Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. Congrats to you both as you seek God’s direction in the coming year! I knew it was going to be Becky before I even got to that announcement. She’s a perfect choice for this role!! Yay!!

  2. Lisa-Jo & Becky,
    There truly is a season under God for everything. Lisa-Jo, you have led (in)courage with such fun, enthusiasm, honesty, and openness. You have really helped to make this a place to be real. You have led and served and I know God is smiling at this chapter in your life’s book and saying, “Well done good and faithful servant!!” You will be greatly missed by all of us, but I pray you on in the next chapter that God is opening. He keeps doing this, you know 😉

    Becky, congratulations and so happy to have you at the helm. I know having you in this role, will benefit all of us in the (in)courage community. I also know that God is going to GROW you in ways you never imagined….especially into a deeper reliance and dependence on Him – and that is a GOOD thing. Welcome! I’ll be praying for you and cheering you on!!
    In His love,
    Bev xx

    • Bev! That’s like getting a hug from a mama. Thank you for how you have mothered us — here in the comments and also behind the scenes at (in)courage. We’re all so much better because of you!

    • Bev, each of yours words is a sweet treasure this morning that I’m storing up in my heart. I couldn’t agree more! Here’s to a new season of growth and dependence and walking with God into new territory that only He can give. Thank you for being such a beautiful, wise, faithful part of this community. Much love and gratitude to you.

  3. Simply… Thank you, Miss Lisa-Jo. Your kind words of grace, love and wisdom have left an impression on my heart. I pray that the LORD our God may comfort, guide and bless you as you seek to glorify Him in this new season.

    Miss Becky, your words are always so full of understanding and God’s grace. Always offering up calm assurance and comfort in knowing that through Christ we are enough just as we are; and that God meets us right where we are. I look forward to seeing how God works through you in this season. May He guide and bless you as you seek to serve Him.

    This side of Heaven,
    Summer Rae

  4. This space remains one of the MOST beautiful places on the whole internet. I am forever grateful for the ways that you have helped shepherd and guide the (in)courage community, Lisa-Jo, and have no doubt that Becky is up to the task, and will champion with the same grace and generosity that you have demonstrated for all of these years.

    Raising my morning mug of coffee to you, friends. Here’s to following Jesus and doing new things, here’s to friendship and comraderie build on blessing instead of competition. Here’s to community that speaks Truth, with love and kindness. Here’s to the chair-puller-outer’s who make room for others at their table. You ladies are a gift!

    So much love for you, friends.

    Kris, a long-time (in)courage reader 😉

    • Kris, I clink my coffee cup with yours as my heart spills over with joy and gratitude for your words, your friendship, and this beautiful community. -Becky, a fellow long-time (in)courage reader xoxo 🙂

  5. I stumbled on to this site awhile back and fell in love. Thankful for the beautiful stories and the impact they have on my Christian life. Trusting God and believing that both of you will follow His plan!

  6. Thank you Lisa-Jo for leading and serving this community so well—what a fragrant, beautiful offering. I’m convinced that Becky will lead so well—into this new season for (in)courage. We stand with you both, cheering and praying you on. Look what the Lord has done. Psalm 126:3

  7. What a gift to lead and listen to Jesus so well, Lisa Jo. He has taught you and you in turn and have shared your gifts with us. I’ve been blessed as a reader here at (in)courage.

    Becky, I wish you well in your new role and know God makes no mistakes. Blessings as you begin your new role.

  8. Thank you, Lisa-Jo, for the many YEARS of your life you’ve given to this community. You have been such a gift! So grateful for your direction and leadership. And a huge, warm welcome to Becky as you transition into this new role (even though you’re no stranger to this community)! 😉 Every blessing to each of you as you continue to serve the Lord and His people. You are doing a great work!

  9. Dear Lisa-Jo & Becky…Happy are we the followers of Jesus and the following sisters of this safe haven y’all have lovingly created and nursed so well! You each have given us your best when some of your days were as chaotic as ours are! Thank you for bringing our days encouraging hope and peace.. I love going to my chair with my new friends and family and feel the help as we all navigate in the maze of life… together..young and old.. we are one in Him! Raising my mug this morning with y’all in straining toward what is ahead..Philippians 3:13. Blessings to and through you

  10. I got holy goosebumps when I read this. Blessings to you all. Thank you for everything you’re doing. Your posts always, always touch my heart.

    Much love and gratitude, Lisa-Jo.


  11. Lisa,

    Thank you for your service. Love seeing your smiling face & feeling the passion you had for the women here. God blessed us and you with this incredible site! I have made some good friends here & I’m sure you have as well. There is a season for everything. God’s timing is perfect. Only He knows the plans laid out for us. I pray for you and your family as you move into this new chapter in your lives. May God bless you in 2018 as you follow His lead on your journey.


    Congratulations on the new job. Thank you for accepting the invite. I know you will do a great job!! The In Courage community will benefit from you wise words & your willingness to serve. This community is growing & changing & I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this year and beyond. May God bless you in 2018 in your new role!!

    Blessings 🙂

  12. I’m breathless with surprise — and, Lisa-Jo, with your heart for this group, I can just barely imagine how this word from the Lord is rocking your world, so you will be in my prayers as you go forward into new and different callings.
    I feel as if I’m fairly new to this community, so am just beginning to learn the names and the faces, but am confident that we’ll bond with you, Becky, and I’m looking forward to the delightful ways in which God is going to use your personality and leadership style to imprint all that He’s doing through this community.

  13. Lisa-jo I cane in i courage because of YOU I loved your blog…your words & found others whom I also follow…but you were my first & while I am sad…scared(why does change do this??) but I am happy for YOU & I hope you will not stay silent elsewhere..OK?!?
    Hugs & prayers

    • Thanks for these kind words Kelly — and I’m absolutely sticking around and writing and hopefully leaning even more into the community at my home blog! See you there 🙂

  14. Lisa-Jo,

    Good-byes are not my favorite thing, but this is really a comma, isn’t it? You’re continuing to serve our great, great God, just differently…places He will grow you in ways you can’t imagine, new things meant for your good and His glory. I can only be HAPPY for you! It has been a joy to follow your lead, and you move on from this space leaving it better than you found it. Thank you for the ways you’ve challenged and inspired me personally. I love you, friend, and I’m eager to see all the new things. For you, us, and this beautiful, special community. xoxo

  15. Congratulations Becky! Peace and blessings to you Lisa-Jo as you continue to seek and trust God in this new season.

  16. Dear Lisa-Jo and Becky,

    Thank you both so much for being faithful to The Lord’s call on both of your lives! I cannot wait to see what He has in store. Blessings on you, Lisa-Jo, as you enter this new season of your life. And blessings gs on you, Becky, as you begin this amazing new position with (in)courage!

    In Him,
    Lara <

  17. The Holy Spirit led me to this site just before the New Year – ah, yes – beginnings/endings – endings/beginnings – congratulations to Lisa-Jo and Becky – blessings to you both

  18. Oh, Lisa-Jo! I am so very sad to see you go. But I know you won’t fade into the night never to be seen again and I have the utmost respect for a woman who leans into the choices He makes for her and walks forward in obedience. All of that said, I am so excited for Becky! She is an amazing (in)courager and will bring something very special. I am excited and praying for the both of you as you begin these new journeys.

  19. Thank you Lisa-Jo for all the work you’ve done with (in)Courage and elsewhere. Surely, much is unseen and some of that is the hardest yet faith-fueling work. Thank you for blessing women for many years via (in)Courage and all the ways you build community and friendship. I’m always encouraged when I see women willing to change direction at God’s leading, especially when it means stepping away from something they’ve poured heart and soul into.

    Becky, I am super-thrilled to have you as community leader! You are an encourager at heart and I know your presence here in a new capacity will be a blessing to many!!

  20. Lisa-Jo, I love you and this community. I read every morning and hold each one in my inbox while the comments keep coming. I’m happy for you as you follow where He leads.

    Becky, thank you for your obedience to obey the call. I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

  21. Dearest LisaJo, I cannot wait to see what God has up His proverbial sleeve for YOU. Excited! Dearest Becky, may God use you in rich and excellent ways as you guide the (in)courage community. He IS ALWAYS DOING A NEW THING! DO YOU SEE IT? Isaiah 43.18-19

    • Susan, I LOVE that Scripture. It’s been close to my heart the last couple months. Thank you for your joy and encouragement in this new season!

  22. Thank you, Lisa-Jo, for your service over the years. I only heard about (in)courage a few years ago (from Right Now Media), but I believe you’ve marked this community in beautiful ways, friend.
    Best to you in all your new adventures…will be praying for the Lord’s favor and blessings in your next steps. You’re authenticity is a gift, and it’s been a pleasure to meet with you here in this space. ♥

    Becky! I just know you’ll do wonderfully in this new appointment the Lord’s given you. Thank you for all you do behind the scenes, and I look forward to the next chapter of (in)courage with your leadership. ♥

    Holley and Stephanie — thank you for taking this vision and partnering with God to turn it into a sweet sisterhood. ♥

    Janie, Mary, Anna, Saul, Joy, Denise, and all the writers here — Thank you for your faithfulness. ♥


  23. Thank you Lisa-Jo for your hard work, dedication and time serving (in)courage and all of us. We appreciate you! Reading this blog is a staple in my daily life. I feel that God speaks to me through this outlet. I welcome Becky with open arms and look forward to seeing how God works through her.
    Congratulations to you both. We love you.
    Your sister through Christ,

  24. So grateful for the way you’ve cultivated this space, Lisa-Jo. Cheering you on as you embrace this next season. And welcome, Becky!

  25. I had never even thought about how Incourage may have possibly started until I read this today. Incourage has been so good for me, God has spoken straight to me through this when I needed to hear something so bad. Thank you all for allowing yourselves to be opened up for God to give you a vision and then thank you for being obedient. You have helped me tremendously and I’ve shared often so I’m sure others too. I love Incourage! ❤️

  26. Congratulations Becky! May God take the loaves and fishes you offer him and turn them into something amazing that glorifies his name.

  27. Lisa Jo, Thank-you so much for all that you have poured into this amazing space, and helped create it to be what it is today. I am grateful. All the very best to you in all that you do moving forward.
    Becky, Thank-you, I wish you the very best in your new role that you have stepped in to.
    Blessings to all,

  28. Great story to begin my day with . I appreciate in courage and The uplifting inspirational writings. Godspeed to all and keep up the good work .

  29. Lisa-Jo — Thanks for pouring love all over us for all these years. You are the best girlfriend, and you’ve taught us how to be real with each other.

    Becky: Girl, praying for you. Thanks for picking up this mantle. HUGS

  30. What a joyous time! Lisa-Jo we will miss you, but I am so excited for your future! All the promises, all the land!!

    Becky, I don’t know all the details of how this all transpired but isn’t God amazing at how he divinely intervenes?! Love these God moments!

  31. God is amazing!! You listened… and a plan is in motion. I have complete faith Becky will be absolutely amazing! It has been an honor to get to know you, Lisa-Jo, through incourage, your emails, your book launch, etc. I feel truly blessed to have access to all your wisdom and especially your ability to add humor to life’s experiences. I wish you both the best of luck and blessings, Lisa-Jo and Becky. I can’t wait to see what you do next Lisa-Jo!!

    Much love,

  32. Thank you for allowing Father God to use all my sisters in Christ through all your commentaries from the opening to the close! You have reminded me that He who has begun a good work in me will continue until the work is complete. I too have been going through changes & am waiting & watching for the amazing hand of God to lead & direct me where He has determined for me to go! So, every post that has been directed towards these lovely sisters in Christ has also blessed my heart to keep on keeping on knowing that I am called for such a time as this & that growing towards Him is & always will be my goal & delight in life. Be blessed as you all continue throughout 2018 to lean into God’s grace & mercy!

  33. Lisa-Jo and Becky, thank you both for your service. Lisa-Jo thank you for your leadership at the helm. I’m excited for you as God moves you in a new direction, He has equipped you. Becky, welcome to your new leadership role. I know God has prepared you for leading this group. He always does from whatever our experience is, and the training He will continue to give to you to serve. Blessings to you both, Joanne

  34. Lisa-Jo,
    When I heard you at the Lifeway Women’s Conference, I sensed then that God would call you to even greater things. And even before you announced who will be shepherding the curation of this space, I knew it would be Becky! Her contributions to this community and her personal posts on social media are bathed by His grace, hope and truth. (And I am not even a mama of littles.)

    It’s a scary-time when God calls you from what is comfortable and known into the unknown. I experienced it this time last year when God called us to leave our church home of 17 years. But He has been so faithful! The first few months were hard and sometimes lonely. But God has confirmed over and over in the past 12 months that this is where He called us to be for this season.

    I know God will do amazing things through both of you because you both model a life of obedience and trust to our beautiful Savior. It is the abundant life He offers to all of us. As it was said of Abraham, may it be said of Lisa-Jo and Becky –
    “she believed God and it was credited to her as righteousness.”

    God’s blessing to you both on this next great adventure He has appointed for such a time as this!

    • Sweet Mei, wow, your words gave me Spirit chills and an extra tear of grateful joy. Thank you. I’m so glad you are an (in)courage sister! Thank you for following the Lord in your own life and speaking truth and encouragement where He leads you.

  35. It has been such a gift to journey with you, Jesus and (in)courage the past few years. I’m cheering wildly for you and you move into what God has next for you. And I’m excited and expectant about what He will continue to do in and through (in)courage. Becky, we’re so grateful and we are so FOR you. In every way. XO

  36. I’ve told you privately, but let me say it publicly: I LOVE YOU TO PIECES AND HIGHLY ESTEEM YOU. You’ve been a great leader for us, and I know that in many ways, you will continue to be a leader for us, pointing us all to Jesus with your words in books and blog posts, as well as from stages and dinner tables and Voxer messages. 🙂 You’re the best kind of friend. Thank you for all that you’ve invested in each of us, for the sake of the Kingdom.

  37. Blessings to you Lisa Jo ..many many thanks for your faithfulness to in courage.
    Grateful you, Holly and Stephanie met all those years ago and caught the vision.
    Warmest welcome to Becky 🙂 This sweet community is a rare jewel..We thank God
    for you all…

  38. I don’t know how I even came across (in)courage but I’m glad I did. I have my blog and do link ups, and have been blessed by so many stories. Whether a comma, pause, or God opening a window for you. I’m sure it is one of His good plans. I’m glad you had that meeting, I pray He gives you peace in all you do. And if you like fried okra, it comes already battered in the frozen section, much easier to cook.

    • I love how we’ve all known each other so long it’s hard to remember the beginning. I think (in)courage is home like that to so many. Grateful for you Rebecca.

  39. Lisa-Jo, I do love the idea of a comma and a friendship mafia! You have been my favorite leader simply because I know you are led by the Holy Spirit. You have been a great BIG sister always pointing to Christ and His Word. I am forever grateful for your welcome to me into this space. I have been changed in my DNA because of how you love God and love His Bride. Believing that your latter years will be significantly greater than your former.

    Becky, let’s do this! I’m SO ready for this Holy Ghost adventure! I’m grateful for your depth and wisdom. I’m believing He will reveal the sweetest mysteries to you to build His Kingdom and encourage His daughters in this space.

    I LOVE you both forever!!!!!

  40. Lisa-Jo, Thank you for your leadership and that you’ve poured into the team. I may not see the details – but it’s obvious by the gals you led that following you was a blast and an honor. Blessings on your next step and all the cool ways you’ll see Jesus guiding your step!

    Becky, I’m thrilled for your new assignment!!! I love how Jesus prepares us for what’s next and even as we wait, and wait, and wait – He is purposing our days. I’ll pray for you often as you listen to His shepherd heart, and lead all of us into His mighty love and grace.

    Thanks Girls! I love this space.

  41. Thank you for making (in)courage such a fabulous place for the heart of women. Godspeed! At least we get to see your fun posts on Instagram.

    : )

  42. Lisa Jo how I truly have loved spending time with you daily for many years. Although we are Sisters in Christ, we have never actually met in person. From Colorado to you I truly will miss your daily inspiration. I do know the Lord has something so special waiting for you. How can he not you are amazing!
    Becky congratulations to you I hope you know you have some pretty amazing shoes to fill. We all know YOU are up for the challenge. I think it is such a blessing to have a site where Women can just be friends , no drama, just love and admiration. Blessings to both of you.
    Lakewood, Colorado

  43. Lisa-Jo,

    I know we don’t really know each other. But I find the timing of this announcement quite ironic. I literally just finished your Bible study, “We Saved You a Seat”…earlier this afternoon. I finished reading the book “Never Unfriended” a week or two ago. And all that comes after being unfriended by a friend…on Facebook…which left some unanswered questions about the health and future of our friendship in real life. Over the past few months, I’ve scoured over the book and various posts on this website looking for hope. I’ve spent numerous days on my knees in prayer. And I whole-heartedly believe that God will restore this relationship in the coming weeks and years. Just a few days ago, I sobbed as I prayed and forgave my friend for the ways she’s hurt me…one of the friendship challenges in the Bible study. The relief has been incredible!

    Thank you for your service and for your words. I’ll still continue to come to this site when I need some encouragement. International missions has a special place in my heart.

    I just wanted to share my story of how your works have changed me.

    Thank you!

    • Bethany — what a tender place you are in. I have been there myself. And I know that when we meet God in those places He never leaves us without assurance of His love and HIs promise for our future.

  44. I am a day behind but I too want to say Thank you Lisa-Jo for your years of service and sisterhood. You have blessed me so much by your gentle spirit, tone and and bright smile. So admirable reading how you have surrender to Gods calling then and now. Pray God will continue to guide you and you family as you look ahead and move forward
    Becky, I have no doubt you will take us to the next level in this InCourage family/community. Congratulation! and I /we stand alongside of you as you lead the team.
    Blessings in Abundance to you both…..much Love

  45. Thankful and grateful for the road you have walked with this community. May God’s abundant grace continue to lead you as you travel onward. Know that your efforts have left a positive impact on my Christian life and I am confident that you will continue to shine for our Lord! Peace be with you, my friend!

  46. Lisa-Jo, I just love you so dang much, and I am for you in all your endeavors! So consider me as one who will always be on the sidelines cheering you on–including now as you travel this new bend in the road. THANK GOD I will still be able to see and hear from you all over the internet, in my voxer, and (Lord willing) in real life sooner than later. Love you to pieces, dear one.

    And Becky, welcome to your new role within the (in)courage community! You are a delight and a real gift to this family! xoxo