Lisa-Jo Baker
About the Author

Lisa-Jo Baker is a bestselling author, lapsed lawyer, and current acquisitions editor for HarperCollins. Originally from South Africa, Lisa-Jo lives outside Washington, D.C., where she fell in love with her husband in the summer of ’96. Their story spans decades, languages, countries, books, three very opinionated teens, and one dog.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. Lisa-Jo,
    Some of these women I “know” from their writing…others I do not. Looking forward to getting to know them and their insights on your terrific book and this river called “friendship” that we are all navigating!
    Bev xx

  2. Hi. I would like to participate but I am not on Facebook. Am I still able to do so? I hope there is a way!! Many blessings!

      • Thank you for answering !! Will I be able to see the Facebook live events? Either as they are happening or later on? Also, I manage a locally owned Christian bookstore in Fort Myers, FL and I had the opportunity to meet you mother in law last month!!

  3. Lisa-Jo, I am new to this group and have never heard any of these women, but God sent me this link because He knows I need it. I was a military wife up until June of last year and we are having an awful time transitioning to civilian life. We spent several months on unemployment and when my husband finally found temporary work he was not making more than the unemployment only getting taxed on it plus some. Our home was/is in foreclosure status, the bills I can not meet every month. Last Christmas I don’t even want to discuss for our two boys. I was/am never any good at making friends. We can’t agree on Church to attend and our lives are pure chaos. I am eager to start the series to learn from other strong women as well as have conversations with adults that are not my children (one of whom is mentally and physically disabled at the age of 12. The physically disability started at age 5.) Ugh, I’m rambling, but so very excited. ~~ Amy 🙂

    • Amy-

      Nice to meet you! I am so excited that God led you to this study. I pray that the messages He has for you through it come through loud and clear. Excited to get to know you better through studying together 🙂



    • Amy,
      You’ve had so many changes, and all of that is stressful. Military life from what I’ve heard from people who have been military families have the moving around and then the having to make friends all over again in a new place. So very often the new person. Special needs add another layer of hard stuff, and to find people who will listen and understand your vulnerability and the reality you face daily is priceless and a gift. Adding both mental and physical disability, is even more of a challenge. I will pray for God to bring those people into your life and He teach you through this study how to receive and be the friend you desire. There are no mistakes in God’s economy, and I am certain you will be able to hear with your heart other people as they speak, and become friends. You will find those gifts, and people will discover the gift you are. Blessings, Joanne

    • Hey there Amy, Oh man seasons like that are SO hard. I hope the book club will be a spark of encouragement in the midst of a difficult season of transition!

  4. Lisa-Jo,

    Can’t wait for the book club. I’m already digging into your book. Love your honesty and openness. Most of the women I know already, but can’t wait to get to know some of the others. Sounds like fun. Wish I could be there with you guys in person.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. Beautiful group. 🙂 Look forward to the sharing and the caring and the laughing and the crying and all the other “ings.” 🙂 May it be a difference-making offering and may the Friend of friends be glorified through it. ((hug))

  6. Hi Lisa Jo,
    I got your book and read it through and am still awed by your way of writing about things that I have dealt with (not well) over the years. I am, for the most part, home bound so I printed out the lovely cards and the commitment and gave them to one of my daughters-in-love, with the book and prayer.

    Dana holds classes for women, she uses Essential Oils, makes lip balm, facial cleansers, loves on women of all ages and teaches them how to pamper themselves, and her every response to “how are you?” no matter who it comes from, is “I am blessed and highly favored!” When I gave her the things last Saturday she told me that she has been invited to join a writer’s group of women from another church, because one of them had read her daily devotions on FB. I am waiting for the beautiful card holder and cards so I can give her those. Thank you for all of it!

    I am reading Ann’s book and the thrill stays with me. I am so o o o grateful for (in)courage and this wonderful community. Thank you all.

    Since I don’t need to be on FB I’d like to join the book club.

  7. I *LITERALLY* cannot wait. OK, maybe not LITERALLY because I can wait because I’m going to have to. But I can’t wait. This book is absolutely rocking my world and putting words to so many things my heart has always known and NORMALIZING things for me that I thought were just me and letting me know that I’m not alone in the things I have struggled with. Basically all of Chapter 5 had me like, ” THAT’S ME! THAT IS SO ME! THAT IS ALSO ME! AND THAT RIGHT THERE IS ME!” I read it twice and will go back and read it again. And these guests are fantabulous. I actually had the honor of taking a selfie stick picture with Jamie Ivey at the Noonday Collection conference in 2016. She is so wonderful. I CAN! NOT! WAIT! for this.

  8. I can’t wait! I am so excited and love every one of those women! I found out about the Sweatpant Club because Lisa Jo, you have been on like 3 different podcasts I listen to in the past 2 weeks…God Centered Mom Podcast with Heather MacFadyen ….. That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs….and The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey! I enjoyed them all and cant wait to spend even more time in the space of you Lisa Jo and all these wonderful girlfriends you are sharing with us! <3

  9. As a loyal reader of (in)courage I am interested in acquiring the book. Is it available on Amazon? secondly I am not a member of Facebook or own an iPhone. Thanks

  10. Hello Patricia!

    I’m pleased to see that I am not alone in those two areas. I am finally (almost) used to medical people asking me”you don’t HAVE a cell phone?” with an incredulous look on their face.

    And I am thankful every day for (in)courage and these women, so “Hello” again. I’m glad to see you here.