About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves", wrestles with the dogged presence and affection of...

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  1. John’s story is amazing! If I were in his shoes, I would have said, “and now it’s time for me to head back to town, get myself a little house and family and live like a regular person. I did my part, whew!” Instead, he gets prison and unjust beheading. That’s a lot less than even John bargained for.

  2. Michele,
    What a beautifully humbling post! I, too, tend to look around and compare (even though I know not to). Having a thriving non-profit ministry, I admit a tinge of the green monster rises up when others are publishing books left and right. Instead of looking and thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, I need to be about watering my own grass. Praying that together we would celebrate each others’ victories in winning lost souls to Christ and building His Kingdom. Much needed and well received post!
    Bev xx

    • For me, these moments of humanity remind me of my absolute dependence on Jesus. I need His grace now more than ever. And no matter how much “I know better,” He alone can create the inner transformation I continually need.

  3. Oh Michele! I needed this today. I just published a book and it’s hard not to compare my launch to another’s. Your words were sent for me today. Blessings, friend

    • I bump into this every single time I launch a book or any other resource/ministry. I pour so much of my heart into it, and then I slip into gauging results by comparing. And yet, even there, God’s grace is big enough for me. His reminders are gentle, his correction kind. With you, sister.

  4. We have to satisfied with everything we have. Sometimes that means become less. Like giving our seat that we so love in Church to that stranger that comes to Church for the first time. Making that starnger feel welcome. By saying would you like to sit here. Even if you have sat in that nice cosey warm seat for years. Even if that person is dressed old dirty clothes because they have been sleeping rough. We still have to put our pride to one side. Do what Jesus would want us to do and that is to love that person like he would. I heard a story it is true it still sticks in my mind to this day. Of a Church having bread and wine every Sunday like the breaking of bread. There was Man who lived in a Motor home with sitckers on it telling you he love Jesus. That came into this Church one Sunday. He sat away at the back of the Church. The Church did every Sunday the breaking of but would not walk down to give it to the man in the Motor home that sat away at the back of the Church. The man theb shouted Jesus would not forget about me. He said Jesus would walk down to let me par take in the bread and wine if he was hear this Sunday. Then they went down to let him take part in the bread and wine. I thought that was not nice of that Church to do that. As Jesus would leave no one out. He fed 5000 people with 5 loaf’s and 2 fish heald the sick. Did many more things in his day when on earth. Still does today. He never leaves or side. He is always with us. So we have to do what today reading says. No matter what the person look like. Or how they are dressed. Love them and treat them with the beauty Jesus would have us treat them with. Not leave them out. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little

  5. Thank you, Michele, for reminding us to ‘increase Jesus, decrease (ourselves)”. I recall the prophet Michah’s (VI:8c) recording (God’s voice): “…walk humbly with your God”; and was it Paul’s (perhaps Peter’s) teaching when he (they) wrote to, be content?! We reckon credit where credit is due when we look at Jesus’ perfect example (and live to follow-Him-through), to wit: “I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work that You gave Me to do”. (John XVII:4) Soli Deo Gloria! indeed…

  6. Michele,

    Social media is yet another tool of the devil. We look at it & start comparing ourselves to others. We get down & he snarls for a win. We must remember that God made us all unique. We don’t all have the same talents, drive, ambitions or gifts. Our only job down here is to use our talents to point everyone toward Jesus. I use social media as a means to applaud people, agree with them on topics & share information. Recently I used social media to announce two new books just released. For me I know that I will never be in the forefront of anything. God has me in the background helping out like Timothy. I’m the hands & feet of Him. This world is all about comparison, doing more, better & bigger things. Even in ministry. I am happy for those who start ministries. I will lend a hand when I can. Not compare myself to them.

    Blessings 🙂

  7. Oh boy…such truth here. I’ve struggled with this myself for most of my life! And as soon as “that” feeling creeps over me I know it’s just a lie. Time and time again Jesus tells me to just wait. One day we will see how what we think is insignificant had so much meaning in God’s plans

  8. Guilty as charged! I had become an expert at comparison, and so often, in time, it would be revealed to me that God is the expert and His plan for my life is perfect for me. Yes, the comparison thoughts still creep in from time to time, but I am becoming better at renouncing those thoughts and focusing on the gifts God has chosen for me. Thank you for sharing your reflections. I think you are a wonderful author!

  9. Comparison is SO deadly!! I’ve compared myself to different people over the years only to later realize that they have the exact same struggles I have. The side of people we see on social media or in public is not always who they are deep down inside. I just started a series on my blog called “Misfit Heroes” about several heroes who we all admire and compare ourselves to without realizing how much we have in common with them. You can check it out here: https://www.inbeautifulchaos.com/misfit-heroes/ . Feel free to share it with anyone who might be encouraged by it!

    God Bless!

  10. Hi Michele,
    Great post! Your post was so relevant and hit home for me as well. So many times we look at the successes of others thinking “when is my turn coming or why is my life not as prosperous?” I will say, I too have just completed my first manuscript and one of my chapters talks about “not focusing on the blessings of others but celebrating them!” When we allow the Holy Spirit to transform our thinking, we are able to see Jesus’ light shining brighter in the world, thus us becoming less. Again, I enjoyed your insight. Thanks for sharing your heart! Charisse 🙂

  11. I’ve wrestled with this at times over the decades since finding Christ. As a young woman (20’s) I had a lot of people tell me I would have a huge ministry to other women because of my “testimony.” I pictured speaking engagements, book deals, etc. Instead, my life continued to be filled with loss, divorce, the hard work of a full time job while raising three children to adulthood, serious injury and surgeries. Even now, in my late sixties, as I cheer on and follow beautiful young women with little kids who are making big impacts in the body of Christ (mostly with long, blond, beachy waves, it seems), I feel a touch of envy. In today’s world, they have the Internet. They can live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and still make a huge impact. When I feel that sense of…well…I’ll call it what it feels like…envy, I remind myself, “But that wasn’t your job.” Now I am more about mentoring the younger women and pointing people to the Jesus who changed my life forever, staying in my lane, and so grateful for life itself.

  12. Any time I think I’m doing a great job in my Christian walk, I am reminded of how frail my faith is if I think I need to compare myself to others. It’s so silly, yet I walk into that trap repeatedly. Thanks for this piece, such a great reminder!