About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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  1. Dorina,
    I suspect it’s no coincidence that I am reading your post after having revisited some bittersweet memories on Father’s Day. It’s been a decade since I sat, alone, in that stark conference room. I wondered how I came to be in this situation. Never in a thousand years would I have imagined my life would come to this. My hand trembled as I fumbled in my purse and found an anchor…I held my dad’s starched handkerchief to my eyes that had welled up with tears. In holding what remained of my dad to my heart, I felt his presence and knew I would get through what the next few hours would dictate. My dad passed away less than a year before my divorce mediation, but that memory came flooding back yesterday. That was definitely a low and lonely point in my life. But, just that morning my wonderful, God-fearing, husband and I sat with our beagle enjoying the early morning hours outside drinking our coffee. I marveled at how God had restored the years the locust had eaten. He lifted me out of a slimy pit and gave me a firm place to stand. God does bring us full circle and it is good for us to look back, from where we’ve come, and give Him praise and thanks. Loved this!
    Bev xx

    • God is SO faithful. isn’t He? I have my own version of your experience, Bev. And now, almost 25 years later remarried to such a wonderful man, it’s so true. The Lord really does restore and heal what you think you will never recover from.
      Blessings to you, Bev! I always enjoy your writing and encouragement to everyone here!

    • Bev, I’m so grateful you shared your full circle story. I’m sorry for the loss and pain you’ve been through, but what an encouragement to trace God’s faithfulness on the trail of your life!

    • God is amazing ❤️. So happy for you Bev to look back and see the fingerprints of a God at work in your life. Lovingly providing for you. It’s telling (your story here) that even though we go through hard times God is still with us and brings us through the hurt to sunshine on the other side.

  2. Such a beautiful post! So wonderful to look back and see God’s faithfulness and how far He has brought us! I think we need to celebrate those victories and be reminded again of how He has brought us full circle. I was listening to the song last night by I am They called “Scars.” It was a time for me to reflect and see even though we go through such difficult times in the life He has purpose in our pain. I can say today that I am thankful for the scars. Praising Him for His wonderful goodness and grace!

  3. Hi Dorina,
    Please pray for me that I can hold the hand of Jesus to be the wife my husband and God need me to be for the sake of myself, my husband, my children, my community, and of course for His Glory.
    Thanks and blessings,

    • Maggie,
      I’m so grateful you shared this request with me. I am lifting you up right now. When the Spirit is in us, we have the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness and self-control. I’m praying for an indwelling of these for you.
      In Jesus’ Name,

  4. God does things in our lives bring us as you say round the full circle. He is alway with us. I lost my Mum a year ago in January. I used to when took ill any time say I need my Mum. I am grown women Married with a Husband. Now I have no Mum God has shown me many a times I didn’t need my Mum as it only made her worry more about me. I had God all along. God has taught me more as Christian since my Mum passed away. That when I take ill only if God tells me can I go the Doctors to go to them. As God made Doctors and God uses Doctors to heal us and he can heal us himself. Plus I can run to God in prayer first then his word the Bible and trust the promises in it. Keep looking up on too him. I don’t need anything else no Christian books on healing or dvds or cds on healing. Just Gods word the Bible the promises in it and prayer. Nothing else. Unless someone says can I pray for you or I am praying for you. That is all we need as Christians. Nothing else. We might not get healed this side of earth but we still have to trust God and trust that he knows what he is doing. But we will get our answers too why we didn’t get the healing this side of earth. When we go to Glory. We will get our healing in Glory if don’t get it on earth. Ours is not to ask why. But to keep looking up and trusting God. Go the full circle with him. God is Good all the time all the time God is Good. Don Moen sings it you get it on Youtube and excellent song. Excellent teaching thank you for it Dawn Ferguson-Little

  5. Dorina,

    Sometimes sitting alone I recount memories of my parents. The many times I saw & helped them through the medical maze. Standing here today I realize that I am stronger than I ever thought I’d be. My faith has grown exponentially & I can easily trust God with anything. Like most people I was dealt a hand I didn’t want to deal with, much less know how to handle. It was difficult at times & cost me a job. God has seen fit to use all that for my good. He has given me a hospital job (ICU Step Down clerical). He has brought me full-circle so to speak. I readily relate to the patients & their families. When the call lights go off I try to answer them quickly-knowing they need some assistance. Some times I get to help out & get food for them or some other simple task. Others I get the help they need. I have seen my parents in those patients. I don’t want them to wait to long for any help. Like Bev said God restores the time eaten away. He gives back immeasurably more than we could ever imagine.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, I love the way you are seeing how He redeems and restores. So often the places we experience the most pain are the places God uses for ministry and His glory!

  6. “If you are feeling like you are right back where you started, take heart.” Need this today. Thank you, friend. Always grateful to read your testimony of God’s faithfulness as you spur on others toward hope. xx

    • Oh friend, I know He is using you in mighty ways. I’m glad these words were a good reminder to you today of His faithfulness. I constantly need to bring myself back to that place of reflecting on His glory and thanking Him for ushering me through!

  7. “God meets me again and again on the trail and shows me His faithfulness to lead and provide.” Amen, Dorina! At age 70, I have the advantage of hindsight to see overwhelming evidence of God’s faithfulness through all these decades of life. Of course there have been challenges, painful experiences, and quandaries. But God has brought us through them ALL! Thank you for the uplifting, spirit-strengthening post, Dorina!

  8. So interesting to think about this, Dorina! In a couple of weeks we’ll be road-tripping north so my daughter can register for her fall college classes (!!!!!) in Oregon. The last time I remember driving those particular roads we were heading to/from our time of training in BC, getting ready to embark on the adventure of being overseas missionaries. That was nine years ago. There are already some complex feelings and memories that surface as I think about it. This trip feels like a full-circle journey and I’m looking forward to what God wants to say and reveal as we continue observing, reflecting, and rejoicing in His faithfulness through it all. Thanks for the reminder!

    • So wild to think of your sweet girl going to college! I pray for a time of reflecting, refreshing, and new revelations for you both as you travel. I still remember my first drive to college in Michigan with my parents!

  9. I’m in the same circumstance I was four years ago. This time God is teaching me to let go, to not try to control the situation to lessen my pain and opportunity to learn. It’s a hard “do-over” but God is so very faithful.