About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Beautiful tribute to a woman of courage and creativity!
    Thank you for challenging readers to acknowledge our debt to the women who have built iron into our souls.

  2. Dorina, this started my day off right and reminded me so much of my own grandmother, a little preacher’s wife whose mission was to feed the world. When my husband and I were dating he knew he better go to her house hungry. Love you, friend—-happy Mother’s Day!

  3. What an amazing grandma you had. You are so blessed to have had her be an instrumental part of your life and upbringing! Thanks for sharing your story here. I never knew my grandma on my mums side, she lived in India and we lived in Australia. We met a few times when I was a baby and again when I was three I think. I always imagined her to be like that welcoming cooking for a big family and lots of cuddles. I’m nearly 40 and my view of her hasn’t changed I now know there was a big family with 8 children in my moms family and her house would have been constantly filled. Filled with love. I look forward to meeting her one day (I hope) in heaven. If we meet each other up there? Thanks for sharing!

    • Jas, thanks for taking time to share your story too! I knew I had to write this because it is a gift to have such a close relationship with a grandparent. God be with you this Mother’s Day!

  4. Beautiful memories! I miss my sweet Granny too. It was amazing how a few small dishes could feed as many as came through her door. It always made me think of the loaves and fishes. My favorites – southern green beans, chocolate pie and cobbler. Yum.

  5. Dorina, this was food for the soul…my soul! I’m always drawn to stories of such rich roots built around the table with authentic fellowship and faith because this is how legacies are built. What a gift you’ve been blessed with… a legacy of faith, family, and food. And one, I’m sure you are well equipped to carry on.

    • Thank you for that encouragement, Crystal. Yes, a legacy build on faith, food, and family is exactly what I would like to continue. I love how you said that!

  6. I barely knew my grandmas. They lived far away and none of us could afford to travel much. But I had a sweet mama and other “grandmas” in my life. These strong, sweet ladies blessed me richly. I’ll be thinking of these gals in the next few days and smiling at the memories.

    • Irene, I had a few “adopted” grandmas too. I’m glad you mentioned them because we can all honor those women who might not be blood related but God connected us with through our hearts and faith.

  7. Dorina,

    You are truly blessed to have had such a great upbringing. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story. It was captivating. I never got to know my grandparents as they died before I was born. Mom was an only child & dad lost one brother. My parents did leave a legacy with me. One memory I have is mom & I going strawberry picking. We would wear grungy clothes & pick a bunch of quarts of berries. She would make a wonderful no bake strawberry pie. In the past I would make brownies or something & go visit parents. Mom’s been gone 10 years now. Mother’s day is just another day for me. Now once a year we take my in-laws out to dinner & call it a combined mother’s/father’s day birthday & anniversary meal.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, I love the memory of strawberry picking and making pie. Those stories are part of your mama’s legacy. Thanks for sharing! Maybe it’s time to make some no-bake strawberry pie?!

  8. Hello Dorina,
    Your kind and loving words of your grandmother brought a nostalgic memory of my mom’s funeral. My daughter spoke of her at the funeral service and you both speak with so much detail of them (your grandmother’s). It brought comfort to me knowing that my daughter felt so much love for my mom, her grandmother and tonight reading your words brought me comfort. It’s only been a year since her passing but I truly feel that she is resting and watching over us.

    • Cristina, I’m so glad these details resonated with you. I’m sorry for your loss, but I love that you feel your mom is resting and watching over you. What peace! Bless you this Mother’s Day. May you have space to remember, grieve, and celebrate.

  9. This was so sweet Dorina,
    Thank-you for sharing your memories of your Grandma with us.
    I hope that you have a blessed day,