Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo, thanks for the reminder that there is more than one type of list. I love my to-do lists to make sure I get stuff done, but recently I’ve started my gratitude list too (though I don’t work on that one regularly). Yesterday was a great day full of sunshine, so I thanked God that I got to see my 6 year old take delight in kicking the seeds off dandelions. Such a simple pleasure, but so beautiful to see! I would never have thought of praying for that specifically (I didn’t see it as a need in my life as such), but God knows that there are times I need to slow down and appreciate nature. God is indeed faithful.

  2. What grace-filled words for a Sunday morning!
    I’m thanking God for the church family that I get to worship with today — having sung that great old hymn with them countless times, I’m thankful for this reminder of its deep truth, Lisa-Jo.

  3. Lisa-Jo,
    I really needed to read this. I woke up with confusion and worries about my adult daughter. I believe I did all the “right” things – brought her up to love the Lord and His goodness, spent time with her exploring, with wonder, God’s world, played tea-party, read countless books, was there for every game, competition, conference, performance, was there when her world caved in or was cruel, tried to demonstrate a servant’s attitude….and yet I have not seen or talked to her in 8 months. I know she is hurting and wants to blame someone or something for her disappointments. I seem to be that someone…and it hurts. She’s alienated longtime friends from church (though she still goes). I watched my son go down a prodigal path, but in God’s mercy, see Him returning and being wooed back to God. But, a second child? This isn’t how things are supposed to go. I am trying so hard to focus on His mercies and not count the worries, but some days it gets to me. I know God is her ultimate Father. He is able and He’s got this under control. I need to let go and trust. I need to pay attention to my walk with God and let Him work with His relationship with her. I know all these things….but some days it’s just hard. Thank you for letting me share my heart. Staying focused on His mercies and counting my blessings….God is good all of the time!
    Bev xx

    • ~Lisa-Jo
      Today, I’m thankful for you, all my sisters at a distance through (In)Courage, and my local church family. You are all great!

      My grandmother, who passed away in 1947 when I was 2 months old, had 13 children who lived to be adults. She always prayed that the Lord would wait one more day before returning so all of her children could be saved and their feet set upon the path of righteousness. As far as I know they are all with the Lord right now, my father being her youngest. God is faithful, hang in there!

      With Love and Blessings to All, ~Kay Lake

    • Dear Bev,

      I’m so sorry how this is taking such a toll on you.I can only imagine what it must be like. I really wish I had some words of wisdom to offer but instead I will just pray with all my heart that all will be well, and that you, and your daughter will be reunited. I forgot the name of a song I wanted to share, after I find it I will post it.
      I hope that your day will be a blessed one,


    • Bev,

      Awesome news about your son. I’ve been praying for you and your family for a while now. It is great that God is changing his heart. Prayerfully soon God will change your daughter’s heart. May God give you patience and persistence as we wait for her return. I pray you will be encouraged and comforted in knowing that it is never to late to come to Him. I will keep praying for you all!


      • Beth,
        I know you have been praying for my son and I know you will pray for my daughter’s heart to be softened….thank you for being such an awesome prayer warrior on my behalf.
        Love and ((hugs)),
        Bev xx

    • I have a friend who is going through the very same thing. It seems so random and out of control but we can take comfort in the fact that God is a God of order and not chaos. My daughter is a recovered heroin addict who God has delivered and redeemed over 12 years ago. I think the one thing that God did for me was His emphasis on transferring the worry and wait into a living relationship with Him. One not on paper but written on my heart. Once I began asking what God wanted me to learn about Him and myself, I focus shifted. It would be another 2 years before she was clean but it was a time when I learned more about myself than any other time. He became a God of my heart instead of a God of my crisis. I couldn’t help but notice that what you said you already know and have is what you need. That is the essense of the beautiful line: “All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.”

      Faith always finishes!

  4. Lisa-Jo, I grew up singing that same hymn… Only that as an Argentinian I sang it in Spanish
    I learned it in the church my grandmother attended… The same grandmother that turned 84 just a couple of weeks ago, and was rushed to hospital and put in intensive care with a really dark diagnosis… Unbelieavable, she is doing great, still in hospital but now in a normal room, and doctors just can’t explain how…but God!!!
    I’m thankful for that miracle, but I’m even more thankful for the inheritance of faith…
    The lyrics of that old hymn sounding even more actual today than then

  5. A sun filled morning
    Tea brewing
    No bad dreams last night
    Music filling the kitchen

    Living alone I look for many thankful things everyday so the negative does not overtake me…God is so faithful!

  6. Thank you for (in) courage I have been reading daily, always perfect timing!
    We get stuck in worry like velcro, I hate it, I have been working hard on this issue, sometimes I worry about worrying, it’s crazy! My body tells me when I am worrying, it shows up in physical ways, my thorn in my side, I can only surrender one day at a time and try to live in the moments,
    Thanks again,
    With love,

  7. Lisa-Jo thank you for you message and reminder “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and also to those who have commented & shared.
    I am learning each day we have a choice as to what we think about and how we think about it.

    It is life giving to have read what others have written. Bev sharing about her adult children spoke to me as a gentle reminder that I to need to focus on my walk with God and trust our adult children’s life’s journey as I pray for them, family & friends & others to live knowing God is Faithful.

    With Gratitude & Love, mary c

  8. Thank you for this reminder! The Lord is so good and gentle in reminding us of His great love! This is exactly what I needed to hear as I’m sitting in my “dream home”, just like you, full of boxes, construction dust, leaky faucets, and slanted floors and not enough money or time for all the repairs. But, this is where I have to choose to remember God’s wonderful promise of faithfulness to us, of His mercies and grace for each new day! This is where I have to fix my eyes on Him!

  9. Oh my gosh! This was so good! Thank you for the reminder to look for and acknowledge His mercies. It’s hard when you’re in the thick of a storm but so necessary.

  10. Lisa Jo,
    Thank-you for this reminder of appreciating God’s faithfulness in His mercies. When there’s things I can not grasp I consider them God sized. So as this new day begins I am thankful for His mercies. The chance to hug my husband and son, for the sunshine, the hummingbirds buzzing around our home, being able to take my son, and grandson for a nature walk yesterday, and that I can start vegetables in the planters my husband recently built.These I can grasp.
    I hope that you all have a blessed Sunday……


  11. I recently went back over some hymns, the words that stood out were ” just to rest upon His promise. ” It is so sweet trust in Jesus. Isn’t it? I have a messy house today, and a leaky sink and I’ve got you beat Lisa Jo, no mouse but a toilet that wobbles, hope that spray sealer works.

  12. Lisa-Jo,

    Everyone gets stuck in “to-do/worry List” world. It is so easy to see all the bad around us and wonder how/why or when it will be fixed or the trials end. Sometimes we just need to step back and make another list. A list of ALL the good mercies God has given us-every little item we can thank Him for. Good Christian hymns, family, friends, house, car, food & on & on goes the list. If I feel down or out of sorts I will sit down & type out my thankful list or listen to Stephen C. Chapman music & praise God. That helps me to see the good in this life while not worrying about the bad. God is in Control & He will fix it all in His timing.

    Blessings ! P.S. Congratulations on a great book!!