Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo,
    Sounds wonderful! Question? Since I am usually up before 5 am. (thus visiting here early), I’m usually starting to head to bed by 9:30. Will the videos be taped and available for replay?

    I encourage all of y’all (yes I live in the south) to pick up a copy of Lisa-Jo’s book if you haven’t already done so….so many nuggets of truth to be mined! Be prepared to read with highlighter in hand – as raw honesty is worth remembering 🙂

    Bev xx

    • Yes I like your style Bev! Lisa-Jo I’m also wondering if the sessions will be taped of the fb live as I’m in NZ and I’m not even sure what time that will be over here, but I’d love to join too xx

    • I so deseperately need to face my fear of being ‘unfriended’. Unfortunately it is hard on me being a HSP and a full blown empath. I tend to isolste myself to cope. Also I am a homemaker in the sense I don’t work outside of the home nor from home. As sweet Bev said 9:30 is too late for me as well since I start getting ready for bed around 9 pm ET. Recording for replay would be nice for us.

    • I have watched many of the Facebook live videos and yes, after they play live and are complete it takes a little bit and then they are ready to view again soon after. Since we will also be in a private group we should be able to access them really easily.
      Thank you for making them as late as you have to make sure all the west coast folks can be included too. This California girl gets home from work around that time. Super excited! Can’t wait!!

    • Absolutely! We’d never leave anyone out 🙂 The videos will always be available to view, but ONLY within our sweet little private Facebook group.

      • That is really great, because 9pm EST is 2am here in the heart of Africa, not really the time I will / can be up to follow it live.

  2. It does sound wonderful! I, too, am asking if the times will be recorded for playing at a later time. Tuesday nights is when we are part of a church small group and so I can’t be a part at that time.

    • I have watched many of the Facebook live videos and yes, after they play live and are complete it takes a little bit and then they are ready to view again soon after. Since we will also be in a private group we should be able to access them really easily.

      • When will the FB group be available for joining? I already signed up from this blog post.

    • Hi Noelle! Like Katie said, be sure to check your email. We know there’s a little glitch with the form itself, but your information should zing right over to our email list and right back to your inbox. Let us know if you don’t receive an email confirmation!

  3. I just had a major brain fart and signed up for the Facebook group probably ten times. I was waiting for the screen to change and when it didn’t, I scrolled back up and saw “this field is required” or something like that , so I re-entered my information. I lost track of how long it took for me to have my, “oh, duh” moment, (when I realized that it was there when I signed up, and not to tell me to try again. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    • Girl you’re fine! You just make sure that you get a confirmation email, ok? And keep us posted if you don’t get one. We’ll get it figured out 🙂

      • Well, um, I received five, yes, five confirmation emails! Don’t worry! I only confirmed to one and deleted the rest!

  4. I, too, am so excited to go through this book with you all!! A much needed part of the process that I feel that I am in currently with learning to have good friends and BE a good friend. Really trying to overcome the sense of insecurity that began plaguing me as a young girl- and I am 45 years old now! I have also recently discovered that I am an HSP as well (thank you Cheri Gregory!) but others don’t know that… nor do they have time to deal with it! LOL! Thank you Lisa-Jo for writing this book and for the invitation to dive in with you and the (in)Courage circle!
    Blessings to y’all!!

  5. What is the reading schedule? I thought it was on here, but now that I want to print it off, I can’t find it!