About the Author

Dorina is an author, speaker, teacher, foodie, and trail runner. She helps people chase God's glory down unexpected trails and flourish in their callings. Her latest books include Breathing Through Grief, Kailani's Gift & Chasing God's Glory. Dorina and her hubby Shawn are raising three courageous daughters in Central California.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. Dorina, I love this image of Hagar as Valentine’s Day encourager–the unseen, uncared-for woman who was given the privilege of hanging a name on God. Your words today remind me of Henri Nouwen’s writings about God’s heart for us and our need for His acceptance. He once said, “I kept running around in circles, always looking for someone or something to convince me of my belovedness.”
    Thank you for offering hope today that puts an end to the running.

  2. Dorina,

    This world touts buy your sweetheart a gift it’s valentine’s day. Marketing folks paint a picture of a married couples & happily ever after. That is not always the case. Thank you for writing this love story for the others. So many people aren’t living in the romance department. For the Christian every day is Valentine’s day. God sends His love letters in rainbows, sunrises & sunsets. Just look around you & see all the glory that He bestows on us. He is constantly wooing us back to Him wanting to shower us with the greatest love of all. Women can know they are seen, loved & wanted even in their wilderness. The God of this universe is singing over them.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. Dorina, your choice of words is astounding. This is so well written it brought tears to my eyes! Thank you so much!

  4. Dorina, this reminder that God sees me came at just the right time. I am married and lonely. My husband is distant. I crushed any expectations I had of him a long time ago. I just needed to say this “out loud” to someone today. Today I’ll be reminding myself of all I have to be thankful for.

  5. Dorina… He leaves the 99 because I am the one. You are the one. We are the one. Letting this profound truth sink a little deeper today. May we all sink deeper into God’s love. Yes, we are chosen, we are beloved. Amen.

  6. Such encouragement, Dorina. To know that God sees us here and is with us in the suffering, clothing us with his incredible love to gently lead us through. I’ve watched you this week love so many others who are new to painful desert places, giving your own pain a place to bring much good fruit. It’s been a lesson for me to watch. xoxo

    • Lisa, I count it a privilege to serve alongside you. May we steward our stories well and gain strength from knowing El Roi. Love you, friend!

  7. Thank you for this reminder. V-Day is so overrated I think. Why must we need to have one day to show/prove our love to the one we already claim to love so dearly. Should this not be an everyday thing? Maybe I am saying this as I am feeling a bit rejected. Bought my hubby a card and given it to him first thing in the in the morning. Upon arriving home, the card is still there on the counter, unopened. So yes that made me feel sad, a bit angry and disappointed. But I must remember that although this day is made to be so much larger than it really is, I will not let it steal my joy of what the expectations of love of this world is vs. what I already know of God’s love for me.

  8. He will listen with His eyes – I can just picture that and it’s so precious. I’ve always loved that name, Beloved, thanks for the reminder, I needed this more than I thought I did ❤️