About the Author

Mary is a writer and speaker who lives for good books, spicy queso, and television marathons – but lives because of God’s grace. She writes about giving up on perfect and finding truth in unexpected places at MaryCarver.com. Mary and her husband live in Kansas City with their two daughters.

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  1. Mary,
    I am famous for beating myself up over things I’ve done wrong. Long after Jesus has forgiven the sin, I can still be giving myself a good thrashing with condemning words. It dawned on me, that what I was doing was not giving myself what I deserved….it was pride. Pride? Yes, good old nasty pride that says what Christ did for me on the cross so that my sins would be forgiven wasn’t enough. I still have to do something MORE than what Christ did and beat myself up. When I think of it that way, it stops me in my tracks. If Christ suffered and died for what I did wrong, then just who do I think I am that I need to do more? If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9 emphasis mine). That just about says it all. As Jesus told the woman at the well….you are forgiven; go and sin no more. Awesome reminder Mary!
    Bev xx

    • Wow! Never thought of it that way.
      I often wonder why I don’t remember a lot about my childhood, but I seem to remember all the bad things I did.

  2. How appropriate that it’s the timeless One who remembers our sins no more. Love that line from the show you shared and the corresponding truth. Thank you, Mary.

  3. We need this reminder daily in a world where many Christians spend more time pointing out the sins of others instead of forgiving them and leading them back into the arms of Christ.

  4. Thank you so much for this much needed reminder post! I saw a t-shirt from a Cuban blogger who designed it which says “Palante y con fe” – Move forward and with faith.

  5. Wow, Mary Carver! You took us to church! Thank you SO much for this post. It’s speaking loud and clear. Forgetting what is behind, move forward in Him. That says it all. Inspiring and encouraging. Blessings for sharing such a beautiful challenge. Onward! Much love, Paticia

  6. I praise our dear Lord and Savior that He forgives our sins and never looks on them again. We, however, are human and in our humanness we remember those sins, which is actually a good thing. As Paul has stated “My sins are ever before me” – as humans, I feel this is necessary. It is our history – history we would just as soon forget because it convicts us and it is good to remember them, lest we do forget and then commit them again and again because of our human sinfulness. We can forgive ourselves and know that we are forgiven and set free from those sins by our forgiving Father in Heaven, but our sins are ever before us because we are sinful human beings and they show us our need for our Savior. Yes, we should rejoice in His
    forgiving Grace and remember that He is the one that forgives and washes us clean so that our sins do not count against us. As “sinful” humans, we remember those sins, which reminds us of our Loving God and Savior and our need for Him. I Praise God that He does not remember those past sins that He has forgiven me and washed me clean.

  7. Forward is my one word for 2019. This was right on time! I want to step forward into my future. Thank you so much!

  8. Mary,

    Often times when discouraged I remember all the “mistakes & failures” I made. I used to replay them over in my mind. “Why did you do that or take this route? I end up beating myself up for those. God isn’t worried about the routes I took. He knew well in advance what I would do & when. I had been doing that a lot lately. Lamenting my turn of events & roads taken. Then God stepped in & made it better. After losing a job this year. God stepped in & gave me an even better job – more pay & stability. I can see clearly now that God was molding me for this position. He was using my past to build me up for this great future. Now He’s telling me not to worry or think about my past. Let it be. It is washed away. If God can forgive David for adultery, murder & still call Him a man after God’s own Heart – then He can forgive me for anything I could do.

    Blessings 🙂