About the Author

Jennifer Dukes Lee is the author of several books, including Growing Slow. She and her husband live on the family farm, raising crops, pigs, and two humans. She’s a fan of dark chocolate, emojis, eighties music, bright lipstick, and Netflix binges. She wants to live life in such a way...

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  1. Jennifer,
    As always, I LOVE your storytelling…I also appreciated the MSG version of Romans 8:39: Absolutely NOTHING can get between us and God’s love… Since we are human, we get disappointed in people. Disappointment doesn’t exist in God’s vocabulary. If we are believers, He sees us through the blood of Christ and all He sees is purity, cleanness, wholeness. God knows our frame – it is but dust – but He CHOOSES to love us anyway. It’s hard to fathom His absurd, reckless, furious, unfathomable love because our humanity just doesn’t go there. Perhaps a mother’s heart for her children is as close as we can come, but still it’s humanly flawed. God isn’t flawed and His love for us is without hesitation, frustration, disappointment. His very definition is “love” and so to not love unconditionally would be to deny Himself. Praise, that no matter what we do, NOTHING will ever come between us and God’s love. Beautiful reminder this am!
    Blessings sweet friend,
    Bev xo

  2. I’m just going to sit with this one for a while, because it’s been a long time since I really let this truth sink in.
    It’s a truth that changes everything.

  3. Wow. Thank you soooo much, Jennifer. This was incredible, and I really needed this. God’s shown me the same thing with my dog and his ‘selective deafness,’ AKA not listening, and so much more. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for this Truth fuel this morning You gave through my sister Jennifer.

  4. This met me exactly where I was this morning. Thank you for listening to Him and for the perfect story/example of the kittens.

  5. I just love cats and kittens my cat Buttons is 15. I thank God every day I have her. You know she getting old. Your excellent reading spoke to me. She is Black and White. She needs me more than when she was younger cat. Like your word spoke to me we need God every day. We have alot to thank God for. We don’t thank him enough. Just like I thank him for giving Buttons my cat another day to live. I don’t do it half often enough. Give God thinks at the same time or give him thinks for another day to live in his Beautiful World that he has given me to live in. In fact I don’t do it often enough. We as Christian should do it more. Love Dawn xxx

  6. I’m a kitten lover, so this really spoke to my heart. I have a cat now who was pretty wild, when I adopted her. I spent several days on my bathroom floor allowing her to warm up to me. Lots of snuggling and exploring. Now she barely gives me the time of day! Cats! Humans! You showed me the similarities. Thank you!

  7. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder!! I’m definitely a cat person, though at this season of life, I can’t have a cat, nor another pet. I got my “cat fix” last week by taking care of my neighbor’s cats while she was away. I’d never thought of these similarities before; however, you definitely painted a great picture!! Thank you!

  8. There is NO way I can begin to describe HOW much I needed to hear this today… of all days.

  9. Jennifer: Thank you for your words. I was feeling down before I read this and your words helped put things into perspective for me. This morning I began my year trek to the Veterinarian’s with my critters: 3 dogs and 6 cats. We actually brought 1 cat with us when we moved here, the rest have just sort of wandered into my heart.
    I didn’t think about it until I was straggling to get a cat in a carrier and a dog on a lead into the Vet Clinic: how easy this all was last year, when a young Vet tech offered after the first patient to come out to my home and vaccinate the rest of the crew. I had gotten to know this young man fairly well over the last year and he and his whole family were so supportive after my husband of 47 years died. I really appreciated his kindness and concern and was devastated when he died suddenly a few months later by suicide. I hope during his short life that he knew God’s reckless love.

    • Oh Alice! What a tragic and heartbreaking story. Such kindness shown to you in your time of need, but alas, he was suffering his own heartbreak. So sorry, Alice!

  10. Jennifer, I’m a few days late in reading this! But what a reminder of the truth!! It’s human nature to fail, be negative when we do with ourselves or disappointed and in that moment of negativity the go to thoughts are often How can God love us now? But as Bev said his love isn’t of this world or surpasses our understanding the depth, breadth, width of it. God sees us through the redeeming blood of our saviour and He is love so he cannot deny himself. I need constant reminders of this and to trust in it!! Thank you

  11. Jennifer,

    We are mere flawed humans that fail miserably on a daily basis. The evil one continually tries to tell us we’ve done it to many times & God can’t possibly love us any more. Yet each time we come to Him with a repentant heart He forgives. Sometimes I wonder why He loves me so as I mess up so much. Yet His reckless abandon love comes through. Praising God for His continual love toward us no matter what. People disappoint us all the time, but each time we forgive & forget just like Jesus does. We need to forgive & forget just like Jesus. Others are just mere humans like us. Thanks for the great analogy!

    Blessings 🙂

  12. Dear Jennifer it Dawn here from Northern Ireland in Enniskillen. Do you remember I told you about my cat Buttons the other day in my reply being Black and White and 15 years old. That I thank God for every day she is alive. Well today I had to take her too the vet. She was not well. I miss her soo much she had too be put too sleep. She lost in a short space of time so much weight was not eating. It was her kidney and liver. Plus other things. She was too ill to try and make her well. I did cry at having to put her too sleep. But I thank God I had her as long as I did. I miss her the house is lonely without her. I don’t know if I get any more cats. Thought let you know about Buttons. She was my cat. I had her spoiled. See I have no kids. Even my husband cried. She was part of the family. I just love cats. Love Dawn God Bless

    • What a special beautiful little friend God gave you in your sweet cat, Buttons! So thankful you had her so many years. I am sad for you both. Pets are family, I understand that feeling. I hope you will share your heart and home with another little needy animal when you are ready. Sincerely, Sandra