About the Author

Holley Gerth is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, counselor, and life coach. Her newest release is The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You. She's also wife to Mark, Mom to Lovelle, and Nana to Eula and Clem.

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  1. Breathing a sigh of relief along with you, Holley, for all the many ways that grace pours down over all my bull-in-a-china-shop moments. And it occurs to me that if you had never admitted your mistake, hiding it in fear, you would not have received the grace, and may have left that store carrying guilt to record in your notebook. Maybe that’s why it’s called “coming clean!”

  2. Holley,
    Don’t you love how God teaches us His grace-filled lessons in the most obscure places? Even the grocery store aisle can usher us into His presence. Oh how we all long to hear God laugh and say, “Girl, we all make mistakes everyday. You don’t have to pay anything.” The awesome news is that our mistakes have already been paid for by Jesus. His death on the cross took care of it all….every last little sin. Therefore there is now NO condemnation. (Romans 8:1). What a great declaration of grace and forgiveness. I laughed at you wondering about the grocery store version of jail. I had visions of you shucking corn for customers in the produce section so they could hurry on to the beach lol. Loved this post 🙂
    Bev xx

  3. Holley,

    God’s grace is so amazing. How He can forgive us of each simply due to the blood of Jesus & our faith in Him. I can hear God talking to us daily saying “people we all mess up.” “No one is perfect”. I forgive you go & sin no more. God has been showing me grace a lot lately. All I have to do is confess my missteps & He forgives. I would have been like you in the store. Oh no I broke them-probably have to pay for this. It was wonderful How God can show us His grace in many different way & places. This world is so sinful & in need of the saving grace of all loving God. We need to be out there helping to extend some of His grace to others. They need to know that no matter how big or small the sin they can be forgiven, loved & have grace lavished on them daily.

    Blessings 🙂

  4. Thank you, I love this simplicity of this powerful story.
    We expect consequences for our actions and receive grace as His upside down love turns our lives the right way up. It takes us by surprise when it’s at the grocery store but why am I constantly surprised by God’s grace? I struggle to receive it. I guess at the core I feel I don’t deserve it. And that’s the point! I don’t! Grace would be grace if we deserved it!

  5. Loved the posts and the comments.
    Boy, do I ever stand in need of that unfailing Grace…..
    So thanks, Holley, Michelle, and Bev.

  6. Holley,
    I could feel your anguish, then breathed a sign of relief at the grace given words,”We all make mistakes every day.” I know I do, and when someone else does, I hope I’ll be as grace giving as the clerk. Thank-you for sharing this meaningful story with us today.
    Have a blessed day all,

  7. This is beautiful Holly, I love the way God shows us His Grace in simple moments in our everyday lives. This also teaches me that as much as God has shown us His Amazing Grace, we too need to show grace to those in our lives. We sometimes tend to accept His grace so freely, yet we don’t show it to others as freely. It is just that a Free Gift from God, and we are to give it just as freely to others, and then be amazed at how we are blessed when we do.

  8. I find so much beauty and peace knowing that His grace is in ALL of our moments, broken or whole! Thank you Jesus!

  9. I like to spread the feeling of grace given to me… I went out of a store with a granola bar and forgot to pay for it , went back inside and paid. They couldn’t believe it. They asked me why? I said I am a Christian!! I wonder if they saw the grace God had given me. I am blessed this morning with your words.. I sometimes feel I don’t receive grace because I am different from many people. I have schizoaffective disorder… but I live in his grace he has continued to give me.
    Thank you so much! Have a blessed day

    • Bless your heart! It is interesting when people are surprised by one’s honesty. In this day and age, apparently it is a lost art. Praying for you in your continued walk with Jesus!

  10. Isn’t that just like God–to toss into your day a splash of grace from a grocery store employee! And now you’ve splashed us with the same grace by sharing the story. Praise God and thank you!

  11. Thank you for your writing. So, what I want to know is: why were the light bulbs in the school supply section? Were they waiting for the light to come on in our learning? Ha-ha.

    I appreciate the analogy that you have given here. It caused me to reflect upon the times that I have had these types of experiences in stores. I have not always been offered grace. Praise God, though, I am always offered grace in the spiritual realm. I reflected further upon my experiences. These times of presenting my mistakes in front of humanity has resulted in the opportunity to share Jesus. The employees are often shocked that I have come forward to admit a mistake and take responsibility. I am then able to reply that this is what Jesus would have me do. Our mistakes and failures can be a witness to the world when we attach them to the love of Christ presiding over our humanness.

    Thanks for putting your grocery store notebook to good use!