My journey to a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease started early in 2017. I have not felt well since then. It’s been nearly three years. Tough doesn’t seem a strong enough word to describe this time. It’s not just the physical pain and symptoms that made it so hard. It was the waiting, the unanswered questions, the unending testing, the multiple doctors, the not knowing. It was the fight to find out what was wrong so I could just feel better.
This is not an easy fight to be in. So many times I’ve wanted to just forget about the whole thing. I’ve wanted to stop all the doctors and tests. I’ve been physically and emotionally spent.
But God.
He was with me every step of the way. When I was weak, He was my strength. When I wanted to give up, He reminded me how important I was. I was worthy of good health, and I could not give up on myself because He would never give up on me.
Through this journey, I have heard so many stories of strength and endurance — years of feeling sick with no answers why, countless doctors with no answers to give. I have learned it takes an average of nearly five years and several doctors to receive a diagnosis for an autoimmune disease, and that is just an average. So although some might get one quickly, most are searching for years for answers.
I want to encourage anyone desperately struggling for answers, trying to hold onto hope, trying to find peace and wellness, to keep going. You are fighting a battle most people can’t see and don’t understand, but there are people like us out there that do understand.
Keep fighting for you. It is so hard, but keep going.
Let me tell you something: you are strong. You are stronger than you know because God is on your side. He knows. He will not abandon you. God will never give up on you.
Before doctors found my husband’s giant brain aneurysm, he knew something wasn’t right. He wasn’t feeling right. He was getting a lot of head pain and pain behind his eye. We saw plenty of doctors and were always sent home to tough it out and use some strong ibuprofen. But because my husband knew something wasn’t right, we just kept going until a doctor finally ordered a CT scan and that is how they found the aneurysm. I don’t want to think about what would have happened had we given up because it was such a frustrating road.
Keep advocating and doing what you need to do for your wellness. You deserve answers.
After hitting one dead end after another, it’s easy to lose confidence and want to quit. But I am here today to cheer you on. You are not making this up. Your suffering is real. Your symptoms are real. You just haven’t found the answers you deserve yet. You will find a path forward. It will be physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting, but lean on Him. Stay pressed into Him.
When I think of struggling and suffering, I think about this verse:
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Romans 5:3-4 (ESV)
It’s hard to think that we would rejoice in our sufferings. Why would I want to rejoice for having a difficult, lifelong disease? How can I rejoice for pain and struggling? But I can think about rejoicing because I know God is doing something in the midst of all this. And that is something to hold on to.
Take your difficult journey and see it as an opportunity to do something with God — a journey filled with life lessons that produce endurance, character, and hope.
For those of you struggling with your health, with a diagnosis or lack of diagnosis, or with any difficult situation for that matter, know that you don’t have to struggle alone. Let God walk with you. Hold onto Him and don’t let go. Hear how others have endured and know you can too. Let these words be a voice of help and hope if you are in a darkness you never imagined. Sometimes you have to fight through the night to get to the blessing in the morning.
You got this because He has you!
[bctt tweet=”For those of you struggling with your health, with a diagnosis or lack of diagnosis, or with any difficult situation for that matter, know that you don’t have to struggle alone. -Jennifer Ueckert:” username=”incourage”]
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Hi Jennifer! Interestingly enough, I read Romans 5:3-4 early this morning, just before I came on here. I am so very thankful your husband’s brain aneurysm was discovered on time. I am so sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well. Thank you for sharing these words of encouragement and hope with us. I am trusting God for complete Healing and Restoration for you, your husband, myself, and my loved ones as well. Plus for anyone else reading this who is in need of God’s healing touch. Thanks again for the reminder to persevere and be full of hope. Yes indeed – God is on our side, he will never fail or abandon us. Amen.
Have a beautiful day Jennifer,
~ Bomi 🙂
Thank you so very much, Bomi! I do love that scripture! Praying along with you for the healing you and your loved ones are hoping for!
Thank you Jennifer!:) I really appreciate it! 🙂 Amen to all our prayers.
Sweet sister praying you find a diagnosis quickly. As patients we have the right to ask for tests to be done. If we want a CT or certain blood test we can ask a doctor to order it. Perhaps a diagnosis will be made quicker that way. People know their bodies better than the practitioners. There are so many “hidden” diseases that don’t manifest in ways people can see. An abundance of people are suffering as you are. Some know what they have but nothing can be done for them. My co-worker has MS. She is getting IVG injections. The new meds are making her feel worse than before. She has to walk with a cane. She fell once & gave herself a chest contusion. There is no cure. Like you said keep on fighting. Do not give up on yourself. God is there with you always. He understands your pain & suffering. I also suggest talking with a trusted friend or two. Let them in on your situation & they can pray for you. You have hope in Jesus. He will send His healing in due time!
Blessings 🙂
It seems like they provided me with tests in little drips. Check one or two things. Wait, then check a few more. Seems they are just guessing along with us! And sometimes the tests are different from one time to the next! So confusing and frustrating. I am so sorry for your co-worker with that terrible disease. And it is so hard to know that some meds just seem to make things worse! Thank you for your encouraging and hopeful message today, Beth!
Beautiful post and I am so glad that you finally got some answers to why the physical pain. God does give us a brain and the Holy Spirit as our Counselor. We need to trust in that voice and keep persevering. It took many painful years until I was finally diagnosed with having an uncommon version of OCD and depression. It took 6 years of back to back operations to get me where I am today and be able to manage the pain. Perseverance certainly produces character, and character hope, and hope never disappoints. What a testimony you have to God’s goodness. People may be able to argue theology, but they can’t argue your story and testimony! Praise! I believe God allows these thorns to remain in our sides to make us reliant upon His sufficient grace. So glad you are doing better and I pray you can get back to the art you love! You’ve have a testimony to paint!
Bev xx
Oh Bev! That is so much you have had to go through. Your constant encouragement and strong faith is a great testimony after all you have been through! I agree, those thorns have their purpose, even though they are painful. xo
I was finally diagnosed with MS in 1994. That was after a year of doctors telling me nothing was physically wrong with me. It was all in my head, they said. I had no feelings from my waist down. I knew something was wrong, but at that time MS wasn’t being talked about like it is now. I changed my “family” doctor and she listened to me. She had a good friend that was a neurologist, and got me an appointment right away. From then on, things moved rather quickly. Diagnosis, treatment options, etc, fell into place. You are so right! You just have to hang on to your faith and believe God will see you through it! Now, I have my good days and bad days. But through whatever pain, inability to walk, or whatever life may bring, I do trust God and hang onto my Faith. That carries me through whatever life throws at me. Thank you for sharing your story. It reassures me and shows me the strength of God endures!
I am so sorry you had to struggle to be heard and believed, Peggy. It breaks my heart how many times I have heard this similar thing. I am happy to know you found the right doctor and things started falling into place. You have gone through so much and you know you have a journey ahead of you, but it is so encouraging to see your trust and faith are carrying you and will carry you! Praying for you!
Thank you Jennifer. I will take all the prayers that I can! Keep up the good work. Your writing is inspiring and comforting.
Thank you! This is me 100%, sick since 2017 with no real answers, completely TPN dependent. Doctors have told me they don’t know what to do with me and it’s so tiring. Thank you for the encouragement. GOD is with me in the pain.
Oh Natasha, I am so sorry for your struggles. It is so tiring. I am praying God gives you the strength you need to persevere until you find help, answers and find your options ahead. You are strong and you can do it with Him!
Thanks so much!
Jennifer your story is very encouraging and brings hope. My prayer is I can be as strong as you. May the Lord give you His peace. I
Have known suffering and my daughter has struggled with an autoimmune disease for years and is still searching for an answer. We can get through this with Jesus.
Thank you
Thank you, Elaine. I give God all the credit to have gotten through it all so far! Standing by you in prayer you find the answers you need and deserve. Praying for you and your daughter. You are both strong with Him!
Thank you! I, too, struggle with an autoimmune disorder and have not felt well now for a while. It’s a struggle to raise 6 kids and have energy to meet all of the needs in my life. But God has been so good to me during this waiting. He has really drawn me so close to Him and that is something I’ll cherish.
It is so true, these times certainly do draw us close to Him! I feel for you and your struggles, Sandi. Praying for you and your health!
I’ve been diagnosed with Cerebral Small Vessel Disease and that’s what causes Dementia and Stroke. I’ve been terrified for a very long time of getting dementia or alzheimers and now that’s exactly what’s happening. I love Jesus and He has gotten me through so much throughout my life but I cannot shake this fear of losing my memory and cognitive abilities and becoming one of those mean angry people who have to be medicated to be quiet. Please pray that I will surrender this paralyzing fear to Him who loves me. I was diagnosed in 1998 with Lupus and Sjogren’s so I understand completely how awful the road to a diagnosis is. It took 7 years for them to finally figure it out.
I am so sorry for the diagnosis you have been given and your difficult journey ahead, Rebecca. We would all be fearful. Praying His love and comfort will cover that fear. Praying you feel Him right beside you every step of this journey. Praying His strength will lift you up and carry you through.
Thank you so much for this post Jennifer. It’s so timely for me and confirming in its encouragement. He is a covenant keeping God who provides all we need, a very present source
Of help I time of trouble. It is He that I cling to and rely on to carry me through, to lead and to guide every step of the way. May God be forever praised because He is forever faithful! Thankful, grateful, blessed In Him.
Beautifully said, Martha! Thank you for sharing your uplifting words!
Jennifer, thank you so much for these words of encouragement!
Praying for you,
M @ In Beautiful Chaos
Thank you, M! And thank you for your prayers. They are so appreciated!
Thank you for this in(couraging) post! More often than not it would be so much easier to give up than continue the battle. I am an autoimmune magnet! Celiac, thyroid, (really) late adult onset type 1 diabetes and it seems one thing just leads to another…. Only by the grace of God I manage as best I can and without Him I wouldn’t be managing at all. He gives me the might that I need to fight for myself – for medical care and answers to questions and affording medication and special food ($5 for a loaf of bread! But I’m still thankful because at my diagnosis nothing edible was available in the stores and online shopping wasn’t a thing yet!) Some days I, too, don’t feel like myself – out of all T1D is the worst – but I know it I’ll be ok, because He’s with me.
Blessings and good health to you and yours, Jennifer!
Indiane, that is so much! But I hear in your words such faith and trust and that is so encouraging to all of us! I am struggling with my diabetes with all of this and my goodness, it is tough! By the grace of God, yes and amen to that! Praying for you!
I too have been struggling to continue on. I’ve received a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, after seeing numerous doctors. I’m a nurse and the thought of caring for others for years and now to have what I called the run around syndrome from the doctors has been exhausting. I try to work and spend most evening resting to return to work. If I travel I would have to take 2 -3 days off to recuperate. I have exhausted my leave time, but even in that I now see the hands of God because my coworkers donated hours to me, I’m thankful for your words of encouragement, knowing that I too I’m not alone and God is concerned about everything that concerns me, and He is right here with me in this situation. Praying for peace and comfort as you continue moving forward. Louise
Oh what a beautiful thing to have coworkers like that, Louise! I too have heard that fibromyalgia word thrown out here and there. I know how much your body hurts and is exhausted. Praying you feel His presence through your difficult journey. Praying His strength carries you when you need it. Praying you find the answers you search for!
Thankyou for showing me theres hope.
There is always hope, Valerie. Praying for you today!
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Mine has been over the last year, with 7 procedures… the last 3 at Mayo…. and the last one on New Years Eve. (Not to mention I found out I had a fracture in my foot the day before and went thru the procedure with a “boot” on) We have to wait for another 2 months to see if this last procedure worked. It has been a year of pain, of not knowing what the outcome will be, of existing on a very soft, almost liquid diet… and of waiting. It has been a battle against discouragement, weariness physically and mentally, and regret over not being able to keep up with all my responsibilities, especially those to my family. “BUT GOD …… who is rich is mercy” Eph. 2:4 … has continued to walk with me each and every step of this journey. I have chosen to put my trust in Him completely. I may not understand the “why” behind this journey… but I am trying to remain sensitive to Him every step of the way. He is my strength, He is my HOPE (which, by the way, was my word for this past year )
Oh Dee, my heart goes out to you! It is so hard to understand why these journeys have to be so rough! I guess that is why we are told just to trust Him and His ways, because we can’t understand them. You are so strong to put your trust in Him completely, even when that is such a difficult thing to do. He will see you through! I pray He will cover you and give you strength when discouragement and weariness rise. I pray there will be an end to all that not knowing and you will receive the answers you are looking for.
Thank you for your encouragement and prayers … they are so very much appreciated. I, too, will continue to keep you in my thoughts and lift you up in prayer. God Bless You!
Thank you for sharing your story. I’ve lived with an autoimmune condition for 18 years now. It’s a continuing journey with many twists and turns. It’s a lonely road because it’s so hard for others to grasp the daily ness of it. Unless you’re a fellow warrior, you can’t understand what fatigue is like. I’ve learned so much about perseverance and trusting fully in God. He never fails to provide for daily strength in my weakness of body and spirit. I’ve learned many valuable lessons from my experiences. He uses this different normal for good. I have more patience with others and compassion that reminds me that everyone has a story. I ask God for a humble heart to embrace His great love for me in His plan and pace for me. Dear sisters, be encouraged and have hope in the blessings that wait ahead as we wait together in the security of God’s lavish love. God knows. He is in the trenches with us.
It is amazing how much we learn we can persevere and trust in Him when we have a rough journey! He proves over and over He will see us through each step of the way. Compassion… yes. I am greatly feeling that! (I actually have a big project I am working on because of that!) Thank you for encouraging all of us sisters here today, Amy! May He bless you!
Do you know what really gets to me is. We I have I have repented of this and asked God to change me. We are I bet all guilty of this of juding and taking about that person that says they have this or this wrong with them. When we look at them on the outside and at their face they look great. You to look at them. Would not think there was anything wrong with them at all. One Doctor said to me one time I was very unwell. People who don’t know you Dawn could say Dawn to look at you there is nothing wrong with you. You are just putting it on. They don’t know what going on inside your body and they don’t live with you are see the offal pain you are in. Or what the inside of your body like just how ill you really are. So no one should judge what they don’t know about anyone. If saved they should not judge or talk about that person they no anything about. Even if they got depression. They should do what Jesus would want them to do and that is say nothing and pray for them. If not sick or in pain or ill or not got depression. Thank God they are well. Got nothing wrong with them stop judging what they no nothing about in other people. Do what Jesus would have them to do. Go over to that person if not saved especially and say I will keep you in my prayers. Or if brave enough say would you like me to pray for you. You never know that person could say yes. Or no thank you. But still say I keep you in prayer. If they say yes. They might get a chance to lead that person to Jesus and get saved. If saved and not well with an illness or in pain or depression. Keep as Christian. Standing on the promises of Gods words the Bible and prayer and keep looking up to God all the time. Stamping Satan under your feet. Saying I will get well one day. From this. Should it be this side of earth or in Glory when called home. But keep trusting God his word the Bible the promises and prayer. If get healed this side of earth do let everyonr know that God healed you should it be using the Doctors and the treatment you had to get through them. Or God direct. Giving God the praise and thanks you are healed. That Satan didn’t have the last laugh. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
You remind us so well that we never know what someone else is going through. Life is hard enough without having people judge us for what they don’t understand. Thank you for sharing this reminder with us, Dawn. May we all have a heart more like Jesus!
Thank you for this. I have a problem that hasn’t been diagnosed yet. Thank you for the reminder that better days are ahead and to not give up. Praying for you!
I am so glad you could be encouraged, Halea. He is by your side and that makes you stronger than you think! Don’t give up! I pray you get your answers soon.
Thank you for your post! Your post encouraged me even though what I am going thru is loneliness! prayers for you for healing, answers and help! Thank you for reminding me that God is always there! Please pray for me too! the more the better! thanks for being encouraging despite a difficult time of your own! God bless you aid you and help you! in Jesus’ name ……Amen! Love in Christ, Lauren
I am so sorry for the difficult season you are going through, Lauren. I am happy you feel encouraged! Things will get better! Praying you know He is always with you. Praying His love and faithfulness will surround you!
Ditto! Same here. Struggling for decades with fibromyalgia and now arthritis and neuropathy. Thank you for posting your thoughts and encouragement as I do find it hard at times to be thankful and not get down because of all my aches and pains and trouble walking. I am thankful for the great all-natural supplements that keep me going.
Yes, Linda! It can be so, so hard to be thankful when we hurt so bad! Praying we just keep our faith and trust in Him through it all!
When it comes to our health we do need to be our own advocate and be persistent. Sometimes the answers are not easy to figure out. And unless we are like the widow in the parable going before the judge every day until he was worn out, we may not get the correct diagnosis. Thank God that he is on our side and our strength through it all.
For sure couldn’t do it without Him, Theresa!
Thank you so much for sharing this Jennifer. Especially the fact about it taking an average of five years. It took seven years for them to diagnose my blood disorder. He put wonderful people around me. Thanks for being a part of that. Sending love to you.
That time and wait is so hard! Praying for you, friend. xo
Dear Jennifer,
You have gracefully shared your personal struggles and, from the comments I’ve read, have tremendously helped others share their health issues. It is a comfort to know that God is always with us in these difficult times and to keep encouraging each other in prayer. I have a stress disorder which was diagnosed a few years ago by a periodontist. If I left unchecked, different types of sores can develop in mucus membrane areas in my body. I have fortunately found natural remedies that help and have not had more than minor incidents. Since this is related to anxiety, I keep praying, reading scripture and tell the enemy to “get lost, I worship the Lord.” There have also been many writers such as yourself, that focus on God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and scripture from many perspectives that really help fill me with hope and keep me grounded. The (in)courage community is a wonderful blessing!!! The bible study group I attend is another source of hope through learning, repeatedly, that God is with us from Genesis to Revelation. As you and many others have said, we just have to keep reaching out to HIM in prayer and praise.
Praying for you and all the ladies who have previously commented, to find answers for their health issues.
Thanks and blessings, Sandy
Thank you so much, Sandy! Grateful you were diagnosed so you could keep on top of your disorder. It really is a constant turning to Him we must do to keep ourselves up! Thank you for praying for everyone here. Praying for you as well!
Jennifer, such a hard topic to discuss.. I too had been struggling with being diagnosis with Type 2 Diabetes just last year. I had been placed on high dosages of insulins, two kinds to be exact as well as pills but yet my sugars continue to soar. I just stopped taking everything completely for the last several months. I am at a point where I can’t stick myself again or forget to eat and get the shakes from the insulin that is suppose to help me keep my sugars down. I feel like I had a good life and even though I am only in my forties, hey ready to go whenever. There is nothing holding me here on this earth. Both my boys are over the age of 18 and my daughter is 14. She’s a tough cookie and will be just fine whether I am here or not. My hubby is an independent man and so no worries there. So many losses and what’s one more, me right? I know it is selfish of me to think this way and I can longer hide the fact that I am not a strong woman as many that knows me claim me to be. I am tired and am tired of trying to con myself in thinking I got any of this. Praying for strength. Thank you for sharing this.
I understand where you are coming from. I hear that I am strong, but when I am alone with my thoughts and all the yucky stuff of life, strong is the last thing I think I am. I was also diagnosed with diabetes 6 years ago. I still don’t have mine under control. It is such a confusing disease. I can eat the exact same thing and get different blood sugars after each time. I hate the insulin shots, I hate checking my blood. None of it is fun. You are not alone in your struggle with this disease! But there are so many that love you and need you… even if you don’t think they do. You are on this journey for a reason, and only God knows His reasons. But He is with you every step, even when it’s hard to believe that. He will give the strength. Step by step, day by day. I will be praying for you, Maylee!