Juliet Skuldt
About the Author

Juliet Skuldt is a writer living near Chicago with her husband Dean. They have two teenage daughters. In addition to a life-long love of writing and making art, Juliet co-founded Christian Advocacy Now, a ministry helping believers be informed, prayerful, and active around human rights and the persecuted church.

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  1. Juliet,
    Thank you for this reminder! God doesn’t care if our decor is perfect or if we even have any Christmas decorations, he wants our hearts. He wants us to gaze on Jesus with that same rapt wonder and amazement as your Mary figurine, knowing that it is possible God loves us (who are so broken and imperfect) so much that He was willing to give up HIS perfection in Heaven to take on imperfect flesh. Yet because He was wholly God, He took on that flesh perfectly to show us how to live for His Father. He was broken for us, who are so unworthy. How humbling to know I am so unworthy, yet He would have died for me even if I were the only one on earth. What wondrous love is this, O my soul! Praise His name! Thank you, Juliet, for redirecting our thoughts back to that wonder as we humbly enter this new year that the Lord has given us.

  2. She was humble, that is why God chose her! When she was told of Jesus’ birth, her words were, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered.

  3. That was such a beautiful reminder of where my heart and mind need to be. Thank you for sharing Broken Mary.

  4. What a beautiful true story of how our Lord uses things and situations to open our eyes to Him and ourselves and what is really important! And thank you for sending the picture of your Grandmother’s treasured nativity, understandably precious to you. Thank you for sharing your experience, very touching and meaningful.

  5. Juliet, I love every word of this post! You captured my feelings about Christmas and about “the season of obsessive self improvement “ which becomes so discouraging after a while. Thank you for showing the picture of your Mary. I want to be like her… messy, broken, but adoring Jesus. Blessings to you in the New Year!

  6. Very well spoken. None of us are perfect. But God gave us the the best present we could have. That was Jesus who came as baby who was born in Manger. With no fancy airs or graces. Jesus came humbly to earth to save us that are not perfect and none of us are perfect. God Love us so much. That is why he sent his son Jesus into the world too show us how much he Loved. John 3 verse 16 says it so well. For God So loved the World he gave his only begotten Son. That whosoever believes in him shall not Perish. No greater love did God give us his Children of the World. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx

    • Thank you, Dawn…So true that none of us are perfect, but the One who is was the most perfect example of true humility…How do we ever lose sight of that?

  7. I am feeling very broken and flawed these days, your words and pictures touched a deep part of me.
    Thank you for loving me despite everything, Jesus lover of my soul.
    Thank you Juliet for your words.

    • Thank you, Linda, for your transparency…it’s not so comfortable feeling broken and flawed. But what a gift this community is for us to be broken and honest about it together!

  8. Juliet,

    Such great wisdom here. God doesn’t care about our decorations, gift giving, & all the hoopla we attach to Christmas. He wants us to look upon Him as lowly Mary did those many years ago. Mary is an amazing woman to be admired. She willing accepted what the Holy Spirit told her & humbly said yes. Yes to being willing to risk shame of her friends & family. Also yes to carrying the one true God of the universe. She treasured all those words & images in her heart. We would do well to do the same. Look at nativity scenes & remember what Christmas is truly about. A savior who left His splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth. Just to save us from our sinful selves. What an awesome feat!! We should look upon Jesus with awe & wonder also.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Indeed, Beth! May we all follow her example of humble and willing servant! Thank you for sharing those reminders!

  9. “She is too absorbed with Jesus to be consumed by her imperfections.” Thank you for these words, and this whole article. Such a blessed reminder to me today of Who really matters.