be rooted in his word! God did not allow this pain to not be used to glorify Him. I will glorify His name!
Thank you for declaring your word here. I am so sorry for your loss. Having lost my husband, I know that grief takes its own time and we need to be gentle with ourselves. God often beckoned me to come and rest with Him as I grieved. I am praying over you, my friend. May you experience His presence in a memorable way this year!